Reuben Sandwich recipe (2024)

A Reuben sandwich is so much more than just another pastrami sandwich. Piled high with warm, fall-apart homemade pastrami, quick sauerkraut recipe, Russian dressing and Swiss cheese, this is a sandwich that’s so good it can make a grown man cry!

This recipe is a copycat of the Reuben Sandwiches made famous by Katz’s Deli in NYC. Because I can’t fly halfway around the worldevery time I need a fix!

Reuben Sandwich recipe (1)

Reuben Sandwich recipe

If you’re wonderingwhat’s a Reuben Sandwich and why are you so bonkers about them??close your eyes and imagine biting into this:lightly toasted rye breadslathered with butter and a slightly tart/spicy mayo (Russian Dressing), piled high withwarm, flavour infusedhomemade pastrami,the juicy tanginess and crunch from a quick homemade sauerkrautall smothered in melted Swiss cheese.

It’s an unbelievable combination of flavours and textures.

And it is, without question, one of the BESTsandwiches in the world!

Reuben Sandwich recipe (2)

What goes in a Reuben Sandwich

Here’s what you need to make a Reuben sandwich:

  • Homemade Pastrami – you’ll find plenty of recipes out there that tell you to just use plain corned beef (aka salt beef)… but just imagine how much more outrageously good it it is when made with an EASY slow cooked homemade pastrami that’s fall apart tender and crusted with fresh pastrami spices!That’s the Katz’s way!

  • Sauerkraut –essential for a true Reuben sandwich, a big pile of sauerkraut which is pickled cabbage. We’re making our own here because even aquick sauerkraut is way better than what you get in jars at supermarkets. I use a Rick Stein recipe, and it’s really (really!) good.

  • Russian Dressing – Another essential component of a Reuben Sandwich! It’s basically a slightly spicy Thousand Island Dressing. I don’t know who decided this sauce was a good idea for a Reuben but it works outrageously well to bring all the ingredients together!

  • Swiss Cheese – We never say no to cheese in any form, and especially not toSwiss Cheese (that nutty savoury flavour is just so perfect here!) Gruyere or Emmental or even “Swiss style” cheese works a treat as well.

  • Rye Bread – No other bread will do here. (Just jokes. 🙂 Some might say it’s criminal to use another bread, but actually, all the stuff between the bread is way more important in my view. Just be sure to use a sturdy bread – stock standard white sandwich bread won’t hold up to the generous filling!)

Reuben Sandwich recipe (3)

Reuben Sandwich recipe (4)

I’m going to briefly talk through each of the components here, but if you want to dive right in, skip to the recipe!

1. EASY Homemade Pastrami

Homemade Pastrami is one of those gold nugget recipes that has high returns for very little effort. Essentially, you roll corned beef in a whole bunch of everyday spices, wrap in foil, slow cook until fall apart tender then bake so the spices become crusty.

That’s it. Really.

One bite, and you will be BLOWN AWAY how good it is. It’s sliceable but fork tender, and the fresh flavour of the spices is just so so good!

Reuben Sandwich recipe (5)

Reuben Sandwich recipe (6)

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2. QUICK Sauerkraut recipe!

Typically sauerkraut is left to ferment for weeks to allow flavours to develop. And as regular readers know, I do not possess such patience – when I want a Reuben sandwich, I want it now, now, now!

Luckily for us, Rick Stein has a mighty good quick sauerkraut recipe – 15 minutes on the stove. Though not quite as good as one you’ll get at a European deli that’s been fermenting for weeks, it’sway (way!) better than what you get in jars at the supermarket. 🙂

Caraway seeds?

Not seen in most sauerkraut recipes but adds an extra something-something to make up for the flavour the develops from weeks of fermentation. Rick Stein uses it – and I like it! But it’s optional. 🙂

Reuben Sandwich recipe (7)

Reuben Sandwich recipe (8)

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3. Russian Dressing

Just calls for mixing up a handful of ingredients. Essentially it’s a slightly spicier Thousand Island Dressing.

I know Sriracha looks like an odd choice, being an Asian ingredient and all. But it works a treat in place of spicy Ketchup which isn’t something I’m familiar with. Chilli sauce or ketchup + tabasco works fine here too.

The kick of spice from the sriracha and horseradish (jar stuff, not fresh) combined with the richness of the mayo is just sensational with the fall-apart pastrami and the tart sauerkraut!

Reuben Sandwich recipe (9)

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4. Assembling

And here’s how to assemble the Reuben. The only thing to note here is to pile the sauerkraut on the pastrami not on the bread (so it doesn’t soak the bread.

Pile up the sauerkraut generously! Once you squish the sandwich together, it compresses down alot. 🙂

Reuben Sandwich recipe (10)

I know I said that this is a sandwich so good, it can make a grown man cry.

But we both know I meant a grown woman, right? (ie ME)

This is the sort of food that’s so good, it makes me do the jiggy. Believe it. All the while I was devouring this sandwich, I was doing the jiggy around the kitchen. Which might sound strange to people living in NYC you can pop around the block for their Reuben sandwich fix. But for us Aussies, this is a sandwich that you literallycannot buy here except on rare occasions at night markets.

Hands down, one of the BEST sandwiches in the whole world – and worth the effort!– Nagi x

Sink your teeth into these!

  • Cubanos (Cuban Pork Sandwiches)made famous by the Chef movie!

  • Bread Bowl Sandwichcalled aMuffelata, a giant hollowed out bread stuffed with antipasto type things, squished and toasted with garlic butter. OUTRAGEOUS.

  • Homemade Filet-O-Fish (BAKED!!)– Maccers copycat, but SO much healthier!

  • Slow Cooker Beef Brisket with BBQ Sauceone of the best things to load up into sliders!

  • Browse all Sandwiches and Sliders, and Burgers

Reuben Sandwich recipe (11)

Watch how to make it

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Reuben Sandwich recipe (12)

Reuben Sandwich recipe!

Author: Nagi

Prep: 20 minutes mins

Cook: 15 minutes mins

Total: 35 minutes mins


American, Jewish

4.92 from 25 votes


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Recipe VIDEO above. The iconic Reuben Sandwich made famous by Katz's Deli in New York, made at home! Hands down still one of the best sandwiches I have ever had in my life, the most incredible combination of ingredients, the star of which is warm fall-apart tender homemade pastrami!


  • 1 kg / 2 lb homemade pastrami (1 quantity, easy!) (Note 1)
  • 10 slices light rye bread
  • 10 slices Swiss cheese
  • Butter , for spreading

Quick Sauerkraut:

  • 1 tbsp grapeseed oil
  • 1/2 onion , thinly sliced
  • 350g/ 12 oz white cabbage , thinly shredded (1/4 large head, 6 - 8 big handfuls)
  • 1 1/4 cups (300ml) cider vinegar
  • 1/3 cup (85 ml) water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp caraway seeds , optional (Note 2)

Russian Dressing:

  • 1 tbsp onion , finely minced
  • 1 tbsp dill pickle/gherkin , finely minced
  • 3/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup sour cream (can sub more mayo)
  • 2.5 tbsp sriracha, spicy ketchup or Chili Sauce (or 1/4 cup ketchup + 2 tsp tabasco) (Note 3)
  • 3 tsp horseradish (jar), to taste (spicy/tang)
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 tsp sweet paprika


Russian Dressing:

  • Mix ingredients, refrigerate 20 minutes+ (keeps 2 weeks).

Quick Sauerkraut:

  • Dissolve sugar and salt in vinegar.

  • Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add onion and cook for 2 minutes to soften, don't let it brown.

  • Add cabbage, vinegar, water and caraway seeds, give it a toss.

  • Cover, cook on low for 15 minutes, mixing once at 10 minutes.

  • Transfer to container (including liquid), cool until just warm. Keeps 2 weeks in the fridge.

Prepare Pastrami:

  • Thinly slice still cold pastrami (Note 1). Place in a container with a couple of tablespoons of pastrami liquid (reserved from cooking, see pastrami recipe).

  • Microwave to warm through (or use other method of choice etc cover with foil and place in oven).

Assemble Reuben:

  • Preheat grill/broiler to medium high with shelf about 25cm/10" from heat source.

  • Toast bread. Spread with butter, then 1 tbsp Russian Dressing on each piece.

  • Pick up pastrami and let excess juices drip away, then place on bread.

  • Do same for sauerkraut, pile onto pastrami, then top with cheese.

  • Also place cheese on other slice of bread (ie with just Russian Dressing).

  • Place under grill until cheese is just melted. Sandwich together and devour while hot!

Recipe Notes:

Recipequantity:Makes enough for 5 sandwiches, Homemade Pastramimakes 1.4kg / 2.8lb which is more than needed for this recipe (leftovers is always a good thing).

1. Pastrami (see Easy Homemade Pastrami) - please don't even think about making this recipe with store bought slices! It is nothing like slow cooked homemade pastrami with a fresh pastrami spice crust that's warm and fall-apart tender! (PS Some Reuben sandwiches are made with plain corned beef. Homemade pastrami is a zillion times better, made famous by Katz's Deli in NYC)

Easier to slice when cool/cold, it crumbles if you try to slice when hot. That's why we need to slice when cold then reheat in the cooking juices.

2. Caraway seeds - not normally included in sauerkraut. But it works really well to add an extra something-something to compensate for this being a quick sauerkraut rather than one that's been left to ferment for days. Idea from Rick Stein! Optional.

3. Russian Dressing is usually made with spicy ketchup which isn't a readily available ingredient. Sriracha works a treat as a sub, otherwise, use ketchup + tabasco to taste. It's like a spicier version of Thousand Island Dressing - should be mildly spicy mayo with a touch of sour from the horseradish paste and chilli sauce. Recipe adapted from: Epicuriousand Serious Eats

Keywords: Pastrami sandwich, Reuben sandwich recipe

Did you make this recipe?I love hearing how you went with my recipes! Tag me on Instagram at @recipe_tin.

Life of Dozer

Dozer was hoping that because he was on holiday, it meant no post-beach wash downs.No such luck Mr Dozer!

(PS Last photo from last weekend’s trip to Rick Stein’s Bannisters – I promise!)

Reuben Sandwich recipe (13)

Reuben Sandwich recipe (2024)


What is a classic Reuben sandwich made of? ›

The Reuben Sandwich is an American classic made with savory corned beef piled on our favorite marble rye bread and topped with plenty of baby swiss cheese, crunchy, tangy sauerkraut, and zippy Russian dressing, then griddled to perfection until the cheese melts and the bread is toasted.

How do you make a Reuben sandwich not soggy? ›

Reubens traditionally rely on rye bread, which is dense and can soak up any extra juices — so don't swap it for another variety if you can manage. To further fight sogginess, toast the rye bread so that it holds up to the sauerkraut's texture along with ingredients like the sauce and melted cheese.

Should a Reuben have pastrami or corned beef? ›

A Reuben sandwich is typically made with corned beef. It would taste great with pastrami too, it just wouldn't be a classic Reuben! Bottom line: You can't go wrong with either of these flavor-packed deli meats.

Why is my Reuben soggy? ›

Why is my Reuben soggy? Any sandwich can get soggy if bread comes in contact with excess liquid or wet ingredients. In the case of a Reuben sandwich, the sauerkraut can make the bread soggy. To overcome this, drain the sauerkraut and then use paper towels or the back of a spoon to remove as much liquid as you can.

How unhealthy is a Reuben? ›

About the Reuben

Unfortunately, this traditional sandwich is NOT one that I consider "heart healthy" as it provides approximately 800 calories, 50 grams fat, 20 grams of the artery-clogging saturated fat, 40 grams carbohydrates, 36 grams protein, and a whopping 3200 mg.

Is sauerkraut warm or cold on a Reuben? ›

One key step no matter what is to pre-heat both the corned beef and the sauerkraut, so that you're not trying to warm through the entire jam-packed sandwich and instead are just trying to melt the cheese and toast the bread.

Should a Reuben be pressed or toasted? ›

Place each of the slices of bread with dressing, buttered-side out on top of the slices of bread topped with corned beef. Place the sandwiches in the skillet and cook until golden and toasted, about 5 minutes, using a spatula to press down a few times.

What is a Reuben without sauerkraut called? ›

The Rachel sandwich is one of several variations on the famous sandwich. Instead of the classic corned beef and sauerkraut, the Rachel is usually made with turkey or pastrami and coleslaw. Both sandwiches are made with Swiss cheese and rye bread.

Is Thousand Island Dressing the same as Russian dressing? ›

While there are a lot of overlapping ingredients, there are also some key differences between these two iconic slathers. To start, both are mostly made from a mix of mayonnaise and ketchup, but generally, Russian dressing is a little spicy while Thousand Island tends to be on the sweeter side.

Does a Reuben have Russian or Thousand Islands? ›

The Reuben sandwich is a North American grilled sandwich composed of corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and Russian dressing or Thousand Island dressing, grilled between slices of rye bread. It is associated with kosher-style delicatessens but is not kosher, as it combines meat and cheese.

Are corned beef and pastrami the same? ›

Corned beef is made from the leaner flat brisket. Pastrami is made with point brisket, which contains more marbling and fat. Pastrami can also be made with other cuts of beef, such as deckle (a lean shoulder cut) or navel (aka beef belly, which comes from the plate, a juicy section just below the ribs).

Is Arby's Reuben made with corned beef or pastrami? ›

About the Sandwich

Marbled rye bread filled with freshly sliced corned beef, melty Swiss Cheese, tangy sauerkraut and creamy Thousand Island dressing.


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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