Tomb Interiors Lesson plan based on Amenemhet Explore tomb - [PDF Document] (2024)

Tomb Interiors Lesson plan based on Amenemhet Explore tomb - [PDF Document] (1)

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Tomb Interiors

Lesson plan based on Amenemhet

Explore tomb artwork, its placement, and its function in the afterlife.

Skills and Focus: Art History, DiscussionSubject Area: Fine ArtsThematic Connection: Signs and SymbolsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 30 minutes

Objectives• Identify the objects and figures depicted on the wall fragment.• Recognize the different areas and chambers of an Egyptian tomb and theirfunctions.• Determine where the fragment was placed in the tomb based on the subjectdepicted.• Analyze how this wall fragment increases understanding of Egyptian daily lifeand burial customs.

Instructional Materials NeededStories: What Does This Show? and How Was This Used?Writing paperPens or pencils

ActivityStep 1: After watching the stories, discuss as a class or in small groups whatstudents see on the wall fragment. During the discussion, have each student makea list of the objects and items they have identified.

Step 2: Explain the internal structure of Egyptian tombs. The undergroundchamber contained the mummy. The upper rooms were decorated with scenes ofdaily life. These rooms were open to the public and provided a space for visitorsto leave food offerings or say prayers for the deceased. The ancient Egyptiansbelieved that depicting the deceased with images of favorite foods ensured thatnourishment would be available in the afterlife.

Step 3: Have students determine where this fragment might have been located inthe tomb, based on the lists they created.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• name the aspect of Egyptian burial that is shown on this fragment of the tombwall.• describe the purpose of this fragment.

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• explain why you think the artist included these particular images on thefragment.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 27: Understand the role of the arts in civilizations,past and present.


• Alternative Alphabet

Lesson plan based on Amenemhet

Determine and compare hieroglyph content and frequency to sentences constructed in analternative alphabet based on symbols that mimic sounds of the alphabet.

Skills and Focus: CalculationSubject Area: MathematicsThematic Connection: Signs and SymbolsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 90 minutes

• Objectives• Understand the relative frequency of hieroglyphs on the relief.• Make and critique inferences based on the relative frequency of repeated letters.

• Instructional Materials NeededStory: What Does This Show?Amenemhet Detail

• ActivityStep 1: Using the printout of the stone relief, have students decide which imagesare hieroglyphs and which ones are not.

Step 2: Have students cross out the duplicate hieroglyphs and then count thenumber of individual hieroglyphs that remain.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• state how many hieroglyphs show animals and how many show plants.• explain how the names of different birds, plants, or other familiar thingsmight be used to represent sounds.

Step 3: Discuss with students how many letters in the Roman alphabet havenames similar to common persons, places, or things (i.e., B = bee, C = sea). Ask

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students to create an alternative alphabet using a bee to stand for B, and so on, andcount up the number of plant, animal and other derived letters that make up theiralphabets. Compare results to the Amenemhet inscription.

Step 4: Have students write a sentence or two (about 20 words) in the alternativealphabet they created. Compare the number of repeated signs (letters) in eachstudent’s sentence to the number repeated on the relief. Do the results suggestthat Egyptian hieroglyphs had more or fewer signs than the Roman alphabet?Discuss possible pitfalls of this sampling process, such as the ritual nature of theAmenemhet inscription and repetition of proper names.

• GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and senseof numbers, including basic arithmetic operations, number patterns, ratios, andproportions.

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Body Building

Lesson plan based on Amenemhet

Determine whether ancient Egyptian drawing was proportional and in perspective bycomparing ancient Egyptian drawings, a mummy’s x-ray, and contemporary photographsof people.

Skills and Focus: Problem Solving

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Subject Area: ScienceThematic Connection: Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60 minutes

Objectives• Understand the difference between standardized representation and realisticproportions.• Understand the concept of sampling and comparing data sets.

Instructional Materials NeededAmenemhet DetailXray Image

ActivityStep 1: Explain that Egyptian artists represented people using a strict ratio of thesize of body parts called a canon of proportions. In the time that the relief ofAmenemhet was made, the canon of proportions divided the body into 18identical units. The torso and head were typically represented as 7 units in heightand the lower body (from the waist down) as 11 units.

Step 2: Have students divide the printouts of Amenemhet and his wife Hemet into18 identical units and decide whether this canon has been followed.

Step 3: Tell students to bring in photographs of people from magazines ornewspapers and apply the same system to them. Students should compare theresults to those for the Egyptian images.

Step 4: Discuss the findings with the class.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• recognize and describe how the proportions in the photographs differ fromthose of Amenemhet and Hemet.• conclude whether this is because ancient Egyptians were physically differentfrom us.• resolve the question by conducting the same experiment on the x-ray image ofthe mummy.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 11: Have a working knowledge of the processesof scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conductexperiments, and solve problems.

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Ancient and Modern Diets

Lesson plan based on Amenemhet

Investigate the ancient Egyptian diet and compare it to the contemporary American diet.

Skills and Focus: Cultural Comparisons, WritingSubject Area: Social ScienceThematic Connection: Connecting Past and Present, Comparing CulturesGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 30 minutes

Objectives• Gain an understanding of ancient Egyptian diet.• Compare students' modern diet to that of Amenemhet.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: What Does This Show?Fragment


ActivityStep 1: Have students list all of the foods they see represented on the wallfragment.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• explain which food is represented in the greatest quantity.• recognize whether all of this food is native to ancient Egypt.• conclude what these foods say about the typical diet in ancient Egypt.• predict how Amenemhet’s diet would change if he were suddenlytransported to contemporary America.

Step 2: Ask students to fill in the chart with contemporary equivalents toAmenemhet’s diet, and decide which diet they would prefer and why.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 12: Have a working knowledge of thefundamental concepts and principles of the life, physical, and earth/space sciences andtheir connections.

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What Amenemhet Ate What I Eat

Yellow and white bread






A Day in the Life of Amenemhet and Hemet

Lesson plan based on Amenemhet

Summarize everyday life in ancient Egypt by writing about a typical day in the life of anEgyptian man or woman

Skills and Focus: WritingSubject Area: English Language ArtsThematic Connection: Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 50-minutes

Objectives• Use the information presented in the story What Does This Show? to write animaginary journal entry about a day in the life of Amenemhet or his wife Hemet.

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• Convey a clear sense of life in ancient Egypt by using appropriate action verbsand sensory details as well as historically accurate details about life in ancientEgypt.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: What Does This Show?Storytranscript

ActivityStep 1: Students should watch the story What Does This Show?, paying closeattention to the details of Amenemhet’s and Hemet's lives. Encourage students totake notes on the visual appearance of clothing, food, and people.

Step 2: Distribute the transcript and review the descriptions that were includedabout the Egyptian couple's professions, clothing, diet, and life together.Encourage the students to use their imaginations to supply missing details.

Step 3: Have students write journal entries describing a day in the life ofAmenemhet or Hemet. Encourage students to pattern their entries after the waythey write in their own journals. Entries should include vivid action verbs andsensory details and should suggest what life was like in ancient Egypt, from risingin the morning to retiring at night.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 1: Read for understanding and fluency.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 3: Write to communicate for a variety ofpurposes.

This slab of limestone came from the tomb of an Egyptian man named Amenemhet. Helived around the year 1800 B.C., nearly 4,000 years ago.

Amenemhet is shown in the middle, wearing a traditional Egyptian kilt. Pleats areindicated by lines, and the point on the front is a representation of a box pleat, seen fromthe front and side at the same time. Amenemhet also wears a wide beaded necklace.

His wife, whose name is Hemet (which means "wife"), stands behind him. She wears a tightly-fitting white dress with broad shoulder straps, a necklace, green anklets, andbracelets. She holds a flower to her nose, inhaling its sweet scent.

Amenemhet and Hemet stand in front of a stack of food, which was intended to feedthem eternally in the life after death. In front of Amenemhet is a white table stacked withtall yellow loaves of bread. On top of the tall loaves of bread are a haunch of beef, a loafof white bread, and a bunch of vegetables, perhaps leeks.

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On the floor, to the right of the table, is a spouted water jar sitting in a basin for thecouple to wash their hands before and after eating. To the left are four hieroglyphs whichsay "funerary meal."

Other offerings stacked on the right side include three tall jars for liquids, parts of a cow,more vegetables, and bread, all of which were staples of the diet in ancient Egypt.

A little figure of a man also named Amenemhet, perhaps their son, offers a choice leg ofbeef to the tomb owner. Although it looks like he is floating in the air, he is supposed tobe behind the offerings. Egyptian artists did not like to overlap figures, so they stackedthem one above the other to indicate depth.

The hieroglyphic inscription along the top is a prayer, which ensured that Amenemhetand his wife would have food for eternity. It reads from right to left; "A gift that the kinggives; a thousand of bread, beer, oxen and fowl, alabaster, clothing and provisions, andevery pure thing upon which the god lives."

These hieroglyphs spell Hemet’s name. These are the name of her mother, It. In front of Amenemhet is the name of his father, Ip. By recording the name and imageof the deceased, as well as food offerings, the ancient Egyptians thought that they couldimmortalize themselves and their provisions for an eternal life after death.

______________________________________________________________________Life After Death

Lesson plan based on Model Boat

Choose and create objects needed for a productive afterlife in ancient Egypt.

Skills and Focus: Art History, WritingSubject Area: Fine ArtsThematic Connection: The AfterlifeGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 80 minutes

Objectives• Explain how the model boat reflects the people and customs of ancient Egypt.• Describe the role boats played in ancient Egyptian daily life and the afterlife.• Identify a variety of other objects used in the afterlife by ancient Egyptians andrecreate them in class using paint or clay.

Instructional Materials Needed• Stories: Boats in Ancient Egypt and Models as Substitutes• Modeling clay

or• Materials for painting

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• 11 x 17" sheets of paper• Tempera paint in a variety of colors• Brushes• Small containers for rinsing brushes

ActivityStep 1: Discuss the ancient Egyptian practice of placing objects like this modelboat in tombs for use in the afterlife. Boats were an integral part of daily life asthe main mode of transportation, and thus would be important for people to takewith them to the afterlife.

Step 2: Ask the class to fill the ancient tomb that contained this boat with otherobjects needed for a productive afterlife, based on their knowledge of life inancient Egypt. Each student should suggest one object from the followingcategories:

• Buildings• Food and drink• Leisure or entertainment activities• People• Animals

Step 3: Ask students to recreate the objects in clay or paint.

Step 4: Finally, have students write a short, first-person account from the point ofview of the object they sculpted or painted, titled "My Role in the Afterlife"Display the objects around the classroom and discuss how each was of value tothe ancient Egyptians.

Adapted from Model Boat discussion and activity in The Art Institute of ChicagoTeacher Packet, Art on the Move, 1996.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 26: Through creating and performing, understandhow works of art are produced.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 27: Understand the role of the arts in civilizations,past and present.


A Trip Down the Nile

Lesson plan based on Model Boat

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Research, write, and illustrate group reports that acknowledge the cultural importance ofselected towns, monuments, and sights along the Nile River.• Skills and Focus: Research, Writing, Illustrating, GeographySubject Area: English Language ArtsThematic Connection: TransportationGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: Three 50-minute class periods• Objectives

• Research the upper and lower kingdoms of Egypt and some of the varioustowns, monuments, and sites along the Nile.

• Work in small groups to explore in detail one site along the Nile, writing atwo-paragraph summary accompanied by an illustration.

• Through reading one another's presentations, understand the culturalimportance of different places along the Nile.

Instructional Materials Needed• Stories: Boats in Ancient Egypt and Egyptian Culture• Map• Crayons, markers, or colored pencils• Print resources on ancient and modern Egypt:

• Ganeri, Anita. Focus on Ancient Egyptians. New York: GloucesterPress, 1993. Pp. 4-5

• Harris, Geraldine. Cultural Atlas for Young People: Ancient Egypt.New York: Facts On File, Inc., 1990. (maps throughout).

• Bentley IV, John J. Egypt Guide. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Open RoadPublishing, 1998.

• Exploring Egypt, 2nd ed. New York: Fodor's Travel Publications, 1998.• Haag, Michael. Egypt, 2nd ed. London: Cadogan Books, 1998.• Insight Guide: Egypt, 5th ed. London: Insight Guides, APA

Publications, 1998.• Knopf Guides: Egypt. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1995.• Richardson, Dan. Egypt: The Rough Guide, 3rd ed. London: Rough

Guides, Inc., 1996.

ActivityStep 1: Show students maps of both modern and ancient Egypt, pointing out theNile Delta, Upper and Lower Egypt, major cities such as Cairo and Memphis, andthe locations of historic sites including Giza, Saqqara, Dendera, and the Valley ofthe Kings. Modern sites of importance, such as the Aswan High Dam, should alsobe pointed out.

• Step 2: Divide students into groups of two or three. Using modern travel guidesalongside books on ancient culture, work with each group as they decide which

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sites to explore. Possibilities include but are not limited to Rosetta, Memphis,Giza, Saqqara, Dendera, Valley of the Kings, Aswan, Thebes, and Cairo. Theproduct of this research should be a summary of the site that answers thefollowing questions:

• Why is this place important?• When was it constructed or founded?• What are the most interesting aspects of this place?• Is this place part of ancient or modern Egypt?• If the place is a remnant of ancient Egyptian culture, what happenedthere?• What historical figures are associated with it?• What kinds of Egyptian art and artifacts can be seen there?• If the place is part of modern Egypt, why was it constructed?• How important is the place in current life? Do people live in, work in, orvisit this place?

Step 3: Have students use their research to create group reports about their place.Each group also should complete an illustration of the site.

• Step 4: When students have completed their reports, ask a representative of eachgroup to read the group’s report to the class.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 1: Read for understanding and fluency.This activity meets Illinois State Goal 3: Write to communicate for a variety ofpurposes.


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Boat Size from Bow to Stern

Lesson plan based on Model Boat

Estimate, simulate, and compare the length of an ancient Egyptian boat using humanrowers as units of measure.

Skills and Focus: Calculation, MeasuringSubject Area: MathematicsThematic Connection: Counting and CalculatingGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60 minutes

Objectives• Use numerical ratios to measure an object of unknown size using an object ofknown size as a measuring tool.

Instructional Materials Needed• Boat Image• Xray• Rulers, paper, pencils

ActivityStep 1: Distribute copies of the model boat to each student. Have studentsmeasure the length of the boat and the distance from the hips to the top of thehead of each rower.

Step 2: Distribute a copy of the mummy’s x–ray to each student. Students shouldmeasure the height of the mummy with the ruler and the height of the mummy’storso and head. We know that the mummy was 5’5” tall. Ask students to use theratio of torso and head: total height of the mummy to estimate the distance fromhis hips to the top of his head.

Step 3: Assuming the height derived in Step 2 is the same as the height of therowers, students can use this height to estimate the total length of the boat.

Step 4: Using a yardstick, students can estimate the size of the boat compared tothe classroom. Mark the outlines of the boat on the floor with masking tape, andarrange chairs for the student rowers (or have them sit on the floor).

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and senseof numbers, including basic arithmetic operations, number patterns, ratios, andproportions.

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This activity meets Illinois State Goal 7: Estimate, make, and use measurements ofobjects, quantities, and relationships and determine acceptable levels of accuracy.

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Navigating the Nile

Lesson plan based on Model Boat

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Calculate the length of a journey down the Nile River given various weather andwater–current conditions.

Skills and Focus: Calculation, Problem SolvingSubject Area: ScienceThematic Connection: GeographyGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60 minutes

Objectives• Solve an algebraic problem.• Understand how the weather affects travel on a river.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: Boats in Ancient Egypt

ActivityStep 1: While watching Boats in Ancient Egypt, make sure they note the distancethe Nile River travels through Egypt. Then ask them to calculate the number ofdays it would take for a boat traveling 5 mph in still water for 12 hours a day tosail the length of the Nile.

Step 2: Then ask the students to perform the following calculations:• Assuming the waters of the Nile flow south to north (S–N) at 4 mph,how long will it take to sail the length of the Nile S–N and then N–S.• If the S–N wind can increase the speed of a boat using a sail by anadditional 6 mph, calculate the S–N travel time.

Step 3: Calculate the difference between the N–S and the S–N travel times.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 11: Have a working knowledge of the processesof scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conductexperiments, and solve problems.


A River Runs Through It

Lesson plan based on Model Boat

Use timelines to research, compare, and illustrate the impact and influence of the Nileand Chicago rivers on the development of ancient Egypt and the city of Chicago.

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Skills and Focus: Hands-on, Cultural Comparisons, Geography, WritingSubject Area: Social ScienceThematic Connection: Geography, Comparing CulturesGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 90 minutes

Objective• Explain ways in which geographic factors influenced the development of ancientEgypt and the city of Chicago.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: Boats in Ancient Egypt• Timeline• 18 x 24-inch poster board (one for each student pair)• Online resources:

• Information about the Chicago River (Friends of the Chicago River):•

• Images of Chicago from Chicago Historical Society:•

• Additional Chicago historical link to images:•

• Print Resource:• Mayer, Harold and Richard Wade. Chicago: Growth of a Metropolis.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.

ActivityStep 1: Divide students into two-person groups. Each group will use the aboveresources to:

• research the impact of the Nile on the development of ancient Egypt.• research the impact of the Chicago River on the development of Chicago.• compare the two rivers and their respective importance to each region.• document key events in the development of each region that occurred

specifically as a result of the existence of each respective river.

Step 2: Ask each group to use the poster board to create two timelines documentingeach region’s development and progress thanks to their life-giving rivers. To illustrateeach timeline, have students use images from Cleopatra and from the onlineresources about Chicago. Display the timelines in the class.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 16: Understand and analyze events, trends,individuals, and movements shaping the history of Illinois, the United States, and othernations.

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This activity meets Illinois State Goal 17: Demonstrate a knowledge of worldgeography, as well as an understanding of the effects of geography on society, with anemphasis on the United States.


Personal Mummy Case

Lesson plan based on Mummy Case

Create a papier mâché mummy case covered with personal symbols from students’ lives.

Skills and Focus: StudioSubject Area: Fine ArtsThematic Connection: Signs and Symbols, Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 80 minutes (plus papier mâché drying time)

Objectives• Create a three-dimensional mummy case using papier mâché.• Recognize how the relationship of the different parts of the body relate to each

other in three dimensions.• Describe how artists use symbols to communicate ideas.• Identify and depict symbols of people, events, and objects in students' lives.

Instructional Materials Needed• Stories: Who Is Inside This Case? and What Is on This Mummy Case?• Mummy Case• Newspaper• Masking tape• Papier mâché materials (strips of paper, water, paste)• Tempera paints• Brushes• Small containers of water to rinse brushes while painting.

ActivityStep 1: After watching the stories, discuss how the human body fits into the form ofthe mummy case. How would the arms, legs, and torso be positioned?

Step 2: Have each student fold and crunch sheets of newspaper into a three-dimensional shape that approximates the form of a. human body reclining on its back(somewhat like a little doll) to simulate the bandages wrapped around corpses by thepreparers of mummies.

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Step 2: Cover the newspaper forms with papier mâché to simulate the shape of amummy case, and let the forms dry thoroughly.

Step 3: The mummy case in the story is covered with painted symbols of objects andevents relating to the life of the man inside the case. Have your students think aboutpeople, objects, and events important to each of them, and then paint these personalsymbols on the surfaces of their cases.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 26: Through creating and performing, understandhow works of art are produced.


Prayers for Paankhenamun

Lesson plan based on Mummy Case

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Find out about key attributes, characteristics, and roles of ancient Egyptian gods andgoddesses by writing and presenting aloud a letter or poem asking them to welcome andEgyptian to the afterlife.

Skills and Focus: Research, Online Research, WritingSubject Area: English Language ArtsThematic Connection: The Afterlife, Myths and LegendsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: Two 50-minute class periods

Objectives• Work in groups of two or three to research one of the six Egyptian gods and

goddesses of the afterlife.• Recognize images of this god or goddess according to his or her physical

attributes.• Understand the symbols associated with and the role played by that god or

goddess in every Egyptian's journey from this world into the afterlife.• Demonstrate understanding by writing a letter from the perspective of a

contemporary of Paankhenamun that appeals on his behalf to one of the sixgods or goddesses.

Instructional Materials Needed• Story: What Is on This Mummy Case?• Mummy Case• Print Resources:

• Fisher, Leonard Everett. The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. NewYork: Holiday House, 1997.

• Online Resources:• Glossary of gods and goddesses

• (Click on "Glossary ofDeities.")

• Horus, Osiris, Anubis:•

• Horus, Osiris, Isis:•

• For fun or extra credit, try the Egypt Word Search at:•

ActivityStep 1: Before watching the story What Is on This Mummy Case?, divide studentsinto groups of two or three and assign each group to one of the following gods orgoddesses of the afterlife: Anubis, Horus, Osiris, Sons of Horus, Isis, andNephthys. Students should take notes about their respective god or goddess asthey watch the story.

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Step 2: Using the resources suggested in the Instructional Materials Neededsection, students should research their deities. They should find out the followinginformation about their god or goddess:

• How can this god or goddess be recognized? Does he or she have anydistinguishing physical features?

• What was the role of this god or goddess in an Egyptian's journey tothe afterlife? (Consider how this god or goddess would have beenhelpful to Paankenamun, the man in the mummy case.)

• What symbols or attributes are associated with this god or goddess?• What is the significance of the god's or goddess's name?

Step 3: Using the information gathered via research, the small groups of studentswill write a short letter, poem, or prayer to their respective god or goddess fromthe perspective of an ancient Egyptian on behalf of Paankhenamun. The answersto the above questions should be embedded within this document. Encouragestudents to imagine a personality for the god or goddess and for the individualwriter.

Step 4: During a subsequent class period, students can present their letters to theentire class in a dramatic fashion, with one student playing the role of the god orgoddess (demonstrating the attributes, role, and personality researched the daybefore), another the writer. If there is a third student in the group, he or she canplay Paankhenamun, using the information contained in the stories.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 2: Understand explicit and implicit meaning inliterature representing individual, community, national, world, and historicalperspectives.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 3: Write to communicate for a variety ofpurposes.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 4: Listen and speak effectively in a variety ofsituations.

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Measuring a Mummy Case

Lesson plan based on Mummy Case

Calculate the size of a mummy case and its contents using ancient Egyptianmeasurements.

Skills and Focus: Measuring, CalculationSubject Area: MathematicsThematic Connection: Counting and CalculatingGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 90 minutes

Objectives:• Practice measuring in different systems.• Convert between different measuring systems.

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Instruction Materials Needed• Xray• 21" strip of stiff cardboard (about 2" wide)• 3/4" digit and 3" palm templates• Felt-tipped pen• Yardstick or meter stick• Construction paper (or packing paper in one meter wide rolls)• Egyptian cubit (21") measures Egyptian number chart:


ActivityStep 1: Students can make cubit measuring sticks by marking the cardboard stripsin 3/4” intervals (digits) and 3” intervals (palms). Every fourth digit mark shouldbe made more prominent (longer and darker) to mark a palm. Mark the palms onthe ruler in Egyptian numbers.

Step 2: Mark out the size of the mummy case on a piece of construction paper(length = 3 cubits, 1 span (9"), 1 digit; width = 5 palms, 1 digit). Measure the sizeof the mummy case using the meter or yard stick.

Step 3: Have students work in pairs to trace their own outlines (lying with handsat their sides and legs together) on construction paper. Use the cubit ruler tomeasure the height and width across the shoulders of each student. Cut out theimages and see how they fit into the mummy case.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• compare the cutouts to the x–ray image of Paankhenamun and determinewhether the cutouts fit into the case and, if so, how snugly.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and senseof numbers, including basic arithmetic operations, number patterns, ratios, andproportions.

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Building a Body: Scale, Proportion, and Ratio

Lesson plan based on Mummy Case

Measure, analyze, and compare the ancient Egyptian canon of proportions using amummy, painted images, and photographs of people today.

Skills and Focus: Problem SolvingSubject Area: ScienceThematic Connection: Comparing CulturesGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 90 minutes

Objectives• Introduce students to hypothesis definition and testing.• Introduce the concepts of distortion and abstraction in representation.• Demonstrate the anatomical similarities between ancient Egyptians and

modern humans.

Instructional Materials Needed• Paank.Science.2.mummycase.html• Paank.Science.2.mummycasedetail.html• Paank.Science.2.x–ray.html• Full–length photographs of contemporary people• A ruler accurate to 1/8” or 1 mm.

ActivityStep 1: Egyptian artists represented people using a strict ratio for the size of bodyparts called a canon of proportions. At the time the Mummy Case ofPaankhenamun was made, the canon of proportions divided the body into 18 unitsof identical size. The torso and head were typically represented as 7 units inheight and the lower body (from the waist down) as 11 units.

Step 2: Have students divide the images of Isis and Osiris into 18 identical unitsby measuring each figure and dividing the total height by 18. Mark the 18 units onthe printout with a pencil. Counting up from the bottom, decide whether the canonof proportions (11 units from the bottom of the feet to the waist, 7 units from thewaist to the top of the head) was followed.

Step 3: Ask students to collect pictures of contemporary people from newspapersand magazines and apply the same system to them. Compare the results to those

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for the Egyptian images. Discuss the different ratios seen in the contemporaryphotographs versus the painted images.

Step 4: Ask students to conduct the same experiment on the x–ray image ofPaankhenamun’s mummy.

Step 5: Discuss the findings with students.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• conclude whether the people in the contemporary photographs match theproportions of the Egyptian images.• describe how did they differed.• explain whether the proportions of the mummy are closer to those of modernhumans or to the painted images on the mummy case.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 11: Have a working knowledge of the processesof scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conductexperiments, and solve problems.

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Rebirth and Renewal

Lesson plan based on Mummy Case

Identify and compare ancient Egyptian and contemporary symbols of rebirth and renewal.

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Skills and Focus: Cultural Comparisons, WritingSubject Area: Social ScienceThematic Connection: The Afterlife, Signs and SymbolsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 40 minutes

Objectives• Identify Egyptian symbols of rebirth in the afterlife.• Compare and contrast ancient Egyptian and modern symbols of rebirth and


Instructional Materials NeededStory: What Is On the Mummy Case?Mummy CaseChart

ActivityThis mummy case is decorated with symbols to ensure that the soul of themummified person inside it would be reborn in the afterlife. Explore the meaningof the case’s gold face, the winged scarab beetle, and the green face of Osiris, godof the afterlife. Ask students to explain how these signs and symbols would helpPaankhenamun, whose mummy is inside the case, be safely reborn in the afterlife.In the chart below, have students illustrate and write about a few of today’ssymbols of rebirth and renewal (e.g., holidays, seasons, customs), then compareand contrast them to those on this mummy case.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 16: Understand and analyze events, trends,individuals and movements shaping other nations.

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Rebirth and Renewal 2,900 Years Later

Symbol: Meaning:

Symbol: Meaning:

Symbol: Meaning:

Symbol: Meaning:

______________________________________________________________________Rulers For a Day

Lesson plan based on Alexander Coin

Design and create foil coins with images that symbolize students’ imaginaryleadership in the ancient world.

Skills and Focus: Studio, Art History

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Subject Area: Fine ArtsThematic Connection: Money, Signs and SymbolsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 80 minutes

Objectives• Identify Alexander the Great as a powerful ruler in the ancient world.• Imagine what it would be like to be a ruler in the ancient world.• Design and create coins with images symbolic of imaginary rulers.• Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to create a three–dimensional work of art.

Instructional Materials NeededStories: Who Was Alexander? and Coins in the Greek WorldMapCoin TemplatePencils or ball point pensScissorsFoil circles cut the same size as the coin templatePoster board circles cut the same size as the coin templateGlue

ActivityHave students look at a the map of the ancient world and choose a country to rule. Havethem imagine commissioning a new coin to be used in their country.

Step 1: Discuss how the images on the Alexander coin reflect his rule. Askstudents to think about what images or objects will reflect their rule in the ancientworld. One side (obverse or front) of the coin they produce should have the ruler'sportrait (a self-portrait), while the other side (reverse or back) should have animage of something symbolic of the country.

Step 2: Students should sketch designs with pencil on the coin templates. Remindthem that their final image will appear in reverse.

Step 3: Have students cut out templates and lay them on circles of foil. Using adull pencil or ball point pen, they should carefully trace design while applyingsteady pressure with pen or pencil. Have them experiment with pressure appliedto produce different effects. Repeat with the other design.

Step 4: Students should glue foil circles onto each side of one poster board circle.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 26: Through creating and performing, understandhow works of art are produced.

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This activity meets Illinois State Goal 27: Understand the role of the arts in civilizations,past and present.

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Count Your Pennies

Lesson plan based on Alexander Coin

Analyze and compare imagery and symbolism in ancient Greek and contemporaryU.S. coins.

Skills and Focus: Discussion, Cultural Comparisons, Hands-onSubject Area: English Language ArtsThematic Connection: Signs and Symbols, Myths and Legends, Connecting Past andPresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 50-90 minutes

Objectives• Identify the kinds of images that were characteristic of the obverse (front) andreverse (back) sides of ancient Greek coins.• Interpret, based on the information in and discussion of the story Coins in theGreek World, what these images represented in ancient Greek culture.• Compare these images and what they represented to the images oncontemporary U.S. coins.• Discuss the iconography of both coins and possible reasons for the cross-culturalsimilarities.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: Coins in the Greek WorldChartQuarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies for students to examine

ActivityStep 1: Watch the story Coins in the Greek World. Encourage students to take notesas they watch. Then, distribute the chart.

Step 2: Ask students to refer to their notes as they fill out the ancient Greek portionof the chart.

Step 3: Now ask students to look carefully at contemporary U.S. coins, and then fillout the second portion of the chart.

Step 4: After students have completed their charts, discuss the results.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• explain why ancient Greek and contemporary U.S. coins are so similar in theirdesign.• identify how U.S. coins symbolize the nation.

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Ancient Greek CoinsFront Image:


Back Image:


Contemporary U.S. CoinsFront Image:


Back Image:



Coin Content

Lesson plan based on Alexander Coin

Calculate ancient Greek coin values as compared to their weight, equivalence ingrain, and determine their worth today.

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Skills and Focus: CalculationSubject Area: MathematicsThematic Connection: Money, Counting and Calculating, Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 45 minutes

Objectives• Understand how to calculate fractions of a given weight.• Use decimal numbers.• Convert from metric to U.S. customary weight systems.

Instructional Materials NeededChartOnline Resources:

• Demosthenes, Against Phormio 39:•

bin/text?lookup=dem.+34.39&word=grain•Aristotle, Economics 1352b:


ActivityStep 1: Distribute the chart and work with students to calculate the missingvalues. Ask students to suggest the appropriate calculations.

Step 2: After calculating the value of the coins, relate their value to that of asilver dollar (1 oz.). Calculate how much the silver in these ancient Greek coinswould be worth today (assuming the value of silver at $7.50/oz.).

Step 3: Look through the following passages together with the class in order tolearn the prices in silver of ancient grain. Demosthenes, in Against Phormio 39,mentions the price of about 12 gallons of grain in Greece as being 5 drachmae.Aristotle, in Economics 1352b, mentions the price for the same amount of grain inEgypt as 10 drachmae. If grain weighs about 5 pounds to the gallon, was silvermore or less valuable in ancient Athens then it is today? In ancient Egypt?

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and senseof numbers, including basic arithmetic operations, number patterns, ratios, andproportions.

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Find the Values of Ancient Greek Coins

Coin Value Weight

obol 1/6 drachma

diobol 1/3 drachma

drachma 4.1g

didrachm 2 drachmae

tetradrachm 4 drachmae


Coin Comparisons

Lesson plan based on Alexander Coin

Create "ancient" clay coins to predict weights and to determine the ratio of weight tovalue, physical properties, and how ancient coins compare to contemporary coins.

Skills and Focus: Studio, Measuring, Scientific InquirySubject Area: ScienceThematic Connection: Money, Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 90 minutes

Objectives• Predict weights, estimate balances, and practice weighing items.• Understand the ratio of weight to the value of ancient and modern coins.• Use a balance instrument to collect data.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: Coins in the Greek World

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ChartSelf-hardening clay (different colors)Scale accurate to 0.1 gBalanceCoins: pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half–dollars, and dollars

ActivityStep 1: Distribute the chart. Then have students measure clay out in grams asindicated on the chart.

Step 2: Students should strike a set of coins in clay using two modern coins tocreate impressions on both sides, as seen in Coins in the Greek World.

Step 3: Have students weigh each of the modern coins and record its value andweight in the chart.

Step 4: Now have students arrange the coins twice, first according to weight, andthen according to value.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• explain the weight–to–value ratio of the ancient coins.• describe how the two coin arrangements differ.• conclude whether the modern coins have the same weight–to–value

ratio as the ancient coins.

Step 5: Ask students to describe the physical properties of the coins. Theirdescriptions should include size, weight, color, shape, texture, and depictedimages. Have students create a chart that compares the physical properties andmonetary value of ancient coins and modern coins. Discuss the similarities anddifferences.

Step 6: Using the clay coins, have students predict which will weigh more—e.g.,5 obols or 4 diobols. Do the same with the modern coins. Using a balance, havestudents weigh the coins for accurate weights. Have students create a graph thatrecords their predictions and findings.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 11: Have a working knowledge of the processesof scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conductexperiments, and solve problems.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 13: Have a working knowledge of therelationships among science, technology, and society in historical and contemporarycontexts.

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Coin Value Weight

obol 1/6 drachma 0.7g

diobol 1/3 drachma 1.4g

drachma 4.1g

didrachm 2 drachmae 8.2g

tetradrachm 4 drachmae 16.4g

penny 1/100 dollar







The Odyssey of a Coin

Lesson plan based on Alexander Coin

Create a fictitious newspaper article to document the travels of an ancient Greek coin.

Skills and Focus: Writing, Calculation, Analysis, GeographySubject Area: Social ScienceThematic Connection: Money, GeographyGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 40 minutes• Objectives

• Evaluate the economic conditions that existed in ancient Greece.• Analyze the impact Alexander the Great had on the ancient world.

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Instructional Materials NeededStories: Who Was Alexander? and Coins in the Greek WorldMap

ActivityExplain to students that coins enable societies to exchange goods along standard units ofvalue. Coins pass through many hands and over great distances. Therefore, the images oncoins can reveal interesting information about the size of a nation’s commerce andinfluence.

Based on what students learn and perceive from both movies, have them write anewspaper article about the spread of Alexander the Great’s empire (335-323 BC) asdocumented through the fictitious travels of the Alexander coin. Articles should includeinformation like the following:

• items that the silver coin might have purchased• where the coin was first minted and the regions to which it traveled• the different people who may have possessed the coin

Goals• This activity meets Illinois State Goal 15: Understand, analyze, and compare

economic systems, with an emphasis on the United States.

• This activity meets Illinois State Goal 18: Understand, analyze, and compare socialsystems with an emphasis on the United States.


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Painting Pottery

Lesson plan based on Amphora

Summarize and illustrate the process of painting an ancient Greek vessel.

Skills and Focus: Art Appreciation, Hands-OnSubject Area: Fine ArtsThematic Connection: Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60 minutes

Objectives• Identify this amphora as an example of the black figure style.• Identify in order the steps and procedures necessary to produce an amphora inthe black figure style.• Describe how the steps and processes used create specific effects and details inthe scene on this amphora.• Create a design for an amphora using black figure style.

Instructional Materials NeededStories: What Story Is Shown? and How Was This Made?WorksheetAmphora IllustrationPencilsRed and black colored pencils or markers

ActivityStep 1: Tell students that this amphora is an example of the black figure style inancient Greek vase painting, with figures appearing in black on a red background.Encourage students to take notes as they watch the stories. Then distribute theworksheet and have students use their notes to correctly order the steps in theprocess.

Step 2: Have students create a design from a scene in history for an amphora inthe black figure style. Ask students to sketch designs onto the attached amphoratemplate in pencil.

Step 3: Indicate which areas are to be covered in slip before firing by coloring thedesign accordingly with red or black crayons or markers.


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This activity meets Illinois State Goal 26: Through creating and performing, understandhow works of art are produced.

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Place numbers from 1 to 5 in the brackets to show the correct order for creating anamphora in the black figure style.

[ ] Details are scratched into the clay surface or painted on it in different colors.

[ ] Oxygen is introduced into the kiln, turning areas on the amphora without slip redwhile areas covered with slip remain black.

[ ] A design is sketched onto the vase with charcoal.

[ ] The vase is fired in a kiln, turning first red and then black.

[ ] Slip (clay thinned with water) is applied to areas of vase the artist wants to appearblack.

______________________________________________________________________Aristophanes's Party

Lesson plan based on Amphora

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Calculate the length of time it will take for Aristophanes’s guests to deplete hissupply of wine.

Skills and Focus: Calculation, Problem SolvingSubject Area: MathematicsThematic Connection: Counting and CalculatingGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60 minutes

Objectives• Practice converting from U.S. customary to metric measurements.• Solve an algebraic problem.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: Symposia: Ancient Greek Drinking PartiesMath Chart

ActivityStep 1: After watching Symposia: Ancient Drinking Parties or introducing theidea of Greek symposia in a discussion, introduce the various drinking vessels andtheir functions.

Step 2: Distribute the chart. Ask students to determine how long Aristophanes’swine supply will hold out under the following conditions:

• He bought 1 large amphora of wine (26 liters) for the party.• He mixes the wine with water in a 1:1 ratio.• His guests consume wine at the rates shown on the chart.

GoalsThis assignment meets Illinois State Goal 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge andsense of numbers, including basic arithmetic operations, number patterns, ratios, andproportions.

This assignment meets Illinois State Goal 8: Use algebraic and analytical methods toidentify and describe patterns and relationships in data, solve problems, and predictresults.

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Guest Vessel Vessels per Hour

Socrates kylix (8 oz.) 3

Alcibiades rhyton (4 oz.) 5

Perikles kantharos (8 oz.) 3

Plato kylix (8 oz.) 3

Cleon kantharos (6 oz.) 5

Polykrates kylix (6 oz.) 4

Themistokles kylix (8 oz.) 3

Aristophanes rhyton (4 oz.) 6


A Lion's Lair

Lesson plan based on Amphora

Research and illustrate lion habitats and the lions’ place in the food chain to determinethe likelihood that lions lived in ancient Greece.

Skills and Focus: Biology, Geography, Earth SciencesSubject Area: ScienceThematic Connection: Geography, AnimalsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 120 minutes


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• Understand the relationship between preferred habitats and where animalslive.• Evaluate the likelihood that a particular animal lived in a particular habitat.• Practice using quality online resources.• Practice reading and making inferences from topographical maps.

Instructional Materials NeededColored pencils, crayons, paper for drawingAIC LionsOnline Resources:

•• Lincoln Park Zoo Species Data Sheet: African Lion:• Topographical map of Greece

ActivityStep 1: Research the native habitats of lions, using the online resources listedabove.

Step 2: Break the class into groups of students. Have each group investigate thehabitats preferred by one species that is considered a primary source of food forlions, using the Lincoln Park Zoo Web page. Each group should report itsfindings to the class. Discuss the notion of a food chain and the integratedrelationships of species in an ecosystem.

Step 3: Have students research the geography of Greece using the topographicalmap.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• describe the Greek landscape.• indicate whether Greece has the grassy plains that lions prefer.• conclude how likely is it that lions were ever native to Greece.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 12: Have a working knowledge of thefundamental concepts and principles of the life, physical, and earth/space sciences andtheir connections.

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Form, Story, and Function: Then and Now

Lesson plan based on Amphora

Compare the function and decoration of everyday objects from ancient Greece andtoday’s world.

Skills and Focus: Writing, AnalysisSubject Area: Social ScienceThematic Connection: Home and SchoolGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 30-40 minutes

ObjectivesAnalyze ways in which stories serve as expressions of ancient and moderncultures.

Instructional Materials NeededStories: What Story Is Shown? and The Story of Eos and MemnonWorksheet 2

ActivityStep 1: Remind students that narrative scenes often decorated ancient Greekvessels. Ask students to suggest contemporary everyday objects that also includenarrative illustrations.

Step 2: Distribute the chart. Have students complete it by filling in the name ofthe object, describing its function, explaining the story it tells, and describing thestory’s connection to the user of the object. Discuss student responses.

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GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 18: Understand, analyze, and compare socialsystems with an emphasis on the United States.

Form, Story, and Function: Then and Now





Contemporary Object #1




Contemporary Object #2





Human Abstraction

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Lesson plan based on Cycladic Figure

Explore and compare abstraction of human forms in various ancient cultures and bycreating self–portraits using geometric shapes.

Skills and Focus: Art Appreciation, StudioSubject Area: Fine ArtsThematic Connection: Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60 minutes

Objective• Identify the Cycladic figure as an example of abstraction utilizing geometric

shapes.• Identify how the artist used geometric shapes to indicate the parts of the body on

the figure.• Compare and contrast the use of abstraction in the Cycladic figure to an

abstracted image from another culture, such as the ancient West Mexican SeatedMale "Storyteller" Figure, or Barbara Hepworth's Two Figures (Menhirs), both inthe Art Institute of Chicago..

• Use this knowledge of abstraction, form, and shape to create an abstract self-portrait.

Instructional Materials NeededStories: Who Is This? and The Human Form in Cycladic ArtCycladic FigureMexican FigureTwo FiguresDrawing paperPencils, pastels, oil crayons, and/or tempera paints

ActivityStep 1: Discuss how and why the Cycladic figure is an example of abstraction.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• explain how you know this statue represents a human figure.• describe the human features the artist included to communicate thefigure’s humanity.• identify which geometric shapes form the following features: face, nose,arms, torso, legs, feet.

Finally, have each student draw or label these shapes on the Cycladic figuretemplate.

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Step 2: Have students compare the Cycladic figure to the abstraction of theancient Mexican sculpture or Hepworth's Two Figures.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• identify those features the other artists have emphasized.• explain whether these other artists have used the same shapes seen in theCycladic figure or different shapes.• describe how the materials used to create the pieces differ?• explain what these materials enable the artists to do differently.

Step 3: Instruct students to create their own abstract self-portraits (including hairstyles, clothing, jewelry, and so on) using paper and the medium of their choice.Remind students to use geometric shapes as much as possible. Display theself–portraits in class.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 25: Know the language of the arts.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 26: Through creating and performing, understandhow works of art are produced.

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Women in Ancient Greece

Lesson plan based on Cycladic Figure

Interpret the myth of Arachne and its depiction of women’s activities and valued traits.

Skills and Focus: Reading, Discussion, Critical AnalysisSubject Area: English Language ArtsThematic Connection: Myths and LegendsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 50 minutes

Objectives• Understand the myth of Arachne and the concept of metamorphosis.• Discuss the activities, concerns, and other aspects of women's lives in ancient


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• Understand ancient myths as explanations for curious natural phenomena.

Instructional Materials Needed• Story: Who Is This?• Print Resources:

• Gates, Doris. "Arachne," in Wind by the Sea. Needham: Silver Burdett andGinn, 1989. pp. 496-501. (for basic students)

• Warner, Rex. "Arachne," in Adventures for Readers Book One. Orlando:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989. (for advanced students)

ActivityStep 1: Watch the story Who Is This?, which introduces the myth of Arachne as astory that details events in the lives of Greek women and explains a naturalphenomenon. Then have students read one of the stories noted above, asking themto note details about the characteristics and activities of women in ancient Greece(e.g., skill at weaving, grace, speed, vanity, knowledge of mythology, pride).

Step 2: Categorize these characteristics as “positives” (skill at weaving, grace,speed, knowledge) or “negatives” (pride and vanity). Ask students whichcharacteristics are more powerful in the eyes of the gods.

Step 3: Introduce students to the concept of metamorphosis, defining the word forthem and providing examples from nature (caterpillar to butterfly and tadpole tofrog). Then, discuss Minerva's punishment.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• judge whether or not Arachne deserves it and why.• explain wow Minerva changes Arachne.• recognize whether Arachne's metamorphosis suits her story and explainhow.

Step 4: Finally, explain how myths help explain curious developments in nature.Review the end of the story, discussing the details of Arachne’s physicaltransformation. Tell students that traces of the legend of Arachne can be found incontemporary English, in words like arachnid, arachnoid, and arachnophobia.Have students look up these words in a dictionary and explain what each wordsmeans and how it relates to the legend.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 1: Read with understanding and fluency.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 2: Understand explicit and implicit meaning inliterature representing individual, community, national, world, and historicalperspectives.

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It's All Proportional

Lesson plan based on Cycladic Figure

Use the ancient Greek canon of proportion to measure and compare an ancient Greeksculpture to students’ body sizes.

Skills and Focus: Measuring, Problem SolvingSubject Area: MathematicsThematic Connection: Counting and CalculatingGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60 minutes

Objectives• Practice measuring proportions.• Convert measurements to ratios to solve problems.• Determine whether there is sufficient information to compute the length of the

sculpture’s missing lower legs.

Instructional Materials NeededCycladic FigureRuler, yard stick, or measuring tapePaper and pencils

Activity:Step 1: Explain to students that according to the Greek canon of proportion, thelength of the body is equal to 8 heads (1:8). Have each student measure the headand the entire length of the figure and record the information. Then have studentscalculate the length of the body using the 1:8 ratio.

Step 2: Have students determine whether there is enough information to calculatethe length of the lower legs and then do so. Ask students to sketch the lower legsand feet on the printout of the figure to confirm their findings.

Step 3: Have students measure another student’s head and body length. Convertthe measurements to a ratio. Based on their findings, discuss whether the Greekcanon of proportion is based on the ideal or the real.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and senseof numbers, including basic arithmetic operations, number patterns, ratios, andproportions.

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This activity meets Illinois State Goal 8: Use algebraic and analytical methods toidentify and describe patterns and relationships in data, solve problems, and predictresults.


Excavate and Explore

Lesson plan based on Cycladic Figure

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Simulate an archeological excavation to understand how archeologists identify, date, andmake inferences about their findings.

Skills and Focus: Earth Sciences, Scientific InquirySubject Area: ScienceThematic Connection: Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 120-200 minutes

Objectives• Gain a general acquaintance with the principles of archaeological excavation.• Understand how archaeological inferences are made.• Understand the importance of spatial and stratigraphic contexts in


Instructional Materials Needed• Story: Who Is This?• Tags and Forms• 4 large (at least 2’-3’ square), sturdy cardboard boxes.• Bricks• Ashes, charred wood, and bones (boil to clean and sterilize)• Soil (preferably 2 different kinds)• Digging equipment: serving spoons, buckets, dustpans, and brushes• Recording equipment: rulers, pencils papers, notebooks• Masking tape• Suggested Print Resource:

• Joukowsky, Martha. A Complete Manual of Field Archaeology:Toolsand Techniques of Field Work for Archaeologists. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1980


Steps 1-4 should be completed in preparation for classroom activities.

Step 1: Trim the four boxes to the same height so that the top of each box can beused as a standard beginning elevation for the excavation. Elevations will bemeasured from the top down rather than from the bottom up.

Step 2: Prepare an excavation site using or adapting the plan provided. Your siteshould consist of two levels: a top level that was deposited after the site wasabandoned and a lower level that was associated with the use of the site. Ifpossible, use two different soil types to distinguish between the layers.Remember, the students will not be able to excavate the entire site, so be sure thatthe remains in the excavation trenches conform to the master plan.

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Step 3: Use bricks to outline the walls of the building. It is alright if the wallsprotrude into the upper (post abandonment) level in places. In the lower(occupation) layer, distinguish the interior of the building from the exterior. Youmay wish to mix ashes into the soil (suggesting the building burned down) andartifacts that suggest what the building was used for. Place artifacts in differentcontexts (within the building, outside the building, in the hearth, and so on) thatsuggest distinct activities. Also, place newer items (plastic, aluminum, new coins)in the upper level and older items in the lower level.

Step 4: In order to define the hearth, mix ashes with burnt wood and food debris(e.g., bones).

The following steps should be completed with the students in the classroom:

Step 5: After watching Who is This?, discuss why it is important to remove theseartifacts in a controlled excavation rather than just digging them up and puttingthem in a museum.

Step 6: Divide the class into teams of 3 or 4 students and distribute a set of toolsto each group. One student should be responsible for excavating, a second formeasuring and taking notes, and a third for helping to measure, labeling, andstoring finds. Students should rotate job responsibilities. The trenches should startout in place within the 5 x 5 m site (marked in advance with masking tape). Theposition of each trench can be marked in masking tape and then the boxes movedto make room for each group to work.

As students dig through layers, make sure they carefully measure at what depthfrom the top of the box they encountered the new layers. They should carefullynote whether artifacts come from the upper layer or the lower, and whether theycome from inside the building/hearth or outside.

All artifacts should be tagged and bagged using printouts of the tags provided. Allarchaeological features (e.g., pits, structures) and layers should be recorded anddrawn on the forms provided. Bricks, artifacts, and other features should becarefully measured and drawn to scale on the forms. Finds from different sides ofan architectural feature (e.g., a wall) or in distinctly different contexts (hearthversus ordinary soil) should be labeled and stored separately. Each trench shouldhave a full record of the distribution of evidence both vertically and horizontallyat the end of the dig.

Step 7: AnalysisAsk each team to draw a master plan of the excavation, trying to distinguish theinterior and exterior of the building.

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Reconstruct the layers (stratigraphy) on the site and construct a section (cut-away)diagram using information from the various trenches.

Try to establish a date for the upper and lower levels. The most recent item foundin a level establishes the date after which the level was deposited.

Interpret the results for the whole site, synthesizing the evidence from thedifferent trenches.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 11: Have a working knowledge of the processesof scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conductexperiments and solve problems.

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Artifact Control Tag

Date:Trench #:Tag #:Excavators’ initials:Layer:

Artifact Control Tag

Date:Trench #:Tag #:Excavators’ initials:Layer:

Artifact Control Tag

Date:Trench #:Tag #:Excavators’ initials:Layer:

Artifact Control Tag

Date:Trench #:Tag #:Excavators’ initials:Layer:

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Excavation Record Form

Date:Trench #Recorder:Feature #Layer:

Soil Characteristics




Finds (tag #s):

Sketch plan of Trench # _____ Layer # _____Mark elevations on plan.


Human Expression

Lesson plan based on Cycladic Figure

Compare figurative works of art to determine what they say about the cultures thatcreated them.

Skills and Focus: Cultural Comparisons, Writing, AnalysisSubject Area: Social ScienceThematic Connection: Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 40 minutes

Objectives• Describe elements that all ancient cultures share regardless of their diversity.

Instructional Materials Needed• Stories: The Human Form in Cycladic Art and Portraits of Roman Emperors• Worksheet

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• Cycladic Figure• Hadrian• American Gothic

ActivityHuman beings have created images of themselves for thousands of years. Have studentsstudy the works of art and compare them on the worksheet to analyze what they revealabout their respective cultures.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 18: Understand, analyze, and compare socialsystems with an emphasis on the United States.

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For each work of art, answer these five questions:

1. Is the work naturalistic or abstract?2. What emotions are represented?3. What details make this work interesting and informative?4. What did the culture that produced this work think was important?5. What does this work have in common with the others?

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Cycladic Figure


American Gothic

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Portrait of a Ruler

Lesson plan based on Hadrian

Create a full–length portrait of the Emperor Hadrian that conveys his role throughattributes.

Skills and Focus: Art History, Hands-onSubject Area: Fine ArtsThematic Connection: Signs and SymbolsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60 minutes

Objectives• Identify and define an attribute in a portrait.• Determine which attributes in a full-length portrait might identify Hadrian as anancient Roman emperor.• Paint or draw a portrait of Hadrian that depicts these attributes.

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• Understand how this bust of Hadrian conveys a story about life as an emperor inancient Rome.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: Portraits of Roman EmperorsHadrianTempera paints or colored pencilsBrushes and small containers of water for rinsing brushes

ActivityStep 1: Artists of ancient Rome were admired in their own time and still are todayfor the realism of their portraiture. Elements that tell us about the subject of aportrait are called attributes. This sculpture is recognizable as Hadrian because hewas known to have worn ringlets and a beard in the style of the Greekphilosophers. Because his body is missing, we must imagine the other attributesthat signify his role as a powerful emperor. Discuss as a class what theseattributes might be.

Step 2: For each student (or team of students), print out a reproduction of the ArtInstitute's portrait head of Hadrian. Cut out the head around the edges and attach itwith glue or tape to one of the short sides of a large rectangular sheet of whitepaper. Have students draw or paint the emperor's body in full length on the largepaper, showing it in proper proportion to the cut-out of the head pasted onto thesheet. Working in either tempera paint or with colored pencils, students shouldcomplete their full-length portraits, which should include a number of appropriateattributes. When students have completed their portraits, ask them to discuss theattributes they included and why.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 26: Through creating and performing, understandhow works of art are produced.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 27: Understand the role of the arts in civilizations,past and present.

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Vocabulary of Ancient Rome

Lesson plan based on Hadrian

Define ancient Roman vocabulary using the dictionary writing sentences.

Skills and Focus: Vocabulary, ResearchSubject Area: English Language ArtsThematic Connection Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 75 minutes

Objectives• Define eight words that relate to ancient Roman cultural life.• Use the dictionary to discover definitions that match the context in which each

word was used.• Write sentences for each word that use the words in their original and

contemporary contexts.

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Instructional Materials NeededStories: Who Was Hadrian? and How Was This Made?Dictionaries for each studentTranscripts

ActivityStep 1: Write the following words on the chalkboard, asking students to copythem onto a sheet of paper: successor, villa, excavate, cult, accession, pockmarks,boss, punch.Show the stories Who Was Hadrian? and How Was This Made? and ask studentsto listen for these words and look for the images that accompany them.

Step 2: Ask students to use the dictionaries to find and copy the definition of eachof these words. Students should look critically at all of the given definitions tofind the one that matches the ancient Roman context. Punch, for example, is usedin a very specific way in the stories. Encourage students to refer to the transcriptsof the movies to determine context.

Step 3: When students have finished writing the definitions, ask them to writetwo sentences for each word. One sentence should use the word in its ancientRoman context, and the other should use the word in a contemporary context.Emphasize that sentences should illustrate the definition of the words withoutactually defining them. Ask students to share their sentences.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 1: Read with understanding and fluency.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 5: Use the language arts for inquiry and researchto acquire, organize, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information.

HADRIAN:Who was Hadrian?

Hadrian was born in A.D. 76 to a Roman family living in southern Spain. He was acousin of the childless emperor Trajan, who on his deathbed adopted Hadrian as his sonand successor.Hadrian spent most of his early career in the army, serving under Trajan in Germany andDacia, which is in modern Hungary and Romania. Hadrian's portrait appears on Trajan'scolumn in Rome, which commemorates the conquest of Dacia. As emperor, Hadriantravelled widely in the empire, visiting most of the provinces over the twenty years of hisreign.

He paid to have buildings, aqueducts, and roads built in many cities, like the Temple ofOlympian Zeus in Athens, the ruins of which are seen here.

Hadrian was also a talented architect. He designed and built magnificent structures in

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Rome, including the Pantheon, a great domed temple dedicated to the twelve Olympiangods. The vast dome of Hadrian's Pantheon is as impressive today as it was nearly twothousand years ago, soaring 150 feet over visitors' heads.

Citizens from around the empire responded to Hadrian's interest and generosity byerecting statues in Hadrian's honor, like this statue recently excavated in the odeon, asmall theater in the Roman city of Troy in northwestern Turkey.

Given the fine quality of the Art Institute's portrait of Hadrian, it probably came from a public dedication or cult statue. After Hadrian's death he was honored as a god by the Roman people.

HADRIAN:How was this made?

The Romans made hundreds of copies of statues of the emperors, spreading them aroundthe whole Empire, from Britain to Jordan. Artists made new portraits of the emperors tocelebrate important moments of their careers, like accession to the throne or importantmilitary victories.

Copies of the original portrait were sent to major centers around the empire, from whichadditional copies were produced for distribution to smaller cities and towns. Greek andRoman sculptors carved stone using very simple tools.

First, the sculptor used a hammer and pointed punch to shape the marble block, chippinglarge flakes of stone away. The head of this unfinished Roman copy of a Greek warriorstill bears the pockmarks made by a point chisel. The sculptor then used a claw chisel torefine the shape. The teeth of the claw chisel have left parallel scars on the torso of thesame statue.To make a copy of an original statue, the artist took very careful measurements of keypoints on the surface of the original. When transferred to the copy, he marked thesepoints with raised bosses, not yet removed from this one.

After marking the key points on the copy, the sculptor carved the marble with moredelicate tools, like flat chisels, files, and rasps. Fleshy surfaces could be smoothed andpolished using abrasives, like powdered emery.

Drills were used to cut lines of tiny starter holes where the sculptor wished to carvecurves and deep grooves. The bits of marble between the holes could then be chiseledaway carefully to create sweeping curves. Using these simple techniques, Romansculptors were able to produce some of the most sophisticated portraits ever carved.


Geometric Design

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Lesson plan based on Hadrian

Determine which geometric shapes were used to design the Pantheon and estimate itsinterior volume.

Skills and Focus: Geometry, Problem SolvingSubject Area: MathematicsThematic Connection: Counting and CalculatingGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60 minutes

Objectives• Analyze a building based on different views and plans.• Estimate the volume of a building.

Instructional Materials Needed• Story: Who Was Hadrian?• Printouts of various views of the Pantheon (found at

ActivityStep 1: After watching Who Was Hadrian?, emphasize that Hadrian was not onlythe emperor of Rome, but also the designer of the Pantheon and other importantbuildings.

Step 2: Look at images and plans of the Pantheon with the class. Discuss with thestudents the basic two–dimensional and three–dimensional shapes used indesigning the Pantheon.

Step 3: Lead a class discussion on methods that can be used to estimate thevolume of the interior of the Pantheon. Have students estimate the volume bycombining the volume of the lower (drum) section and the volume of thehemisphere (dome) section.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 9: Use geometric methods to analyze, categorize,and draw conclusions about points, lines, planes, and space.


Carving Stone the Ancient Way

Lesson plan based on Hadrian

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Construct an ancient bow drill and demonstrate its effectiveness in carving stone.

Skills and Focus: Scientific InquirySubject Area: ScienceThematic Connection: Connecting Past and PresentGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 90 minutes

Objectives• Replicate an ancient bow drill.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: How Was This Made?Bow and Drill DiagramDowels, 8” in lengthHandles (a wooden doorknob–like handle will suffice)Wood filesStringBow-like curved piece of woodEmery powder or other abrasive (such as fine sand)Soft stone (such as slate or soapstone)

ActivityStep 1: Lead the class in making a bow drill according to the diagram. The drillconsists of a slender dowel that is smoothed at one end to fit into a socket–likehandle. The handle can be fashioned from the wooden doorknob handles byhollowing out a smooth socket in the center of the underside bottom of the handle.The socket needs to be loose and its interior smooth to allow the drill to rotate.

Step 2: The bow can be made from a curved piece of wood with a slightly loosestring which can be wound around the drill shaft to make it rotate. Powderedemery or fine sand provides an abrasive.

Step 3: Help students use the drill to cut into soft stones (e.g., slate). Compare theeffectiveness of wet versus dry abrasives.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 11: Have a working knowledge of the processesof scientific inquiry and technological design to investigate questions, conductexperiments and solve problems.

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Public Presence: Rulers and Leaders in Our Lives

Lesson plan based on Hadrian

Compare the presence of Roman rulers with that of U.S. presidents in the lives of thepeople the led.

Skills and Focus: Cultural Comparisons, WritingSubject Area: Social ScienceThematic Connection: Comparing CulturesGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 40-60 minutes

Objectives• Compare the presence of Roman rulers with that of U.S. presidents in the livesof their respective constituencies.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: Portraits of Roman EmperorsWorksheet

ActivityLong before the age of mass media, sculpted portraits of Roman emperors wereon display in buildings, on coins, and in public squares throughout the Romanempire. Today, we see images of the American president on television, in printmedia, and on the Internet.

Using the attached worksheet, have students compare the presence of Romanemperors in the lives of ancient Romans to the presence of the U.S. president intheir lives.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 16: Understand and analyze events, trends,individuals, and movements shaping the history of Illinois, the United States, and othernations.

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Where are images of this leader often seen?Roman Emperor

U.S. President

How are these images alike? How are they different?Alike


How do these displays of leadership affect the people?Roman People

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U.S. Citizens


Modern Mosaics

Lesson plan based on Mosaic Floor

Construct individual mosaics that simulate ancient Roman techniques of manipulatingtesserae to create three–dimensional illusions.

Skills and Focus: Studio, Art AppreciationSubject Area: Fine ArtsThematic Connection: Identifying PatternsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 80 minutes

Objectives• Explore the elements of contrast, emphasis, pattern, and color schemes byidentifying how the artist manipulated tesserae in the mosaic.• Explain how the use of tesserae creates specific effects, such as a sense ofvolume or shadowing.• Create original mosaics by manipulating torn paper to depict different texturesand details.

Instructional Materials Needed• Stories: What Animal Is This? and How Were Mosaics Made?• Pencils• 11 x 17” construction paper or cardstock• Construction paper in a variety of colors, torn into small pieces of uniform

size (approximately 1/2" square)• Glue sticks• Foil, ribbon, fabric remnants, or other materials as desired


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Step 1: Explain to students that mosaics like this one were used to decorateprivate homes in ancient Rome. Discuss how mosaic artists created decorativepatterns by making different shapes or lines with tesserae. Have students produceline drawings and experiment with patterns by manipulating paper tesserae on thedrawings to create textures and details.

Step 2: Next have students produce a line drawing for an original mosaic designon 11 x 17" construction paper or cardstock, making notations for patterns andtextures.

Step 3: Instruct students to fill in the drawings with tiny pieces of colored paper,foil, ribbon, or other materials. Discuss the process with students.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• describe the techniques they use to produce the desired effects.• explain how they manipulate the materials.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 25: Know the language of the arts.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 26: Through creating and performing, understandhow works of art are produced.


Animals in Ancient Rome

Lesson plan based on Mosaic Floor

Explore the role of animals in ancient Rome through the interpretation of a fictionalaccount.

Skills and Focus: Reading, Discussion, Critical AnalysisSubject Area: English Language ArtsThematic Connection: AnimalsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 90 minutes

Objectives• Understand the role of animals in ancient Rome.• Comprehend a fictional account of a criminal pitted against an animal in apublic display similar to those that took place in the ancient Romanamphitheaters.• Discuss this account and students’ reactions to its inconclusive ending.

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Instructional Materials Needed• Story: What Animal Is This?• Chart• Print Resources:

• Stockton, Frank R. "The Lady or the Tiger?" in Prentice Hall Literature:Gold. New York: Prentice Hall Books. pp. 49–53.

• Corbishley, Mike. The Roman World. New York: Warwick Press, 1986.• James, Simon. Eyewitness Books: Ancient Rome. New York: Alfred A.

Knopf, 1979. Pp. 24–25, 28–35.• Online Resources:

• Images of the colosseum: Encyclopaedia Britannica Online:• (search for Colosseum)

ActivityStep 1: After showing the story What Animal Is This?, introduce students to therole of animals in ancient Rome. Animals served many purposes. Some were usedin sporting events, others were sacrificed to the gods in religious ceremonies, andmany served as symbols for gods or geographic areas. If possible, show some ofthe images in the James book. Also, distribute the chart.

Step 2: Have students read Stockton's short story, "The Lady or the Tiger?".Explain to students that the story demonstrates the popularity of public games andcombat involving animals among ancient Roman people.

Step 3: After students have read the story, encourage them to discuss theconclusion. The inconclusive ending is certain to inspire some discussion aboutwhether the lady or the tiger came out of the chosen door, as well as somecriticism of the story and perhaps of the author, who left his work open tointerpretation. Encourage the students to support their arguments with evidencefrom the text.

Step 4: In conclusion, refer back to the factual information presented, especiallyin James's text on pages 30–33, pointing out differences and similarities betweenStockton's text and ancient history.

Goals• This activity meets Illinois State Goal 1: Read for understanding and fluency.• This activity meets Illinois State Goal 4: Listen and speak in a variety of

situations.• This activity meets Illinois State Goal 5: Use the language arts for inquiry and

research to acquire, organize, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information.

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The Place of Animals in Ancient Rome

Sports and Personal Use Religious or Symbolic Use

lions, tigers• gladiatorial combat• capital punishment

horses• contests• races

bears, giraffes, elephants• parades• park displays

wild boars, fish, fowl• hunting

cats, dogs, insects• personal pets

Venus and dove, Jupiter and eagle• association with gods

she-wolf• founding of Rome

goats, boars, small birds• sacrificial offerings to gods


A Matter of Proportion

Lesson plan based on Mosaic Floor

Measure the relative heights of the mosaic giraffe and its trainer and compare theirproportions to an actual giraffe and zoo trainer.

Skills and Focus: Measuring, CalculationSubject Area: MathematicsThematic Connection: Counting and CalculatingGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 90 minutes


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• Measure the relative heights of the mosaic giraffe and its trainer and comparetheir proportions to an actual giraffe and zoo trainer.

Instructional Materials Needed• Giraffe

• (found at:• See also:

• Mosaic• Rulers

ActivityStep 1: Distribute copies of the mosaic floor. Ask students to measure its heightand width along with the height of the trainer and giraffe. Have students calculatethe ration of the trainer’s height to that of the giraffe.

Step 2: Distribute the Lincoln Park Zoo Giraffe Fact Sheet. Ask students thefollowing questions:

• According to the fact sheet, how tall is an average giraffe?• How tall is an average person?• What is the ratio of a person’s height to that of a giraffe?• Are the mosaic giraffe and trainer represented in their properproportions? How should the mosaic figures be changed?

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and senseof numbers, including basic arithmetic operations, number patterns, ratios, andproportions.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 7: Estimate, make, and use measurements ofobjects, quantities, and relationships and determine acceptable levels of accuracy.

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Animal Invasion

Lesson plan based on Mosaic Floor

Research and illustrate the natural habitats and evolution of giraffes and other animalsimported into ancient Rome.

Skills and Focus: Earth SciencesSubject Area: ScienceThematic Connection: Animals, GeographyGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60 minutes

Objectives• Understand the natural habitat of giraffes and other animals.

Instructional Materials Needed• Story: What Animal Is This?• Pliny Text• Online Resources:

• Hunting African species on a Roman mosaic from Piazza Armerina,Sicily

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•• Lincoln Park Zoo Animal Species Data Sheet: Giraffe:

•• Large sheets of construction paper to draw maps and make animals• Wall–size world map

ActivityStep 1: Have students watch the story, What Animal Is This? Pose the followingquestions:

• What animals are shown in the story?• Where do they come from?

Have students draw a map of Europe, North Africa, and West Asia and draw theanimals that come from each region in their proper places.

Step 2: Have students research the natural habitats for each of these animals andreport their findings.

Step 3: Direct the class to read Pliny, Natural History VIII.69 on giraffes. SeveralRoman authors thought that giraffes were a hybrid of leopards and camels. Askstudents the following questions:

• What features of the animal does this theory help to explain?• What is wrong with this theory?

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 12: Have a working knowledge of thefundamental concepts and principles of the life, physical, and earth/space sciences andtheir connections.

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From: Pliny the Elder, Natural History VIII.69

The Ethiopians give the name of nabun to one (animal) that has a neck like a horse, feetand legs like an ox, and a head like a camel, and is of a ruddy color picked out with whitespots, owing to which it is called a camelopardalis; it was first seen at Rome at thegames in the circus given by Caesar when dictator. From this it has subsequently beenrecognized to be more remarkable for appearance than for ferocity, and consequently ithas received the name of ovis ferae (wild sheep).


An Animal's Role: Then and Now

Lesson plan based on Mosaic Floor

Illustrate the geographic origins of various animals imported into the Roman empire andcompare their roles to those of animals in the world today.

Skills and Focus: Geography, Hands-on, Cultural Comparisons, Studio, WritingSubject Area: Social ScienceThematic Connection: Animals, GeographyGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60-90 minutes

Objectives• Understand the scope of the Roman empire by learning how exotic animals wereimported into Rome from the farthest regions of the empire.

Instructional Materials Needed• Story: What Animal is This?• World Map• Worksheet• Images of assorted animals—photocopies, pages cut out of National

Geographic or other magazines, pictures drawn by the students themselves, orprintouts from the internet site:

•• Graph paper


Step 1: Tell students that many Roman mosaics show images of animals thatwere imported from the far reaches of the empire for parades, private parks, andpublic games.

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Have students plot images (either drawn, photocopied, or cut from magazines) ofthe following imported animals on a map in order to see the extent of the vastRoman empire.

• lions: Africa• ostriches: Africa• elephants: Africa• giraffes: Africa• bears: Scotland• bears: Persia (Iran)• camels: western Asia

Step 2: Distribute the chart and ask students to fill it out to consider the role thatdomestic and exotic animals play in today’s society.

Step 3: Ask students to describe a contemporary mosaic of animals important totheir community. Discuss the student mosaics.

Critical Thinking Ask students to• compare the animals featured in their modern mosaic to those included in

ancient Roman mosaics?• explain how today’s world is different from that of the ancient Romans and

how those differences help to explain the different ways animals are treatednow than they were in ancient Rome.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 17: Demonstrate a knowledge of worldgeography, as well as an understanding of the effects of geography on society, with anemphasis on the United States.

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Animal Domestic or Exotic? What role does it play inour lives?

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Household Decoration

Lesson plan based on Fallen Warrior

Compare two ancient artworks to determine how they originally functioned in privateRoman homes.

Skills and Focus: Art History, DiscussionSubject Area: Fine ArtsThematic Connection: Signs and SymbolsGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 30 minutes

Objective• Compare and contrast the Fallen Warrior fragment and the Mosaic Floor todetermine how each functioned in a private Roman residence.

Instructional Materials Needed• Stories: Why Was This Sculpture Made?, What Animal Is This?, and How

Were Mosaics Made? (Instructor may want to view the story How WereRoman Houses Decorated? for background information.)

• Worksheet• Pencils or pens

ActivityBoth the Fallen Warrior fragment and the Mosaic Floor were probably commissioned todecorate private Roman residences. Have students complete the attached worksheet tocompare these two objects. Discuss the students’ findings.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 27: Understand the role of the arts in civilizations,past and present.

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What medium did each artist use?

Warrior Mosaic

What techniques did each artist use?

Warrior Mosaic

What is the subject of each artwork?

Warrior Mosaic

What is unique about each subject?

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Warrior Mosaic

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What does each subject tell you about the artist?

Warrior Mosaic

What does each subject tell you about the owners of the artwork?

Warrior Mosaic

Where in the home was each artwork placed? Why?

Warrior Mosaic


Scaling Down Art

Lesson plan based on Fallen Warrior

Change the scale of a work of art using ratios, percentages, and proportions.

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Skills and Focus: Measuring, CalculationSubject Area: MathematicsThematic Connection: Counting and CalculatingGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 90 minutes

Objectives• Construct scale drawings from a given image.• Convert a simple drawing from one scale to another using ratios and proportions.• Use percentages as a means of comparing different sizes.

Instructional Materials NeededWarriorButcher paperRulers or tape measuresPencils and markers

ActivityStep 1: Have students measure the printout of the Fallen Warrior. Explain that thesize of the original sculpture is 21” high by 31” wide. Using ratios andproportions, have students convert the prior measurements to (a). life–size(dimensions of a real man), and (b). wall size (large enough to fill a portion of aclassroom wall, so that the outline approximates the scale of a figure in a muralpainting).

Step 2: Using butcher paper, have students make outline drawings based on theprintout in three different sizes: the original sculpture size (21" x 31"), life-sizeand the wall-size. The original sculpture panel was designed for the walls of acolonnade or courtyard. Have students discuss where the images of the twoenlarged sizes might be, or could have been, displayed.

Step 3: Finally, tell students to use percentages as a means of comparing thedifferent sizes of all four images (printout size, actual sculpture size, life-size, andwall size). For example, if the printout of the Fallen Warrior is 10 x 15 inches,then it is approximately 50% the size of the actual sculpture.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and senseof numbers, including basic arithmetic operations, number patterns, ratios, andproportions.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 7: Estimate, make, and use measurements ofobjects, quantities, and relationships and determine acceptable levels of accuracy.

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The Iliad

Lesson plan based on Fallen Warrior

Explore ancient warfare through a dramatic reading of select portions of The Iliad.

Skills and Focus: Reading, Discussion, Oral PresentationSubject Area: English Language ArtsThematic Connection: Myths and Legends, LiteratureGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: Two to four 50-minute class periods

Objectives• Identify the major characters in Homer's epic The Iliad.• Understand the strategies, external forces, and alliances of the Trojan War.• Comprehend the kind of warfare celebrated in the Fallen Warrior relief.

Instructional Materials Needed• Stories: The Shield of Athena and Why Was This Sculpture Made?• Props for dramatic reading (two plastic swords, a baby doll)• Print Resources:

• Hamilton, Edith. "The Trojan War," in Mythology. Boston: Little, Brown& Company, 1942. pp. 255-276.

• Picard, Barbara Leonie. "The Iliad," in Adventures for Readers, BookTwo. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989. pp. 624-643.

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ActivityStep 1: After students watch the stories The Shield of Athena and Why Was ThisSculpture Made?, introduce them to The Iliad and the factors that contributed tothe Trojan War. Although the warrior on the shield of Athena is known to befighting in the Greek war against the Amazons, the principles of valor, loyalty toone's country, and heroism are also applicable to the war against Troy.

Step 2: The Picard text is divided into four sections that trace one battle of theTrojan War from the quarrel that initiated it to the final outcome. If there isenough class time, the entire text should be read so that students will understandthe scope of the battle and the characters in it. However, the first three sectionswill provide a complete picture, and if there is even less time to spend with thetext, the second and third passages will provide a more narrow, but still complete,overview.

Step 3: Assign students to each of the following parts (listed below by section).The classroom can be arranged to provide a set for a dramatic reading of the textincorporating limited movement. In this way, students (those who read and thosewho participate as non-speaking Greeks or Trojans) can physically get an idea ofthe words and movements of battle.

The Quarrel (set in an assembly hall):• Speaking: Narrator, Achilles, Calchas, Agamemnon, Nestor• Non–speaking: Patroclus, Athena, members of the assembly

Hector and Andromache (set outside Hector's home):• Speaking: Narrator, Hector, Andromache, nurse

The Vengeance (set in a battlefield just outside the physical walls ofTroy):

• Speaking: Narrator, Priam, Achilles, Hector, Hecuba,Andromache

• Non–speaking: Athena, Trojans

The Ransom (set in the hut of Achilles):• Speaking: Priam, Achilles, Hermes, Cassandra, Andromache,

Hecuba, Helen• Non–speaking: Automedon, captive women, Achilles's men

Step 4: After reading each section, allow students to change roles so that most ofthem are able to read and act out a speaking role during the class period. Discussthe ways in which each section reveals events and situations that explain thecontinuation of the war.

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GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 1: Read for understanding and fluency.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 2: Understand explicit and implicit meaning inliterature representing individual, community, national, world, and historicalperspectives.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 4: Listen and speak in a variety of situations.


Medicine: Then and Now

Lesson plan based on Fallen Warrior

Read ancient Greek texts to explore ancient healing practices and compare them tomodern–day medicine.

Skills and Focus: BiologySubject Area: ScienceThematic Connection: Comparing CulturesGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 100 minutes

Objectives• Understand Greek healing practices for wounds.• Compare ancient healing practices to those of modern times.

Instructional Materials NeededStory: Who Is the Fallen Warrior?Warrior TextPatroclusbandage

(found at

ActivityStep 1: Have the class read the passages provided. Then ask the followingquestions:

• What are the main techniques of healing wounds?• How did the Greeks treat problems like infection, wounds, and bleeding?• Was a special doctor needed to perform medical procedures in ancientGreece?

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Step 2: Direct the class to study the image of Achilles binding the wound ofPatroclus. Ask the following questions:

• How different do ancient Greek medical practices seem to be fromtoday’s?• Is this a surprising scene for a 2,500 year–old vase? Why?

Step 3: Have students conduct research into modern first-aid practices, using astandard medical reference. Ask students to compare and contrast today’sapproach to emergency medicine with the techniques used in the ancient world.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 12: Have a working knowledge of thefundamental concepts and principles of the life, physical, and earth/space sciences andtheir connections.

This activity meets Illinois State Goal 13: Have a working knowledge of therelationships among science, technology, and society in historical and contemporarycontexts.

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Pseudo-Apollodorus Library e.3.20 (Loeb)[E.3.20] But Telephus, because his wound was unhealed, and Apollo had told himthat he could be cured when the one who wounded him should turn physician,came from Mysia to Argos, clad in rags, and begged the help of Achilles,promising to show the course to steer for Troy. So Achilles healed him byscraping off the rust of his Pelian spear.

Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.13 (Loeb)To know the fact of the rainbow's existence is for the natural scientist; to knowthe reason is for the optician, either simply as such or as a mathematical optician.Many of the sciences which are not strictly subordinate stand in this relation; e.g.,medicine to geometry. It is for the doctor to know the fact that circular woundsheal more slowly, but it is for the geometrician to know the reason for the fact.*

* Philoponus offers two explanations: (1) because such wounds have thegreatest area in relation to their perimeter, (2) because the healingsurfaces are farther apart and nature has difficulty in joining them.

Homer, Iliad, XI.963 ff. (fa*gles 1990 trans.)“Sprinting close to king Odysseus’ fleetwhere the Argives (Greeks) met and handed down their laws,the grounds where they built their altars to the gods,there he met Eurypylus, Euaemon’s gallant son,wounded, the arrow planted deep in his thigh,and limping out of battle…“Save me at least. Take me back to my black ship.Cut this shaft from my thigh. And the dark blood—wash it out of the wound with clean warm water.And spread the soothing, healing salves across it,the powerful drugs that they say you learned from Achillesand Chiron, most humane of Centaurs taught your friend…“… Patroclus stretched him out,knelt with a knife and cut the sharp, stabbing arrowout of Eurypylus’ thigh and washed the wound cleanof the dark running blood with clear warm water.Pounding it in his palms, he crushed a bitter rootand covered over the gash to kill his comrade’s pain,a cure that fought off every kind of pain…and the wound dried and the flowing blood stopped.

Homer, Iliad XVI.26 ff. (fa*gles 1990 trans.)

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“Our former champions, all laid up in the ships,are all hit by arrows or run through with spears.There’s powerful Diomedes, brought down by an archer,Odysseus wounded, and Agamemnon too, the famous spearman,and Eurypylus took an arrow-shot in the thigh…Healers are working over them, using all their drugs,trying to bind the wounds…”

Euripides Trojan Women 1232Hecuba: Your wounds in part I will bind up with bandages, a wretched healer inname alone, without reality; but for the rest your father must look to that amongthe dead.


Military Memorials

Lesson plan based on Fallen Warrior

Analyze ancient sculpture and determine its success in conveying aspects of war andmilitary sacrifice through the ages.

Skills and Focus: Discussion, Cultural Comparisons, ResearchSubject Area: Social ScienceThematic Connection: Comparing CulturesGrade Level: Middle SchoolTime Needed: 60-90 minutes

Objectives• Evaluate the roles of social institutions like the military.

Instructional Materials Needed• Story: The Shield of Athena• Online Resources:

•• Print Resources:

• Chang, Ina. A Separate Battle: Women and the Civil War. Puffin Books,1996.

• Murphy, Jim. Boys War: Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk About theCivil War. Clarion Books, 1993.

• Ray, Delia. Behind the Blue and Gray: The Soldier's Life in the Civil War(Young Readers' History of the Civil War. Puffin Books, 1996.

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• Banks, Sara Harrell. Under the Shadow of the Wings. Simon & Schuster,1997.

• Cormier, Robert. Other Bells for Us to Ring. Dell/Yearling, 1992.

ActivityStep 1: Remind students that Athena’s shield reveals a soldier wounded in battle.Even though the battle resulted in a victory, this warrior collapsed from a woundto his back. Ask students what the fallen warrior’s expression and pose conveyabout warfare and the military in ancient Greece?

Step 2: Have students research battles in which Americans have been involved(e.g., Gettysburg or Iwo Jima). Discuss their findings, and ask whether they thinkthe Fallen Warrior sculpture realistically conveys the reality of battle and why.

GoalsThis activity meets Illinois State Goal 18: Understand, analyze, and compare socialsystems with an emphasis on the United States.

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