Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe - Delicious Thanksgiving Meal (2024)

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Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey is a delicious and easy way to cook a turkey that is as juicy as it is tender. Cutting the bird in this way before you cook it ensures that the thighs and breasts cook evenly.

Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe - Delicious Thanksgiving Meal (1)

Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe

I don’t consider myself an “expert” in many things. Partof that is just that I’m also a perfectionist, and to me being an “expert” means that you know all there is to know about that subject, and how can we ever, right?

I feel like an expert after I made this turkey.

Turkey dinner is my FAVORITE dinner, you guys. I’ve posted about this many times before, but let me remind you. We’ve done a traditional Traeger Grilled Turkey already too that you’ll love. I’m SUPER particular about turkey because I love it so much. We had a traditional turkey dinner for our wedding meal – in August.

My whole family pitched in to cook it, and it was one of the most fabulous meals I’ve ever had.

I don’t think my family wanted to make turkey again until I’d been married for 5 years or so, but they still love me so hopefully they recovered. 😀

I was always skeptical about the Spatchco*ck method because normal turkey roasting is SO good. Plus, the stuffing. I can’t miss out on the stuffing. But I was really interested in the additional juiciness in the turkey that all of the spatchco*ck fans shout from the rooftops.

They were right.

Check out all of my Traeger Recipes!

Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe - Delicious Thanksgiving Meal (2)

How to spatchco*ck a turkey

The process of spatchco*cking isn’t super difficult, but it can be a little rough without the right tools. Namely, a killer pair of kitchen scissors. You’re going to be cutting through the rib cage on either side of the bird, along the sides of the backbone which is the piece you need to remove.

Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe - Delicious Thanksgiving Meal (3)

Step-by-step Instructions to Spatchco*ck a Turkey

  1. Place the bird on a stable surface, with the breasts down and the legs towards you. You should be able to see and feel the backbone of the bird on top.
  2. With SHARP kitchen shears, start cutting up the side of the backbone, cutting through the ribs. This takes some muscle, and if you are squeamish about bone breaking noises you might want to tag in someone else because this gets a little intense.
  3. Cut up the other side of the backbone, through the ribs, and remove the backbone. Save it for the stock pot though!
  4. Flip the turkey over and lay it flat. Using the heel of your hand, press down on the breastbone, hard, to flatten it out more.
  5. That’s it! You are ready to season and grill!

How to season a spatchco*ck turkey

Just because your bird is now face down, don’t neglect to season the underside! Brush the whole bird with oil or melted butter, and then go nuts with the herbs and seasoning.

For the turkey pictured here, I used a heavy hand with Traeger Chicken Rub, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and sage. You can use whatever seasoning mix/combination is your favorite. There are a lot of great combinations out there.

My advice is just to NOT SKIMP. You are seasoning a LOT of meat. It needs lots of flavor.

Get all of our Holiday Recipes here!

Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe - Delicious Thanksgiving Meal (5)

What should you serve with turkey?

I go traditional with my turkey and do regular Thanksgiving sides. My favorites are:

Get all of my easy dessert recipes here!

What can you do with leftover turkey?

Our favorites are the simple turkey sandwich on leftover rolls with a little salt and mayo, but if you are on day 2-3 of your turkey leftovers and want to get a little fancy, my Homemade Turkey Noodle Soup might just rival the main event of Thanksgiving dinner. Plus, you can use up not only the leftover turkey meat, but also use the carcass for the broth, and the gravy in the soup as well!

Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe - Delicious Thanksgiving Meal (6)

What are your favorites sides to make with turkey? Is there anything that you just CANNOT live with on your holiday table?

More great recipes to love!

  • Smoked Mac and Cheese
  • Smash Burgers
  • Traeger Smoked Pork Loin
  • Smoked Ham
  • Traeger Pork Chops
  • Spatchco*ck Chicken
  • Smoked Salmon
  • Smoked Tri-tip
  • Fried Walleye
  • Chicken Marsala
  • Homemade Bolognese
  • Grilled Venison Backstrap
  • Camarones a la Diabla
  • Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe - Delicious Thanksgiving Meal (7)

Yield: 1 turkey

Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe - Delicious Thanksgiving Meal (8)

Spatchco*ck Turkey is the best turkey! Get used to evenly cooked, moist, juicy, and delicious meat – both white AND dark.

Prep Time30 minutes

Cook Time1 hour 15 minutes

Total Time1 hour 45 minutes


  • 1 whole turkey
  • 1/2 cup of oil or melted butter
  • 1/4 cup Traeger Chicken Rub
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon rubbed sage


  1. Preheat your Traeger to high, following factory directions. For most models this will be around 400°-450°F.
  2. Place the bird breast-side down with the legs pointing towards you, and cut up either side of the backbone through the ribs to remove the spine.
  3. Flip the turkey over, season well on both sides, and place skin-side up onto your pre-heated grill. You can also place it in a pan if you want to catch the drippings!
  4. Grill on high heat for 30 minutes, and then turn the temp down to 325 for the remaining 45 minutes.
  5. Check your turkey at around the 60 minute mark because it may be done already depending on the size of your bird! You want it to be at 165° no matter where you test it.
  6. Remove from the grill, let rest for 15-20 minutes, and then cut into pieces and serve.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 156Total Fat: 16gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 13gCholesterol: 12mgSodium: 19mgCarbohydrates: 1gFiber: 0gSugar: 0gProtein: 2g

Nutrition data provided here is only an estimate. If you are tracking these things for medical purposes please consult an outside, trusted source. Thanks!

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Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe - Delicious Thanksgiving Meal (9)

Nicole Johnson


Nicole Johnson, a self-taught expert in grilling and outdoor cooking, launched Or Whatever You Do in 2010. Her blog, renowned for its comprehensive and creative outdoor cooking recipes, has garnered a vast audience of millions. Nicole's hands-on experience and passion for grilling shine through her work. Her husband, Jeremiah Johnson, also plays a pivotal role in recipe development, adding his culinary flair to the mix. Together, they form a dynamic duo, offering a rich and varied outdoor cooking experience to their followers.

Traeger Smoked Spatchco*ck Turkey Recipe - Delicious Thanksgiving Meal (2024)


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.