The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


W. BARTLETT, GRAY, Editor. Associate Editor. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1848. For President, GEN.


WELLER. OF BUTLER COUNTY. DEMOCRATIC County CONVENTION. The Democrats of the county of Cuyahoga are hereby notified and requested to meet in their several Townships and Wards at the usual places of holding elections on SATURDAY, the 9th day of September to appoint Delegates to meet in County Convention at the Court House in the city of Cleveland, on Saturday the 16th day of Sep tember, 1848, to nomiuate a County Ticket to be voted for At the ensuing alection. The several Townships and Wards of the city of Cleveland will each appoint 5 delegates---Ohio City 5, and Cleveland Township 3.


WINSLOW, Demoeratic Com. County H. PALMER, A. B. HAIGHT, Dated Clevelnnd, Sept 5.

1848. 3. 4 Rail Road Route Decided, The Directors of the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Rail Road have been several days in this city, for the purpose of deciding which of the two surveyed routes to Columbus should be adopted. After a careful and patient review of the whole matter, hearing all sides and cautiously consulting costs, profits, they have determined on what is known as the western, or Delaware route. This route leads through or near Worthington, Delaware, Cardington, Gilead, Iberia, Shelby and Greenwich to Cleveland.

The Board are undetermined whether to go through Elyria, Oberlin, or more southerly through Berea. The line selected crosses the Sandusky Rail Road 12 miles north of Mansfield; is remarkably straight; of an easy grade and 3 miles shorter than the other line. With a side cut to Mt. Vernon, it will drain all the western part of the State, and will pass through one of the finest agricultural regions in the world. It is contracted to be completed in about two years.

Speaking of Mr. Independent Bush White, the Herald saye, "there is no disguising the fact that he will poll a large vote in this county." We should like to know where bi: large vote is coming from. Of course free soilare will have nothing to do with such a man, and the locolocos refuse to go for him, unless the Herald takes down Gidding's name and runs up his. "It is not enough," say, that a few Taylor Hunkers out of spite Giddings will vote for Mr. White, whilst the name of Mr.

Giddings is flying at the mast head of their organ." They cannot afford to take in a partner with 80 little capital. Where, then, ie this large vote lo come from? Let it he known that Mr. White and his supporters oppose Mr. Giddings because he is too tinctured with the free soil spirit for their relishing, and he will be welcomed to a hospitabie political grave by the people of this -True Democrat. The True Democrat knows very well that "Mr.

White and his supporters" are as strong advocates of free territory as Giddings and his friende. Every one acquainted with Mr. White knows well, that he is opposed to the extension of slavery, and would not vote for the admission of a slave state. He is a8 ultra on these subjects as any northern man. The opposition to Giddings arises from his shameful neglect of his Congressional duties.

Between White and Giddinge no white man would hesitate a moment. Fog-Fog-Fog! When will mysteries cease? There is another whig candidate in the fog. Backus and Barnett's mission to Leverett Johnson has created a stiff ander current of opposition to him.They, Taylor men, swear that Johnson is right. so," says the bolters, "'then we are sold." Senator Backus who came out of the court-house row tearing mad, if he is satisfied with Mr. Johnson's pledges it is a very good reason" say the bolters, "why should not be." So there is a sounding committoe appointed on the other side to visit Mr.

Johnson ho! what timee. There is Taylor, Ford and Johnson all laying low for black ducks; equivocating, skulking and ebufiling to keep their position as undefinable and incomatible a8 possible. Poor whiggery! POrtage of Franklin, was nominated in Portage county, for Representative on Friday last, Sheriff, Albert Austin; Auditor, E. P. Brainard; Commissioner, Mason.

All boltere but Rockwell, and he will be beaten euro. IT Hon. Columbus Delano has been detained at Cleveland on professionable business, 80 88 to be unable to attend the appoiotments made for him thus far. -Akron Beacon. It beats all how much "professional" bosinens this gentleman has on his hands just now.He has been announced to speak in some dozen places where he has failed on account of "pro.

fessional" business elsewhere. Delano's practice must be good, too good to join the apostate Corwin in a single stump effort thie season. IT Modest John Van Buren, who is on an election tour for his father, in a late speech at Philadelphia said: regarded the nomination of Gen. Taylor as a total failure. The enthusiaem which WAS supposed to be in existence has never had oxietence, and who would undertake to get up an excitement would have a barrow escape of being indicted as a resurrectionist.

of laughter Thanks to friend Beardsley for the largest brook trout ever caught in Lake Superior, and a white fish from the same big waters; cool, fresh and sweet. Call again, Ep. More Letters from Taylor. A letter from General Taylor is daily expected announcing that he would have been pleased to receive the nomination at Buffalo, and that he would have no objection to a nomination by the colored convention now in session in this city. Whig Confession.

Notwithstanding its far-stretched excuses for Taylor's recent course, the Courier Enquirer has the following admission as to the character of his recent letter: "We are not at all insensible to the object'onable feature of that acceptance, and should greatly have preferred that Gen. Taylor had allowed the nomination to pass unnoticed. Hie acceptance seems at first, we admit, inconeiderale. if not disrespectful to Mr. Fillmore, and in very well calculated, under all the circumatances, to strengthen the prejudices which have been sedulously sown throughout the north by the locofocos against Gen.

Taylor as a sectiona: candidate." The N. Y. Express, always felicitous, is usually happy in its defeuce of its says: "Granting that Gen. Taylor has lied in BAying that he is a whig, when he is only a neutral. Is not a neutral President better for ua whigthan Case!" Fortunate whig party! Twice blessed! 11 its candidates and in its organs.

August Elections. The result of the August elections foot up gloriously for the democracy: Demn. maj. Whig maj. 12,000 10,228 7,000 6,000 low 1,300 36,528 North 800 7,500 8,300 8.300 Dem.

Pop. Majority, 28,2:8 Times are not now as they used to was.Four years ago the whigs claimed the victory in the August elections. B. White in Ashtabula. We clip the following from the Conneaut Reporter, a whig paper in Giddings' own county: To 'THE ELECTORS OF THE XXTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT.

Bushnell White, Esq, of Cuyahoga, at the solicitation of maur fiends, offers himself as all Indepandent Caudidate for Congress. Mr. White is a thorough whig, an eloquent speaker, and would acquit himself honorably as the representative of this district in Congress.We have every assurance that the the Banner County will extend to him their cordial support. Well, a "cordial support" in Ashtabula, and, according to the Herald, a "LARGE VOTE in THIS county," will do something towards placing "Young Whitey" along side of his long -heeled competitor. The following resolution was passed at the organization of a "Rough and Ready" Club in the city of Buffalo: Resolved, That the question of "personal identity" which so mystifies the supporters of Martin Van Buren, of -burning, A and District of Columbia-abolition 011 one side, and those of Charles F.

Adams, of no memory, except one the glorious name he inherits, on the other, 13 that excites our curiosity 80 much that we request B. F. Butler and J. R. Giddings to inform u- which is the political penitent, and who it is that "stands where he always stood." Buffalo Trotting Course Fall Meeting.

SECOND was by far the largest assemblage of persons at the race course yesterday afternoon, ever collected, there. The number must have exceeded thousand. The test was between Moscow of Albany, Jack Rossitor of Chicago, and Lady Moscow of N. York, for a purse of $250 and $50, second beat, two miles and repeat. The betting was high among the friends of each horse -and stakes were freely offered and taken, that Jack Rossiter would be di-tanced on the fir-t heat When the signal was given, the horses came handsomely on to the ground, Moscow taking the pole.

At.he final signal, the horses started off beautifully, Moscow leading off the first quarter. Jack Rossiter came along side at the end of the second quarter, and then led off about two lenglits of Moscow, holding it to the end of the firat mile, making time 2-31, and the heat in 5-10. The second heat Jack Rosier took the pole.They started off beautifully, but on the second quarter Rossiter up badly. fell behind. he soon came to the work again, and gained on Lady Mosc nearly lapping her at the end of the first mile.

The lady kept the lead they came to the last quarter, when Jack made a brush and lapped her, keeping alongside until they reached the distance pole, when he broke up badly, and Lady won the heat by about two lengths, in 5.9. Moscow was ruled off for foul driving. The third heat Lady Moscow took the poles and won the heat by three lengths -time 5. 12. Buffalo Express.

ANOTHER FAMINE IN IRELAND! -Ireland is again doomed, we fear, to starvation! 11 as ever an unfortunate people so persecuted by calamity? The Dublin Freeman's Journal of the 12th of August, attempt at concealment would be more than useless--it would be a positive crime. The potato disease has set in, and moves forward with rapid strides. We are aware that speculation may and will take advantage of this sad announcement. But our duty is the same. We have to put the country, in possession of the facts, and warn authorities in time, that the food of the people is decaying, if not lost and that early and extensive preparations must be made to enable the people to live." IF "What are we coming to?" exclaims Duffries, of the Indiana State Journal, (whig.) Ile is coming to nothing fast, and so is his party.

"There's a Good Time Coming." The Hon. WM. ALLEN and Col. GEo. W.

MORGAN, are announced to be in this city on the 2d of October, and will address the people. TROUBLES OF THE WHIGS'-The Albany Fivening Journal, speaking of the causes which led to the Taylor indiguation meeting there, says: It may not be generally known--though we are in possession of the evidence -that Gen. Taylor's recant Letters had created much uneasiness among our friends in different parts of the State. The feelings that generally existed, here and elsewhere, when the Charleston correspondence reached us 01 Saturday afternoon, induced the call of a meeting. Should its discussions and deliberations result in teaching others, as they have taught us, that, however severely General Taylor's course tries and tasks them, it is still their duty, as Ainericans who love their country and its Institutions, to support him, there will be no reason to regret the movement.

OYSTERS! Fresh -Cozens is no cheat. He said he had oysters, fresh oysters, of this year's catching, but we did not believe him, until we saw them. We mean THE Cozzens at the old stand over the way. GREAT TIMES IN OLD GEAUGA! Smoking out BAINBRIDGE, Sept. 6, 1848.

MR. GRAY: We are more highly favored than our friends of the Sandy Hill circuit, inasmuch as we have a little of the "'stated The agitation of the political waters at the Buffalo Convention has at length, through instrumentality, extended its influence te this remote and unimportant part of the political world, and you will imagine we have occasionally a good time of it. It may be supposed by many that there is any amount of enthusiasm in this stronghold of the Liberty party. But had you been present, Mr. Editor, at a free soil meeting in this place last evening, with auy such expectations, you would have been disappointed.

A tice for it, and a string of appointments for other places, appeared in the True Democrat, and the object of these meetings fully appeared last evening. The old line whigs, free soil whigs, and other varieties too numerous to mention, in their late nominating convention in this county, failed to apportion to the "liberty party" (that was, but is 3 not) any of the loaves and fishes. Hence a free soil convention must be held in Claridon in this county, to nominate a free soil ticket, and hence we have the "stated preaching" through the county, in order, doubtless, to a. thorough preparation of heart for the important duties to be discharged at said convention. The meeting here was opened by prayer for success of its object, which is to promote the election of Martin Van Buren to the Presidency, and to succeed in 8 scramble for petty county ofhcas, expecting, doubtless, to call off enough free soil whigs and democrats to unite with the liberty party to carry the county.

The Rev. gentleman (Elder Miller) then commenced a very methodical discourse, which had its introductory remarks about free soil, Wilmot proviso, its firstly, telling some truth about Gen. Taylor; its secondly, villifying Gen. Cass; thirdly. he attempted to show the peculiar fitness of Van Buren for the Presidency; and lastly, but not leastly, what he saw and heard, and the important part he acted in the Buffalo convention.

In taking up the first part of his discourse he dilated on' Lou. Taylor's views 011 the Veto Power, his connection with slavery, and the probable stand he would take in consequence thereof. This, as a matter of course, brought two or three Taylor men to their feet, and a few sapient interrogations were put by them to the speaker: whereupon a Van Buren man, who was formerly a whig, jumps up and moves that the speaker be allowed to go on. So the Taylor ineu were choked down. 'The speaker then pounced upon Gen.

Cass and went on to retail the billingsgate with which the whig and Van Buren presses abound. His effort was lost, for in no place will the friends of Lewis Cass stand firmer than here, notwithstanding we are surrounded by whiggery and all the various isms s0 prevalent on the Reserve. But we must pass with our speakor to thirdly, and here he was in as bad a fix 28 was the person whose thirdly carried by a sudden breeze out of the church window, for he made as hard work to get along with it. He assumed that Van Buren was decidedly opposed to annexation of Toxas. Cass man here raised the enquiry whether Van Buren did not about with Henry Clay on this question.

of no, 44 But," persisted the Cass man, "there are V. B. men here present who in my hearing, have so expressed themselves." "Name one," says a number. "It's no such thing; the whigs didn't claim anything of the kind," says a whig B. man.

Cars last speaker was a lie!" "Order! order!" from all parte of the can prove it," says the Cass man. "Settle that somewhere else," shouted V. B. whigs and liberty inen. The speaker, apparently glad to got rid of this sparring, hastened to the last division of his subject, to wit: the Buffalo convention.

Here he was not interrupted, for the good reason, probably, that would have been a hopeless task to convince the honest and uneuspecting Elder that there was any pulling of wires, or anything unfairlin its proceedings. Oh, no! such Hen as Van Buren, Butler, ET ID OMNE GENUS, cannot be suspected of anything of the kind. THEY are above intrigue and trickery. The vast concessions made by the barnburners surely entitle the man whom they delight honor, to the support of every liberty man. After winding up by a fervid exortation to the disaffected of all parties to come on to the Buffalo platform, he urged the for mation of a free soil club, on the basis which he read.

In it was a resolution to this effect: That we will support no man for office who will not avow himself in favor of Free Soil, Free Territory, Now this is a pretty fix for those free soil whigs who support Gen. Ford. Of this, Parson Miller was duly reminded. He sincerely hoped -he VERILY BELIEVED that Gen. Ford would come out--he would come out right -a free soil man -and that very s0ou.

It is true, Mr. Editor, he may come out, if not until the eleventh hour: and this be very convenient, as the news of his reformation could reach the south part of the state where Taylor whigs are more abundant, still time for the Reserve to get the "glad tidings." But he has baen astray so long that many whigs are disposed to look upon the prospect of his conversion as very doubtful, and unless fully convinced they will not support him. You may rest assured that his majority over Weller, here in his own county, will be small, if indeed he gets any at all, unless he takes a decided stand where ho can get the support of the free soil whigs. OBSERVER. Miscellaneous Items.

HARD The papers at Washing. announce that General Worth had reached that city, having travelled all the way from the brilliant fields of Mexico with his staff. BETHEL. -The ladies of Portland at their late a Bethel, in that city, for seamen. 8100 more Fair raised about $400 towards the erection of is requisite to complete the work.

A YOUNG FELON. One of the charges specified in the indictment against the "Felon" newspaper is a song written by a son of John Mitchel 10 years old. Chimneys, to prevent their smoking, should be as nearly perpendicalar possible, be free from all roughness inside, and be a little wider at the top than at the base. The following epigram was written on seeing a full portrait of Ben Nash, the celebrated dandy, which hung between the bust of Pupe and Newton "The picture placed the bust between Give Satire all its strength; Wisdom and Wit are little seen, But Folly at full length. I heard Thomas Carlyle say a few nights ego, in conversing upon the growing expenses and abuses of the landed aristocracy, and the unchristain church establishment: the things must stop, or the people will go to inventing those barricade things, and they will be brushed away like -London Correspondence of the Harbinger.

FREAKS OF where is the frying "Johnny's got it carting mad and clam shells up the alley, with the cat for a horse." "The dear little fellow, what a genius he'll make; but go and get it. We're going to have company, and must fry some fish for dinner." 800 a Taylor whig and abolitionist, oleotloneering and votin3 for Ford. THEATRE! AT THE APOLLO HALL. Last night of the, popular Yankee comedian, DiR. MARBLE Who will perform his original character of LOP SAP SAGO.

And his favorite character of Sam Patch. On Thursday evening, Sept. 7, will be performed the new Play of Hue and Cry: LOT SAP MR. MARBLE. Grand Pas De Miss S.

Brittingham. To conclude with the Yankee Comedy of SAM PATCH IN FRANCE: HAM MARBLE. 90 For particulars, see the small bills of day. To the Electors of the XXth Congressional BUSHNELL WHITE, at the solicitation of many friends offers himself as an INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE for Congreas. Liver Complaints, Bilious Diseases, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, c.

-The season is now approaching when the above mentioned complaints are becoming prevalent, and it behooves those who are threatened or a dicted to check the progress of disease by a timely resort to MACKENZIE'8 COMPOUND LIVER PILLA, A few doses of which will cleinse the stomach, remove al morbid secretions, (by their specific action on the Liver strengthen the howels, and promote digestion. No medicine has gained a greater celebrity in curing all diseases arising from a chronic diseased state of the Liver than the nbove, as hundreds who have used them can testify. For sale by C. 8. MACKENZIF CO.

It scems to be generally acknowledged that Marsh Miasma. or the effluvia arising from marshy grounds been rcted upon by heal, is the most ex citing cause in the production of Ague and Chill Fevers. In admitting its powers, we ought not to look on them as the universal cause, as persons residing in the most healthy part of cities, and far from marshes, are sometimes attacked with them. Most persons in the summer season, take their exercise early in the morning, but more frequenty in the evenings, the cool and damp air to which they are exposed very often produce these Fevers. To heads of families we say, be sure to have on hand a bottle of Dr Mackenzie's Tonic Febrifuge, and on the first symptoms shown, administer dose or two, and see how soon the seeds of disease will be destroved befre they are atlowed to take root in the system.

For sale by 8031 C. S. MACKENZIE CO. Kr W. Purely Vegetable FEVER AGUE This medicine has been used for the lust eight years by a large number of individuals aflicted with diseases usunlly termed Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Chill, or Intermittent Fevers, Jaundice.

proprietor has been unwearied in his cific effurts, for from the year to year, to improve the virtues of his Spevarious diseases herein referred to, until he can now confidently introduce and recommend it 1 8 one of the most safe and effectual remedies extant. The Specific, or 14 composed exclusively of vegetable extracts, many ofwhieh, would in themselves have relieved the dis eased severing patient, and temporarily restore to health; but by per application to render the Specific in the highest degree valuable, some new ingredients were fortunately dis covered, which by addition have, by an experimental and scientific combination, now rendered it not only a temporary relief other similor or from a disease of a bilious charucter, but is warranted 10 effect permanent and radical cure, when taken in conformity with the directions. could be Numerous certificates as well as individual testimony, furnished in evidence of its wonderful efficacy and never failing virtues. however, who are afflicted, can do themselves no greater benafit than nt least to try a remedy which experience has demonstruted as one of the most valuable in recent discoverics. and For sale in Cleveland at A.

SANFORD'E Book Store, street. O. R. Cox's Dry Good's Store, No. 61, Superior VAN AMBURGII CO's MI Menagerie WILl.

be Exhibited in C'eveland on TUESDAY, the 26th day of September, 1848, for one day only. HOURS OF EXHIBITION from 1 to 3 P. M. Admission 25c. Children under 9 years of age, half price.

PROCESSION of Carriages, Cages, will enter the above town from Albion at 11 o'clock on the above morning, preceded by the Colossal Tuba Rhoda, or Grecian State Carriage, painted and gilded in the most gorgeous style, containing Post's Famous New York Brass Band. The carriages and cages are all new, (built by the best mechanics in New York, highly finished, painted and decorated; are drawn by a troupe ut J00 grey horses, the finest stud ever collected together. TIE CAVALCADE will pass through the principal streets of the town for exhibition, to the spacious Pavilion, erected for the exhibition this collection of animals, where the public may have an opportunity of Leholcing the thrilling performances of MISS E. CALHOUN and DIR. BROOKS, who together, will give an interesting illustration of the ascendancy of intellect over the wild tenants of the forest.

See large bills at the principal llotels. The same will be exhibited at Canton the 20th, Fulton 21st, Akron 22d, Medina 23d, and Albion the 95th Sept: NEW FALL GOODS, JAMES H. KELLEY HAVE consisting just of- Received a few Elegant Fall Choice Styles Dark Ginghams, Plain and Satin stripe Mohair Lustres, A few nice patterns, Dark Prints, Irish Linens, Sheetings, very cheap, A A large assortment of the most elegant and rich Fancy DRESS SILKS, of the latest importations and richest styles. Call and see them sep? KELLEY CO'S. 78 Empire.

Straved. FROM the subscriber, in the month of' April, a two year old dark bay mare COLT, rather small for the nge, but a handsome well built colt--no white aboat the colt, rather flesh, with a scar between its bind legs in the thick of the Mash. It left my premises about the middie of April last. Any person that will bring me the colt or let me know where I can find it shall be well paid for all time and expenses. JOHN NORAGON.

Streetshorough, Portage county. Ohio. HOMEOPATHY. Doctor Roder, PHYSICIAN, AS RECEIVED directly from Germany Homeopathic Remedies, which can be had in suitable well in Tinctures and Triturations, As also prepared in Polenzes or Dozertizers, for the Practice -by calling at his office on Bonk-st, No 74. Cleveland, Sept.

6. w3m A Rare Chance. THE siness, in UNDERSIGNED not being health able to attend to buconsequence of ill and by the advice of his Physicians, wishes tolremove to a climate more congenial to his henith, now offers for sale the Bar, Fixtures and Furniture of the Shukspeare Saloon, on the most reasonable terms. 'The Establishment is now doing a fair business, which might be incrensed by paying strict attention to the same. For further particulars inquire of the Proprietor, at No.

6, over M. Carson's Paint and Paper Store, or at the Saloon, No. 17, sep? A. J. FROST.

RIVAL -FRESH COD FISH: Oysters Lobsters, just in by Express, at A. COZZEN'S sep? Opposite Weddell House. Soldiers Land Warrants. FOR rendered SALE- to And Soldiers in warranted procuring genuire. their Also Warrants assistance or back pay.

Apply to W. VAN DYKE, No. 8 Pust Office Buildings, wtf Cleveland, 0. RECEIVED THIS MORNING, SEPTEMBER TIl. 1 PS.

Splendid 4-4 BL'K GRO DE RHINE SILK. AL8O, 1 ELEGANT PATTERN VESITTE, sep4 78 Empire. Attention, Ladies. 6000 YARDS THREAD LACES, PURCHASE cents at per an yard. Underwriter's Warranted Anle.

all At Thread, or the money will be returned. Please call at GEO. A. DAVIS, Sept. 4,1818.

Corner Superior Water-sts. REMOVAL. R. Hat N. Store to No.

19 DOCKSTADER Superior Street, have at the removed sign their of the Mammoth Hot, where they have just received the FALL STYLE of HATS from the most celebruted Enstern Manufactures -a beau'iful Pattern and superbly ished and Trimmed, and warranted to retain the shape and lustre We are now receiving onr Fall Stock of liats, Caps, Muffs, Buffalo Robes and every thing appertaining to our line of business, and which will be sold at a small advance from New York prices, Aug. 28. 8w R. N. DO DOCKSTADER.

5 spendid article for WHITE Family use, CUBA for sole cheap -A au29 J. J. ROSS. 100 ROPE: COILS Just received MANILLA and for sale TARKEI cheap by au29 J. J.

ROSS. 50 RA BAGS COFFEE: PRIME for sale RIO cheap by AND LAGUYau29 J. J. ROSS. CHARTS McIntosh.

For COUNTER sale bv CHARMS. au29 W. I. SMITH, No. 97, street.

NOVELS just received at No. 97 Superior GOWRIE: or the King's Plot Harold: or the Last of the Haxon Kings The New Forest, by Capt. Marryatt Vanity Fair to Marry and flow to get Married Au29 W. H. SMITH.

'Those Goods nave Come! DERRY (at the CITY MILLS STORE, has this day received 30 cases New Goods. aust) STOLEN: ON the HORSES, night of about the 15 27th hands high. TWO ()ne, a LIGHT heavy GREY built French horse, with heavy mane and tail, large head, and drooping under lip; shuffling walk, short quick step, and spreads his hind feet in trotting. The other a light dapple, lighter bdilt, smooth trot, and a reddish stripe from the back nearly to the belly upon the left side, hair around the left eye apparently scalded off. A liberal reward will be paid for horses and thieves, either or both, by DAVID LONG.

Cleveland, Aug, 29. w3w 'TO situated in the A heart nice of Brick the Dwelling P'ossession housecity. given immediately. Apply to August 29. G.

OVERROCKER. Tons White Chalk and Spanish Whiting. For sale by aug HANDERSON, PUNDERSON CO. Silver, STEEL, JET BUCKLES and Slides tor Ladies. at CRITTENDEN'S.

WANTED will ONE be paid. THOUSAND Beef Tierces, for S. S. COE August 25, 1818. On the Dock.

Music Schools. received the past season in bis vocation, begs leave to J. H. CLARK. from the encouragement he inform his friends and the community generally, that he has established himself permanently in this city as Teacher of Vocal Music.

Being employed only a part of the time in the Poblic Schools, his services can be secured to give any number of lessons in the different Select schools of the city, at reasonable prices. A Juvenile Class will be formed on Saturday next, at 3 o'clock, P. M. in the Session-Room of the Stone Church.In the evening of the same day and at the same place, urrangements will be made to forni an adult Primary Class in the elements and practice of Vocal Music, and also a Class of advanced singers in secular music, principally. For terms, inquire at Brainard's Music Store, or at No.

26, Cleveland, August 28, 1848. 1d3w AUGUST 23. A. PE commenced Goods receiving can his learn the FALL GOODS. Per sons difference between last spring and this fall prices, by calling at the au24 CITY MILLS STORE.

Dye- Woods and Dve-Stuffs. 40 Bbls. Logwood 500 Lbs. Blue Vitriol 20 do Fustic 100 do Inc Dye 10 do Nicarauga 100 do Indigo 30 do Camwood 10 bbls, Copperas 10 do Madder 5 do Alum Also, stick dyewood, argol, muriate of tin, tenter honks, papers, blothes brushes, oil vitriol, cochineul Cream artar, For sale cheap by 1023 HANDERSON, PUNDERSON CO. E.

B. MASTICK, Master Commissioner in Chancery. SAML. STARKWEATHER, Solr. An25td NEW FALL GOODS, AUGUST 25, 1848.

WARREN RECEIVED THIS DAYFall Ginghams Lamartine Plaids and Stripes Madonna and Alpacca Plaids au25 Fine Brown Linens, Prints, made application hereby to the given that undersigned, Edward as F. special Nichols missioner of Insolvents of the county of Cuyahoga, on 7th day of August, 1848, for the benefit of the act for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, and that copies of the papers relative to said application will be filed by me with the Clerk of the Court of Common I'leas of said county, on the 3.1 day of October, 1848 8. O. GRISWOLD, August 26 15d Master Com'r in Chancery. -MARSAILES, Knot12.4, 11 4 and 10 4.


TN PURSUANCE of an interlocutory decree of the ('ourt of Common Pleas, within and for the county of Cuya. hoga, and State of Ohio, in Chancery sitting, made at the June Term thereof, A.D. 1818, in the case wherein Zalmon Fitch, Trustee ct. al. nre complainants, and Anna Marin Neeb ct.

al, are respondents, and in puranance of an order of Sale under said decree to me directed, 1 shall offer for sale at public auction at the door of the Court House in enid county on the 27th day of September, A. D. 1848, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock, P.

M. of said day, the following described Innds and tenements, 10 wit: situate in the city of Cleveland and described as follows, to wit Being the rear half of lot No. 54 of Levi Johuson's subdivision of original lots 178, 179, 180, 181, 187, 188, 189, 190, according to the plat on record at the Recorder's office in said Cuyahoga county, and being the same land needed to Anna Maria Neeb (by the nume of Maria Neeb) by said Levi Johnson, by deed bearing date June 29ch, 1840, and recorded July 1, 1840, in Book No. 28 pages 370-1. Appraised at $300 CO.

Groceries and Ship Chandlery. J. J. ROSS, No. 61 Dock and 119 River Street, A RE stock of all kinds RECEIVING of a large and well selected GROCERIES AND SHIP CHANDLERY which have been purchased in New York within the last month, which they will sell at a small advance from costand would invite all those who wish to purchase, either at WHOLESALE or RETAIL, to call.

Cleveland, August 28, 1848. Light! Light: J. ter's J. PATENT HOSS are GLOBE agents for LAMPS, the sale and of have Win. just Por- received a large stock ofall kinds, consisting of ten different patterns of Copper, Bross and Tin mounted, which will be sold at the Factory prices at wholesale.

Those wishing to purchase will please call and examine a handsomer article than has ever been offered in market. Cleveland, August 29. tf 10 GARS, HHDS. just rec'd PORTO and for RICO sale by N. O.

STau29 J. ROSS. Round and Sharp. GET CLOCKS--Small few of thore Spring. "Marine Bevel, time and O.

keepers" G. left. yet, altogether the best assortment in town, at jy24 COWLES', opposite Dunham House EASTERN and Palur WRAPPING Leaf; 50 do Linen. For sale 250 nt 50 per cent less than "Cuyahoga Mill," or other paper manufactured in this region. Those in want of the article will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere.

Aug. 30 W. L. STANDART. Perley's New York Patgut Windlasses.

ses. THE Subscriber being the exclusive agent for the Lakes Porlew's Patent Windlasses," would invite the attention of all interested to an examination of the For cheapness, durability and genaral efficiency, they are far superior to the old fashioned Windlass. Masters and owners of small vessels and lake scows are particularly invited to examine them. An assortment always on hand. au30 W.

L. STANDART. RECTIFIED whiskey. For WHISKEY-200 sale by bbls, superior Aug. 30.


140 SENECA BLOCK. A. ment of PERRY Striped has De just received Lamartines, a fine assortPlaid Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, Brown do Gimps, French Collars, Irish do Fringes, Mourning do. Ribbons, Cravats, Which will be sold at unprecedented low prices. Call and Beg, at 110, Seneca Block.

NEW YORK AND CLEVELAND Clothing Warehouse, And Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS! FRANKLIN BUL NEW LEVEL AND CLOTHING TORO A. GEO A DAVIS "Hermetically Sealed" LOBSTERS, CLAMS, SALMON. Mackerel, ('ed. Sen Bass, Houp and Bouille. Also, PICKLED OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, and Hardines.

'The above hermeticrlly scaled articles are warranted to retain All their miginal favors, and will keep fresh and good any length of time. They may be found at septi tiw COZZENS', opposite Weddell House. LADIES ut FANUY I. BENEDICT CO'S. BELTS.

septi No. 12, Superior-st. New Publications. 'The -by Miss Pickering. Giving a history of his Robberies, Life of' Dr.

Rich'd Jennings, the Great Victimizer, The the author Trapper's of Bride, or The Apirit of Adventure, by Prairie Bird, Revenge, or the Robber of Guatemala. Harry ventures. Beiden, or a True Narrative of Strauge AdThe Business Man's Assistant, containing the most the useful forms of Legal Instruments adapted to wants of' business people of. the U. States.

sep6 Just ree'd by B. PEARSON. Magnetic Water Guage. I'm. CLEVELAND, September 2, 1848.

Bryce, Dear Sir: WE Boiler have connected in use the with lust our four Lard Oil and the Storm Star Candie Manufactory, "Faber's Magnetic Water Gunge," and can cheerfully recommend it to the attention of all who use steam. It requires no care to keep it in order--it indicates correctly ut all times the exact stage of water in the boiler, and has entirely done away with the necessity of try interested co*cks. in It necds only to be used to be approved by all the of steam. You may refer any one to us who wish to see the instrument in operation, and think no one can examine it with. out being well satisfied the half has not been told of it.

3td Respectfully, yours, sep5 HOGBROOK STANLEY. Light! Light! Light! Dyatt's Patent Pine Oil Lamps. A. S. splendid GARDNER assortment of has the now abore on hand named a large LAMPS, and which he will sell at Wholesale and Retail at, the lowest pricer.

for Dyatt's Potent Pine Oil lamps have been in general use more than ten in the principal cities in the U. Stales, and are not surpassed by any other lamp now in use. Chandelier, Parlor, Suspending and Side Lamps of various patterns and prices. The light produced from the PINE OIL, which is manufactured in this city by D. Root, and used in these Lumps, for neatness: economy and brilother liancy Oils, of light, and has far surpasses the light produced from any annihilated the use of Camphine, which has been so justly condemned.

Chimneys, Globes and Wicks, kept constantly on hand at 34 SENECA BLOCK. SILK FLANNELS -No one has any except WARREN CO. ROPE MATS-10 bales received this day, by july13 E. CRITTENDEN FLOWER large and handsome stock 8030 at N. L.

CRITTENDEN'8. EGGS chickenless bbls just received, and warranted as the day they were born. For sale cheap. au30 L. STANDATT.

I on INSEED hand -The BEST in market. constantly RHODES GREEN. North- H'est corner of Superior and Water-streets, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS. FIRST ARRIVAL OF New Fall and Winter Goods. THE friends and UNDERSIGNED customers, would that he is respectfully announce receipt to of his stock of goods for Gentlemen and Youths' Fall and Winter wear, selected with grent care and purchased just At the most favorable moment, and will be sold for cash at A minall advance.

In the Ready Made Department will be found and FROCK COATS, SACKS OVERCOATS, CLOTH CLOAKS, VESTS and l'ANTALOON8, In erery variety of Style. Having secared the services of Mr. C. H. Eels, as Cutter, and the best.

workmen in the city, he feels warranted in ntserting that Clothing will be gotten up in his Ersablishment in a style inferior to none and at cash prices that cannot be enunled. He respectfully solicits an examination of his Stock those wishing to purchase, and warrants all articles sold by him to be ns represented. Ilia present. stock comprises Black and Colored Drab, Brown and Blue Beavers, for Cut Silk Velvets- Woolen Velvets- Cashinere Figured Silk and Satin Vestings. Together with a large assortment of Gentlemen': Furnishing Good GEO.

A. DAVIS. Cleveland. Sept. 9,1848.

left my bed and board HEREAS, without my any wife just Mary cause Ann, or pror her oration. This is to forbid all persons from trusting her on my account after this dute. Solon, Sept. 5, 1848. May the blessings of (lad rest on her, From this time henceforth and forererAnd Itrust in.

God to utert her in Heaven. HORACE M. MAPES RECEIVEDFrench China Dinner setts. Gold Band do do Jaged, lined, sprigged, and white Tea Vases, For sale low, A. S.

GARDNER, 8 I No. 134, Seneca Block. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. Case Alpacca Lustres, Care De Laines, do Red Gmphams, small Plaids, do BI'd Cottons, 2 White Flannels, do Ladies Just opening at A. M.

PERRY'S sep.i City Mille Store. Gold E'on Agency. THE SUBSCRIBER having received the Agency of Ertensine Gold Len Manufactory, is prepared to sell A SUPERIOR articleof GOLD PEN at Wholesale andi Retail, at Enstern prices. sep5 W. HENRY SMITH, 97 Superior -st.

Fall Fashions. AN Mats. EXCELLENT Received article this day of at the FALL STYLE of L. BENEDICT CO'S. arp4 No.

12, Notice. Tar STATE OF OHIO, In the Superior Court of ClereCuyahogn County, As. land. August Term, A. D.

1848. Edward WV. Kimball, Attachment in Fenjamin If. Strang and Assumpsit. George It.

Hutchins. ON was the 8th issued dav from of the June, A. office D. of 1848, the ('lerk writ of of the attachment Superior Court of Clevelnnd, agatust the land-, tenemente, goods, chattels, rights, credits, moneys and effects of the above named George H. Hutchins and Benjamin I.

Strang, in favor of. the above named Edward W. Kimball, demanding as the sum of' $2500 00, and on the back thereof as the prerious sum demanded $1284 68. GEO. A.

BENEDICT, Clerk of Superior Court of Clereland. HITCHco*ck, WILLSON WADE, PINS. Atty's. September 6, 1848. Pocket Book Found.

some the 20th valuable in papers, the town notes, of Rock with port, some ten containing dollars in money. An owner is wanted -Call on septi JOUN GORDON, in the German settlement. Prairie Chickens, RECEIVED this morning from Chicago, COZZENS'. in fine or 4 repti Opposite Weddell House. FRESH OYSTERS, Do.

BLACK FISH, Do. LOBSTERS, Received by Express from New York, for sale nt. COZENS', opposite Wendell a.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.