Recipe This | How To Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer (2024)

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Reheat Pizza In Air Fryer. Today we are sharing with you how to use an air fryer to reheat your favourite leftover pizza. Using both a regular air fryer basket and an air fryer oven, this is the no fail method.

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Before we dive into this air fryer recipe, I have something even better than reheating pizza in the air fryer for you to check out first.

It is our Learn Your Air Fryer online course and our free air fryer mini course. They are ideal for air fryer beginners. The free course runs for 5 days and is in the format of an email miniseries. While the learn your air fryer course runs every week with a new PDF and ecookbook for a whole year.

Or browse our site as we have 450+ air fryer recipes that are easy to recreate at home and we have been showing people how to use the air fryer since 2011.

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Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer

Onething that I have NEVER discussed on Recipe This is how to reheat pizza in an air fryer. I have no idea why it has passed me by, but ithas.

I have loved reheated pizza for many, many years. In fact, it can go back to childhood in the 90s.

I was born in 1982 and I always remember between the ages of 10 and 16 how much pizza I had and how my love for pizza first started.

Ofcourse, I can’t remember the first time I had pizza, but I do remember thefirst time my mum took me to Pizza Hut. It was my 13th birthday. Itwas in York and I had never tasted a pizza with a stuffed crust before and itwas delicious.

The PizzaHut stuffed crust had just taken off then and every kid went to Pizza Hut forone.

I didn’tmanage it all, took some home for later and microwaved it the next day.

Thenfrom this point on, whenever I got a pizza, it always tasted best when it wasreheated the next day.

During ourlast few years living in England, Dominic would love his takeaways and with hisburgers came a free garlic bread with cheese. Then the next day I would have itfor brunch.

After years and years reheating pizza in the microwave, for the first time, we have bought some slices of deep pan pizza from Pizza Hut, brought it home and reheated pizza in the air fryer.

Can You Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer?

Absolutely. Pizza hut pizza (or any brand of leftover pizza) is fantastic cooked in the air fryer. Unlike the microwave it is not soggy, but just as fast as a microwave reheat.

Though, beware, if you have a small air fryer, you will have to reheat air fryer slices in batches.

Reheat Pizza Hut Pizza In The Air Fryer

We had just enjoyed a family day out at our local waterpark. The kids had fallen asleep in the car from all the excitement and theheat of the day and as Dominic stayed with Sofia + Jorge in the car, I headedinto Pizza Hut to the takeaway section.

I live in Portugal, so it is not like England or America with takeaways on each street corner. Our Pizza Hut is a 25 minute drive from our house and perfect for on the way home.

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Pre-Order The Complete Air Fryer Cookbook Now!

I queued in the takeaway of Pizza Hut to get some deep panpizza slices, to take home and show you just how easy it is to reheat yourfavourite pizza in the Air Fryer.

I got a mixture of deep pan pizzas including:

  • Tuna
  • Mixed Pepper
  • Hawaiian

Though it doesn’t matter what type of pizza you have, justto note that we are using the classic deep pan pizza slices and not skinnypizza.

We separated our Pizza Hut slices so that we can cook some in the Air Fryer Oven and some in the Philips Air Fryer XL and then we can compare cooking times.

Reheat Pizza InAir Fryer Oven

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When reheating pizza in an air fryer oven, the shelfmatters. Too low and it will take way too long to reheat your pizza, too highup and it will dry out and burn.

The best option is to think of it like 4 shelves in your airfryer oven. The bottom being the drip tray and imagine that the 3 shelves aresplit equally.

Then reheat your pizza in the Air Fryer Oven from the firstshelf up from the drip tray or as we like to call it 2 shelves up from thebottom.

Reheating PizzaIn The Air Fryer Basket

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If you are reheating pizza in a classic air fryer basket,like the Philips Air Fryer that we have used, a medium to low heat works best.

This is because cook it too high and your pizza becomes dryand loses the melted cheese affect.

I like to reheat my air fryer pizza at 160c/320f and I alsomake sure that my pizza slices are not overlapping.

You can normally fit about 3 pizza slices in a regular airfryer basket or about 5 in an air fryer oven.

Just keep reheating your pizza in the air fryer, until youhave run out of slices to reheat.

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Tips For ReheatingPizza In An Air Fryer

Recipe This | How To Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer (6)
  • Best of all you don’t need any air fryer accessories to reheat pizza in the air fryer. That is because the pizza base has a fantastic texture when cool and doesn’t make any mess. Compared to if I was reheating a cauliflower crust pizza in which case, I would use some air fryer baking mats.
  • The time is the same to reheat pizza in the air fryer oven as it is for the classic air fryer basket. It is just a case of making sure your air fryer oven has the pizza on the correct shelf.
  • Don’t be tempted to place the pizza on a high heat. It will dry out the pizza and taste like overcooked pizza.
  • Avoid overcrowding. If you put too many pizza slices in at once, the pizza will stick together and won’t be reheated in the centre.
  • A medium temperature works perfectly because it reheats the middle of the pizza and not just the toppings.

What Temp To Reheat Pizza?

I recommend a temperature of 160c/320f. this ensures that you are not cooking the pizza, but instead rewarming your pizza. If you reheat a pizza at a higher temperature it will cook and then the pizza will dry out. Any lower than 160c/320f and the pizza will become soggy.

How Long To Reheat Pizza?

You will be pleased to learn, that it only takes 4 minutes to reheat pizza in the air fryer. Note, that we used deep pan pizza slices from pizza hut and a thin slice of pizza would only take 3 minutes to reheat in the air fryer.

Reheat In Air Fryer

As well as our reheat pizza in the air fryer we have a full series of recipes showing you how to reheat in the air fryer. You can follow the rest of the series below:

  • How To Reheat A Burger In Air Fryer
  • How To Reheat Onion Rings In Air Fryer
  • Reheat Fries In Air Fryer
  • Reheat Fried Fish In Air Fryer
  • How To Reheat Rice In Air Fryer
  • Reheat Chicken Wings In Air Fryer
  • Reheat Fried Chicken In Air Fryer
  • How To Reheat McDonalds Chicken Nuggets In Air Fryer
  • How To Reheat McDonalds Fries In Air Fryer
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Recipe This | How To Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer (8)

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5 from 3 votes

How To Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer

Reheat Pizza In Air Fryer. Today we are sharing with you how to use an air fryer to reheat your favourite leftover pizza. Using both a regular air fryer basket and an air fryer oven, this is the no fail method.

Cook Time4 minutes mins

Total Time4 minutes mins

Course: Snack

Cuisine: Air Fryer

Servings: 2

Calories: 1211kcal



Kitchen Gadgets:

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 5 Leftover Deep Pan Pizza Slices



  • Place your cold slices of deep pan pizza in your air fryer basket, making sure that they are not overlapping.

    Recipe This | How To Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer (9)

  • Place your air fryer on 160c/320f for 4 minutes. Serve reheated.

    Recipe This | How To Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer (10)


Quantities. Go with however many pizza slices will fit in your air fryer, without them being on top of each other. We prefer using the air fryer oven, as we can reheat more pizza at once.

Crispy. Because of the air fryer in the air fryer, you will find that the pizza will be much crispier compared to soggy pizza after reheating in the microwave.

Thanks for reading reheat pizza in the air fryer recipe on Recipe This. We have many more air fryer recipes for you to check out next. Though if you love pizza then I recommend you try our air fryer garlic bread.


Calories: 1211kcal | Carbohydrates: 131g | Protein: 47g | Fat: 56g | Saturated Fat: 19g | Cholesterol: 63mg | Fiber: 10g | Sugar: 16g | Vitamin C: 5mg

Nutrition InfoPlease Note: Nutrition values are our best estimate based on the software we use at Recipe This and are meant as a guide. If you rely on them for your diet, use your preferred nutrition calculator.

Did You Know We Have A Sunday Times Bestselling Air Fryer Cookbook?It has sold 100,000+ copies worldwide and is called The Complete Air Fryer Cookbook, gets you started with air frying with step by step pictures and it uses everyday ingredients. It is JUST £10 on Amazon in the UK and $15 in the USA.!

We Are Making You Another Air Fryer Cookbook!You can also pre-order Air Fryer Easy Everyday which is just how it sounds. Easy everyday recipes for those that want to learn the air fryer and have easy meals rather than fancy food you would never cook. Pre-order your copy here.!

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Recipe This | How To Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer (2024)


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