Low Fodmap Ketchup Recipe (2024)

By: Sarah NevinsPosted: 8/5/15

A simple,Paleo and Low Fodmap ketchup recipe perfect for sensitive tummies.

Low Fodmap Ketchup Recipe (1)

Unpopular opinion time.

I’m going to be totally honest with you when I say that I have never liked commercial, store bought ketchup. The best way to ruin a perfectly good french fry is to dip it in that sugary, red paste.

(Sorry, not sorry!)

However, homemade ketchup is an entirely different story.

I like being able to customise flavors to my own tastes and I like knowing that there are no added chemical flavourings, coloring, or processed sugars. Rather than tasting one giant blob of sugar tomato, you can actually taste a variety of seasoning that work together to make make the perfect combination of tangy and spice.

Low Fodmap Ketchup Recipe (2)

Making a Low FODMAP Ketchup

A lot of ketchup’s also contain traces of garlic and onions in them – which is great! I love garlic and onion in my foods, but when you’re trying to avoid high FODMAP foods – those are your two main culprits for causing stomach upset.

I know all too well how disheartening it can be to look up recipes to make only to realize that it’s full of things that you can’t have.

So all you IBS’s sufferers out there – I see you. I hear you. I am totally there for you and this low FODMAP ketchup is made just for you.

Low Fodmap Ketchup Recipe (3)

What to make next?

  • Use this ketchup to make my low FODMAP/paleo friendly Sweet and Sour Chicken.
  • Make these homemade five spice chicken tenders to dip in this ketchup.
  • Try it out on this Turkey Burgers with Spinach or these Broccoli Cheddar Chicken Burgers.
  • If you’re interested in low FODMAP condiments can even make my low FODMAP Ranch Dressing and/or my Garlic Free Chive Pesto

Did you make this? Be sure to leave a review below and tag me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest!

Yield:14 servingsPrep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 25 minutes


A simple, Paleo and Low Fodmap ketchup recipe perfect for sensitive tummies.


  • 1 cup (225 g) tomato puree or passata
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) white wine vinegar
  • 1/4 cup (50 g) coconut sugar or granulated white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon dried mustard powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon allspice
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika

Need help converting to weights? Check out my cups to grams Conversion Guide.


  1. Add all of your ingredients to a sauce pan over a medium-low heat and bring to a simmer.
  2. Let simmer for at least 20 minutes. The sauce should thicken slightly and reduce as it cooks. Make sure to stir occasionally to prevent the bottom or sides from burning.
  3. Allow the ketchup to cool completely before storing in an airtight container to keep in the fridge.


  • One of my reader has informed me that the Costco Kirkland brand of organic tomato products are free of onion and garlic, as are Jovial brand products (for smaller portions).
  • Make sure that your tomato puree or passata is 100% tomatoes without any added garlic, onion or spices.
  • Leftover ketchup can be kept stored in an airtight container in the fridge for about 1-2 weeks. For longer storage, pour into an ice cube tray. Once fully frozen, pop the frozen ketchup cubes out and transfer to a freezer safe bag. Label and keep frozen for up to six months.

Nutrition Information

Yield: 14

Serving Size:

1 tablespoonCalories: 17Sodium: 176mgCarbohydrates: 4gSugar: 2g

This website provides approximate nutrition information for convenience and as a courtesy only. Nutrition data is gathered primarily from the USDA Food Composition Database, whenever available, or otherwise other online calculators.

© A Saucy Kitchen, Sarah Nevins

Course: Sauces & CondimentsCuisine:American

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About Sarah Nevins

Hi, I'm Sarah! Welcome to my little gluten free corner of the internet. I like eating vegetables, but sometimes I get distracted by cookies...

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  1. Lee says

    Love this recipe, it is my go to since finding out I cannot eat onions and garlic anymore. Walmart’s brand Great Value tomato sauce and tomato paste are also free of onions and garlic. They are also field to can in 5 hours.


    • Sarah Nevins says

      Thanks, Lee! So glad you’ve been able to enjoy it with all the restrictions 🙂

      That’s really helpful to know about the walmart brand tomatoes too – thanks for sharing!


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Low Fodmap Ketchup Recipe (2024)


Is ketchup low in FODMAP? ›

At larger serving sizes the ketchups contained high levels of oligosaccharides, specifically fructans (1). This means large serving sizes of tomato ketchup should be avoided during the elimination phase. However, a small low FODMAP serve of ketchup should be well tolerated by many individuals (1).

Can you eat ketchup on IBS diet? ›

Too much fructose in your diet can worsen IBS symptoms. And that includes the high-fructose corn syrup found in a myriad of products, such as soda, ketchup and barbecue sauces, and many packaged foods. Some heavy hitters in the fructose department include pears, apples, and watermelon.

Is Hunt's ketchup low FODMAP? ›

Yes! Despite trigger ingredients, this product has either tested low FODMAP in a lab or been approved by our clinical team.

Is Hellmann's ketchup low FODMAP? ›

This product may or may not be low FODMAP as it lists 3 ingredients that could be moderate or high FODMAP depending on source or serving size.

Is Heinz Simply ketchup FODMAP friendly? ›

This product has 1 ingredient that is high FODMAP and 3 ingredients that may be high FODMAP.

Is Worcestershire sauce low in FODMAP? ›

Worcestershire Sauce: Even though this food typically contains high FODMAP ingredients (like molasses or garlic powder), Worcestershire sauce has been tested and is considered low FODMAP by Monash University. A low FODMAP serving is 2 tablespoons or 42 grams.

Is Chick-fil-A sauce low in FODMAP? ›

This product has 4 ingredients that are high FODMAP and 3 ingredients that may be high FODMAP. Which diet do you follow? Follow more than one?

Are pickles FODMAP friendly? ›

Are pickles low FODMAP? Yes and no. Pickled cucumbers are low FODMAP, unlike some other pickled vegetables whose FODMAP content changes drastically, according to Monash. However, it depends on whether the cucumbers are pickled with a high FODMAP ingredient, such as garlic.

Is Ranch low in FODMAP? ›

4 Delicious Low-FODMAP Sauces/ Dressings/ Dips: RANCH, (no) Honey-Dill, Special/Secret & Sukiyaki. Here are 4 low-FODMAP delicious sauce, dressing and dip recipes.

Are mashed potatoes high FODMAP? ›

Mashed potatoes - as long as your mashed potatoes consist of potatoes and lactose-free milk, then it's a safe dish on a low FODMAP diet. Lactose-free milk is a low FODMAP option. Regular cow's milk is high in FODMAPs due to its lactose content.

Is applesauce a low FODMAP? ›

3g (approximately 3/4 teaspoon) of applesauce is considered low FODMAP. At 4g (approximately 1 teaspoon) it becomes moderate for fructose. In 122g serves, applesauce is high in sorbitol and fructose and moderate in fructans.

Is peanut butter low in FODMAP? ›

Is peanut butter low FODMAP? Peanuts are low in FODMAPs, and natural peanut butter is also. Some peanut butter brands add sweeteners with FODMAPs, but typically add small amounts that most people tolerate.

What ketchup is low FODMAP? ›

FODY tomato ketchup (475 g). This popular brand is available internationally and is certified low FODMAP by Monash University.

Are rice krispies low in FODMAP? ›

Monash University has certified seven of our U.S. cereals as low FODMAP – Kellogg's Rice Krispies, Kellogg's Frosted Krispies, Kellogg's Cocoa Krispies, Kellogg's Strawberry Krispies, Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Kellogg's Crispix and Kellogg's Frosted Flakes.

Is honey ok for low FODMAP? ›

Honey is high in fructose, a type of simple sugar that's classified as a FODMAP ( 8 ). For this reason, people following a low FODMAP diet often limit their intake of honey alongside other foods high in fructose, such as peaches, pears, apples, and cherries.

Can you eat tomato sauce on low FODMAP? ›

Monash University has found that a small 16g (or 2 sachets) serve of tomato sauce is low FODMAP (1). Avoid larger serves as they contain moderate amounts of fructans, and should be limited during the low FODMAP phase of the diet (1).

Does ketchup irritate the stomach? ›

Tomato products

One of the most notorious trigger foods of heartburn and indigestion alike, tomatoes and tomato based products may be causing your upset stomach. Ketchup, marinara sauce, tomato paste, and tomato soup all make the list of tomato products to avoid.

What condiments are bad for IBS? ›

Hot or spicy foods may irritate the digestive system and trigger IBS symptoms. Some flavorings — such as miso, soy sauce, and saki — contain ingredients that might act as FODMAPs in large quantities.

What ketchup does not have high fructose corn syrup? ›

Hunt's 100% Natural Tomato Ketchup

Another all-natural option, this ketchup is made with cane sugar and doesn't contain corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup. "Hunts 100% Natural Ketchup [is a] variety that I would recommend to use in moderation," says Trista Best, Registered Dietitian at Balance One Supplements.


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