The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (2024)

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The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (1)

Hi guys! I’m back with The BEST Chili Oil Recipe!

Thank you so much for your patience and for waiting for my new recipe! I’ve been quite busy with new projects… such as popup restaurants!

So far have done 3 popups in Sacramento California and it has been MAGICAL!!

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (2)
The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (3)
The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (4)
The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (5)

I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your support and love!! It was my dream to cook for you and thank you so much for being there and enjoying the food!!! It was MAGICAL!!

Check out here for my next popup!

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (6)

Going back to my chili oil recipe… So I had the best chili oil in the air, while I was flying to Taiwan from SF. It was SO GOOD I had to remake it at home and I’ve been obsessed with it. I can’t eat a meal without it so I had to share it with you guys!!

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (7)

The first thing we need to do is toast Sichuan peppercorns.

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (8)

Toast Sichuan peppercorns on a dry wok or pan for 45 seconds to 1 minute over medium heat. You can definitely smell the Sichuan peppercorns!

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (9)

Grind with mortar and pestle or coffee/spice grinder to fine but still a little coarse powder. Set aside.

Chop shallot into small dice. Shallot is a very important element of this chili oil recipe. It gives a beautiful savory and naturally sweet flavor. If shallot is hard to find, you can use green onions or red onion but shallot is the best option for this recipe.

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (11)

Stir fry shallot with some oil. I used avocado oil, but you could use one of the oil down below.

  • Vegetable oil
  • Canola oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Grape seed oil
  • Sunflower oil

No sesame oil or extra version olive oil, because all the flavor will be burnt & it will be just wasting.

Stir fry the shallot for 4 to 5 minutes or until they are golden brown.

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (12)
The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (13)

Add soy sauce around the edge of the wok, so it will give a nice smokey flavor. Also, add toban djan at this point. Stir fry the sauce and shallot mixture for 1 to 2 minutes.

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (14)
The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (15)

Toban djan is a Chinese chili bean sauce. Very easy to find at Chinese/Asian grocery stores or online. Check outhere to get from online!

Add remaining oil, red pepper flakes (regular red pepper flakes for mild version or Thai chili flakes for spicy version), sugar, salt, Chinese five-spice, msg, and Sichuan peppercorns. Msg is optional, because without it still tastes AMAZING! But, it definitely makes a huge difference before and after. So it’s completely up to you.

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (16)
The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (17)

Stir and cook for an additional 1 to 2 minutes.

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (18)

Remove from heat and let it cool then store in an air-tight container.

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (19)

This chili oil is great to spice up any type of soup, dressings, or main dish. I love my egg omelet and porridge. Also, you could just toss in your favorite noodles (ex. egg noodles or spaghetti), or add in your ragu sauce for a kick. One of the traditional ways in Chinese dishes is to toss in tofu sheets. You can find the tofu sheet in the refrigerated section of the Chinese market.

The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (20)
The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (21)

Keep it a room temperature is fine and it will last 15 days. Enjoy!


The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (23)

The BEST Chili Oil

★5 Stars☆★4 Stars☆★3 Stars☆★2 Stars☆★1 Star☆No reviews
  • Author: Seonkyoung Longest
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 30 tbsp 1x
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  1. Toast Sichuan peppercorn in a dry wok or pan for 45 seconds to 1 minute over medium heat. Grind with mortar and pestle or coffee/spice grinder to fine but still a little coarse powder. Set aside.
  2. Heat a wok over medium-low to medium heat, add 1/4 cup of oil, and chopped shallot. Stir fry the shallot for 4 to 5 minutes or until they are golden brown.
  3. Add soy sauce around edge of the wok so that it will give nice smokey flavor. Also add toban djan at this point. Stir fry the sauce and shallot mixture for 1 to 2 minutes.
  4. Add remaining oil, red pepper flakes, sugar, salt, Chinese five spices, msg, and Sichuan pepper corn. Stir and cook for additional 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let it cool then store in an air tight container. Keep it in a room temperature is fine and it will last 15 days. Enjoy!


If you want more oil, you can add additional 1/2 cup more oil to this recipe.

  • Cook Time: 10 minutes


The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (24)

The BEST Chili Oil

★★★★★4.9 from 12 reviews
  • Author: Seonkyoung Longest
Print Recipe


This is the best chili oil recipe you can find online!




  1. Toast sichuan pepper corn on a dry wok or pan for 45 seconds to 1 minute over medium heat. Grind with mortar and pestle or coffee/spice grinder to fine but still a little coarse powder. Set aside.
  2. Heat a wok over medium low to medium low heat, add 1/4 cup of oil and chopped shallot. Stir fry the shallot for 4 to 5 minutes or until they are golden brown.
  3. Add soy sauce around edge of the wok, so it will give nice smokey flavor. Also add toban djan at this point. Stir fry the sauce and shallot mixture for 1 to 2 minutes.
  4. Add remaining oil, red pepper flakes, sugar, salt, Chinese five spices, msg and sichuan pepper corn. Stir and cook for additional 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let it cool then store in an air tight container. Keep it in a room temperature is fine and it will last 15 days. Enjoy!


If you want more oil, you can add additional 1/2 cup more oil to this recipe.


The BEST Chili Oil Recipe & Video - Seonkyoung Longest (2024)


How long will homemade chilli oil last? ›

I restock my chili oil every 2-3 months and I always have jars in my fridge ready to go. It lasts in the fridge up to 3 MONTHS and I use it on everything, noodles, wontons, dumplings, eggs, radish cakes, homemade buns, literally EVERYTHING.

What is the most popular chili oil in China? ›

The product is sold in China and over 30 other countries. Lao Gan Ma is credited with popularizing Chinese chili oil and chili crisp toppings in the Western world, and have inspired many Chinese-American chili-based toppings.

What chili is best for chili oil? ›

Chili flakes: You will need Sichuan chili flakes for best results. Avoid regular crushed red pepper flakes.

How long does Mexican chili oil last? ›

Homemade chili oil can last for 2-3 months when stored in an airtight container in a cool dark place at room temperature, and even longer in the refrigerator, though shelf life can vary depending on ingredients used.

How to prevent mold in chili oil? ›

You should make small slits in the chilies so they fill will oil, or just cut them in half.. This will enable them to sink. If the Chilies (or anything you are preserving in oil) stays above the surface you will get mold or worse. It's also a better idea to store in the refrigerator.

Should chilli oil be stored in the fridge or pantry? ›

How should the crispy chilli oil be stored? Mrs C's crispy chilli oil should ideally be stored in a cool environment, such as a pantry. If you want to keep it for longer, you can also store it in the fridge – an environment that makes every spoonful slightly different. Give it a go and find out.

What is the strongest chilli oil? ›

Carolina Reaper Chilli Oil is made from top quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the hottest chilli in the world, the Carolina Reaper.

Can I use fresh chilies in chilli oil? ›

The short answer is – yes! You can make hot chili oil using fresh or dried chilies, so it's totally up to you what option you choose.

What is the best thickener for chili? ›

The good news is there are lots of easy ways to thicken up your chili with ingredients you likely already have in your pantry— flour, cornmeal, pureed beans, cornstarch, or even crushed tortilla chips will help do the job, along with some good old extra simmering time.

How to tell if chili oil is bad? ›

To determine if your chili oil has gone bad, you'll need to pay attention to the smell and visual aspects. If it smells rancid or off, that's your first sign that it's expired. Additionally, if you notice any discoloration or mold growth, those are sure signs it's time to toss it.

Where is the best place to store chili oil? ›

When it's ready, chili oil can be stored at room temperature in a sealed jar for several weeks, or up to six months in the refrigerator.

Is salsa macha the same as chili oil? ›

Salsa Macha is a smoky, spicy, nutty, Mexican chili oil hailing from Veracruz that is excellent on grilled meats, eggs, cheese, veggies and even a nice alternative to tomato-based salsas with your chips. Oh, and the heat is totally customizable.

How to prolong the shelf life of chili garlic oil? ›

As you would with any canning/acchar/pickling recipe; boil the jar you'll be storing your oil in, to sterilize it and then let the jars air dry and use brand new lids. If refrigerated in an air tight jar, this chili garlic oil can last up to 3 months. Make sure to use a clean, dry spoon when taking the oil.

How long is homemade chili good for? ›

When properly stored in airtight containers, homemade chili will last for up to four days in the fridge. Start examining your batch for signs of spoilage at 3-4 days.

Does chili crisp oil need to be refrigerated? ›

Chili Crisp - No

Most companies use garlic, shallots, and chiles that have been dried, which decreases the risk of bacterial growth. But as with many other condiments, storing it in the fridge will slow any flavor changes that might occur.

How long do peppers in oil last? ›

Pour olive oil over the top of the peppers, completely covering them but leaving 1/4 inch of space. Seal the jar and store in the refrigerator for up to a year. The peppers will soften over time.


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.