Pd2 Sociopath Build (2024)

1. Do you prefer Dodge build or Tank build? (Payday 2) | Fandom

  • Mar 28, 2023 · Dodge is just boring, relying on RNG for your build isn't a good idea. I run Sociopath with max armor because the gating is broken, ...

2. 2 Forma Excalibur Build by Lasagna_Pizza - Sociopath Build

  • Sociopath Build ; 1. Slash Dash ; 2. Radial Blind ; 3. Roar ; 4. Exalted Blade.

  • Sociopath Build - 2 Forma Excalibur build by Lasagna_Pizza - Updated for Warframe 30.7

3. Answers to: whats the best melee build for sociopath in payday 2

4. Answers to: what are some good builds for sociopath in payday 2

5. Perk Decks | Payday Wiki - Fandom

  • Compared to the recovery skill offered by Infiltrator, the Sociopath deck can heal 50% vs 20% in the same time provided each kill is done in melee. The final ...

  • The Perk Decks system was added on Day 5 of CrimeFest 2014, and formed one of the main parts of Update 39 along with an extensive rebalance of existing Skills. Replacing passive tier bonuses, the Perk Decks system allows players to pick from twenty-two different "decks", each with nine perks (though the skills at second, fourth, sixth, and eighth rank are shared between all current decks). Only one perk deck can be active at a time. Presently, Perk Decks are not reset when going Infamous. Unlike

6. Sociopath Overdog Buff - PAYDAY 2 Mods - ModWorkshop

  • In vanilla you are very restricted what to use with this perk deck since many heavy weapons cant hit the 1 seacond timer which means you are going to loose on ...

  • Buffs Sociopaths Overdog 10x timer to 7 seaconds instead of 1

7. PD2 Builder Mobile

  • Skills Perk Decks Armors Throwables Deployables Share Build. Disable Infamy. Remaining skill points: 120. MASTERMIND. MASTERMIND. ENFORCER. TECHNICIAN.

  • An up-to-date Payday 2 Skill builder and manager.

8. Exterminator Perk Deck - PAYDAY 2 Mods - ModWorkshop

  • This perk deck goes great with crit builds! The old one especially. Oneshotting a dozer without slaughtering a few cops with a Machete just feels satisfying.

  • A Hotline Miami inspired dodge build that maintains survivability by chaining close-ranged kills in quick succession.

Pd2 Sociopath Build (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.