Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (2024)

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This ridiculously easy3-Ingredient Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe will wow your party guests, while keeping you at ease. It’s sure to be your new go-to appetizer recipe.

Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (1)

Why We Love Mini Stuffed Peppers

Sometimes the most simple things in life are the best.

I am sure you have made stuffed peppers before, but have you ever considered using mini peppers instead? They are so sweet, crunchy, and perfectly portioned for a simple appetizer.

All you need is three ingredients and 10 minutes to make these super flavorful cheese stuffed peppers!

Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (2)

Mini Sweet Peppers

This recipe is inspired by a recipe made by one of my neighbors, Mae. Let me tell you, she can cook. Anytime we get together, I can’t wait to see what she is going to whip up. This time, it was an appetizer. A simple recipe involving mini bell peppers, goat cheese, and a sprinkling of paprika.

Mind blown.

These 3-Ingredient Stuffed Mini Peppers Recipe are so addictive, you’ll find you make them again and again.

Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (3)

Simple Stuffed Mini Peppers

It made me reminisceon just howoften I over-do, in every area of my life. Family plans, dinner plans, craft projects, etc. It’s like a disease.

Yet, often the simplest things in life are what we cherish most from day to day. Afavorite song on the radio. A kindnote from a friend. A piece of good chocolate.

Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (4)

Ingredients You Need

Using only three grocery items, you can bake up 3-ingredient Stuffed Mini Peppers in 10 minutes.

  • Small peppers (mini bell peppers and/or jalapeños)
  • Garlic and herb-flavored goat cheese
  • A light drizzle of honey
Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (5)

Mini Pepper Tips & Tricks

  • Use creamy, not crumbly goat cheese! Make sure you choose a chevre goat cheese, since this kind is super cream.
  • Don’t over stuff! Make sure you fill the peppers just until each is filled to the edge. You don’t want to over-stuff and have too much cheese-to-pepper ratio!
  • Leave the stem on for easy eating. The stem is great to leave on because you can use that as a little handle when eating them. Serve with a little bowl for people to discard their stems!
Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (6)

What Can I Add to This Mini Sweet Pepper Recipe?

The base combination of mini peppers and goat cheese is extremely versatile.To mix things up, consider adding crumbled chorizo or toasted nuts. The possibilities are endless.

But remember to keep it simple.

Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (7)

Frequently Asked Questions

How else can I cook stuffed mini peppers?

Besides the oven, you can cook these stuffed peppers in the smoker or on the grill! In the smoker, cook on high for about 30 minutes until the cheese is bubbling. This will infuse a lovely smokey flavor. On the grill, cook at a medium heat for about 20 minutes!

How should I serve this stuffed peppers appetizer?

These peppers are best right out of the oven when they are warm and bubbly. I recommend serving them right away on a platter to prevent anyone getting burnt. You can serve alongside other appetizers like my sunburst pull apart bread, jalapeño hushpuppies, and some homemade mozz sticks!

See the Recipe Card Below for How to Make Mini Stuffed Peppers. Enjoy!

Other stuffed recipes you might like:

  • Best Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms
  • Chicken Pot Pie Stuffed Peppers (Video)
  • Keto Creole Shrimp Stuffed Avocado
  • Crunchy Jalapeno Bacon Stuffed Mushrooms

Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (8)

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Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe

Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes minutes

Easy 3-Ingredient Stuffed Mini Peppers Recipe that will delight your party guests! This simple appetizer recipe is loaded with flavor and so easy to make.

Servings: 12


US CustomaryMetric

  • 1 1/2 pounds mini bell peppers or a mix of mini bell peppers and jalapeños
  • 12 ounces garlic and herb seasoned chevre goat cheese
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

  • Cut all the peppers in half lengthwise and remove any seeds. Lay them cut-side-up on the baking sheet. Spoon the seasoned goat cheese into the center of each pepper half.

  • Lightly drizzle the peppers with honey, and sprinkle with salt if desired. You can also garnish them with fresh herbs if you like, but it’s not necessary. Bake for 10 minutes, then serve warm.



Optional Toppings: Various herbs, crumbled bacon or chorizo, balsamic glaze, smoked paprika, toasted nuts.


Serving: 2Pepper Halves, Calories: 97kcal, Carbohydrates: 4g, Protein: 5g, Fat: 6g, Saturated Fat: 4g, Cholesterol: 13mg, Sodium: 106mg, Potassium: 127mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 4g, Vitamin A: 2070IU, Vitamin C: 72.4mg, Calcium: 44mg, Iron: 0.8mg

Course: Appetizer

Cuisine: American

Author: Sommer Collier

Making this recipe?Follow us on Instagram and tag @ASpicyPerspective so we can share what you’re cooking!

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Mini Stuffed Peppers Recipe - A Spicy Perspective (2024)


How spicy are mini sweet peppers? ›

One of the convenient aspects of the mini sweet pepper is that they are almost completely seedless, which saves time during preparation. Unlike many of its spicy relatives, the mini sweet pepper does not have any heat, it does not register on the Scoville scale at all because it does not produce any capsaicin.

Why do my stuffed peppers taste bland? ›

The thing about most stuffed bell pepper recipes is 3that they call for salt in the filling, not for the peppers themselves. Without salt, the peppers are flabby and bland, merely a filling case. With a sprinkle of salt, they transform into a sweet and powerfully savory part of the dish.

Should I cover my stuffed peppers when baking? ›

Stuff the peppers: Pack the hollowed-out peppers with filling until it mounds slightly on top. Bake: Add just enough water to cover the bottom of the baking dish, and cover with aluminum foil. This steams the peppers as the filling heats, so that the peppers are crisp-tender, and not mushy.

Should you soften peppers before stuffing them? ›

I definitely suggest par-cooking the bell peppers first, just a little bit before stuffing them. Not only does this help to soften the bell peppers, but it also cuts down on your cook time. As the bell peppers are cooking you can make the filling, shaving off about 20 minutes from your total cook time.

What are the tiny spicy peppers? ›

Chiltepin Peppers - Wild, Tiny U.S. Native Hot Peppers

The chiltepin pepper is a tiny, round or oval shaped chili pepper grown wild throughout much of the U.S. and Mexico. It is quite spicy, measuring up to 100,000 Scoville Heat Units.

What is the sweetest spicy pepper? ›

The Leysa pepper is a unique and flavorful pepper variety that is definitely worth considering for home gardeners or small-scale farmers. Its sweet and fruity flavor, intense heat, and high productivity make it a versatile ingredient in many dishes, from spicy salsas and hot sauces to soups, stews, and curries.

What are the ingredients for stuffed peppers? ›

Why are my peppers not spicy? ›

Over caring for your peppers through excessive amounts of water and fertilizer will cause the peppers to be over sized and the capsicum in the membranes to become diluted, thus resulting is a milder tasting pepper. Just remember that to get hot chili peppers, you want healthy looking fruit, not big fruit.

Why are my stuffed peppers bitter? ›

If your supposedly “sweet” peppers taste bitter, the most likely culprit is lack of water. Pepper plants need to be consistently moist. Drought-stressed peppers go into survival mode, hastily ripening fruits and seeds without putting much energy into flavor. The resulting peppers are thin-walled and bitter.

What to pair with stuffed bell peppers? ›

18 Side Dishes to Serve with Stuffed Peppers
  1. 02 of 18. Quick & Easy Sautéed Broccolini. ...
  2. 05 of 18. Charred Sugar Snap Peas with Sesame-Chili Sauce. ...
  3. 08 of 18. Easy Cilantro-Lime Rice. ...
  4. 11 of 18. Chitrannam (Lemon Rice) ...
  5. 14 of 18. Zucchini & Mushroom Sauté
Nov 3, 2023

How do you make stuffed peppers not watery? ›

Trade moist cheeses for low-moisture mozzarella and parmesan. For an even more fool-proof solution, skip the cheese in the filling and sprinkle it over the peppers in the last couple minutes of cooking -- just enough time to top your peppers with a crunchy, golden-brown lid.

How do you keep stuffed peppers from falling apart? ›

Roasting lightly oiled peppers at a high heat gives the outside a chance to release some moisture so they can brown a bit, and placing the cut peppers face-side down allows that moisture to drain out rather than making them sit in their own liquid and get mushy.

How do you fix too much pepper in stuffing? ›

6 Tips to Fix Dishes That Are Too Spicy
  1. Add Dairy. There's a lot of hype about using milk to help provide relief from spicy foods, and for good reason. ...
  2. Use Citrus. ...
  3. Add Nuts or Nut Butters. ...
  4. Sprinkle in Sugar. ...
  5. Add Starch or Grains. ...
  6. Dilute It.
Apr 14, 2022

How long do you boil bell peppers to get them soft? ›

To boil bell peppers: Cook peppers, covered, in a small amount of boiling salted water for 6 to 7 minutes or until crisp-tender. To sauté bell peppers: Heat a skillet with 2 to 3 tablespoons of cooking oil over medium-high heat. Carefully add bell peppers and cook until just tender, about 10 minutes.

What are mini sweet peppers high in? ›

Source of beta-carotene, vitamin E (l), Vitamin B6 and folate.

Can you eat mini sweet peppers raw? ›

Mini, sweet and ready to eat.

These bright, vine-ripened peppers have very few seeds, so they're a great snack option that's quick and easy. Super crunchy and loaded with natural sugars, they're as delicious raw as they are on the grill.

Do mini sweet peppers taste different than bell peppers? ›

You can use mini sweet peppers the same way you would bell peppers, but their extra sweet flavor makes them an arguably better addition to recipes than their larger counterparts! Read on to check out some of our favorite ways to use mini sweet peppers in your kitchen.

Are sweet bite peppers spicy? ›

These sweet little peppers are great eaten cooked or raw. They may look like feisty, little hot peppers, but in fact they're sweet and perfectly snack sized. Colour of peppers may vary.


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