Onigiri - Banshee27 - One Piece (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Loud cries of an infant seconds after being born filled their tiny little home. Tears filled the parents' eyes as they heard their baby’s cries. His wails were very loud and strong, he was kicking and waving his tiny limbs, crying to be held and to feel that familiar beat.

Before they got to hold their baby, they didn’t have the time to go to a hospital or to a clinic since the nearest one is at least almost half an hour away from the place they currently live. Thankfully their neighbor who happened to be there when Tera suddenly started giving birth had some knowledge of how to handle situations like these.

“Here ya go. It’s a very strong little boy” the neighbor chuckled when the baby had kicked her face earlier as she cleaned him up. Carefully, she placed the baby on Tera’s chest, and not before another second, his loud cries started to slow, and he was snoring peacefully listening to her heartbeat.

“Thank you, Tera,” Arashi murmured. He was pressing tiny kisses on her damp hair, and thanking her for all her hard work. She smiled at her lover, and raised her arms, placing her palms on his cheeks while wiping the tears from his eyes.

“Come on now dear. Don’t cry. You’re a much crybaby than little Zoro here” She grinned when his eyes widened in surprise. Arashi smiled back and thanked her again. “Though I am a little tired, do you think you can watch little Zoro for now?” she asked, stroking his wet cheeks. Arashi nodded and took Zoro from her chest, he then held him as he agreed for her to rest.

Arashi was talking sweetly to their newborn, falling in love with their little boy who had green hair just like his Mother. As he averted his gaze back to his lover, Tera was already asleep. He felt worrisome washing over his body when Tera usually has a hard time sleeping. He asked their neighbor if his wife was fine, but the neighbor assured him that she was fine.

Unfortunately, Tera wasn’t fine, and now she’s gone a day later. His lover had lost too much blood, and it was already too late to save her when he carried her to the nearest clinic. Now she lay cold with her face covered, waiting to be buried. The day after she died, Arashi went to visit her mother’s house to inform her about Tera’s death. But instead, he was scorned with hateful words and accused him and their grandson of murderers.

After the funeral, Arashi continued to take care of Zoro, feed him, carry him, and sing him lullabies. He was getting tired every day, and his financial situation wasn’t going well. But despite that, Zoro was his only child who had a piece of Tera, and he would do anything for their baby.

The loud wails and cries from the baby from morning to night were starting to disrupt other tenants. Arashi would always hear complaints and glares whenever he met one of their neighbors. To the point that the landlord was now asking him to leave. He, now barely able to afford the rent, wasn't helping his situation. With no other choice, he packed all of their stuff and loaded it into a wooden cart.

Afraid of letting Zoro live a homeless life, he decided to sell some of their stuff. Items that he and Tera have sentimental value with, things that will be now useless for him and Zoro, and some of the gifts he had gifted Tera had been sold. Fortunately, it was enough for them to rent at least a four Tatami matted room, and essentials for Zoro that could probably last a month or two. Thankfully some had offered him a job and had allowed him to bring his infant with him. It might be out of pity, but he’ll accept it for his son’s sake.

A week went by, and Arashi started to think about his parents. After the fight he had with his father, he never did think about seeing them again. But now that Zoro was born, he was starting to think that it wouldn’t be fair as Tera’s mother was already aware of his child. He was afraid of what the outcome would be, but he had hoped that he could at least introduce Zoro to his grandparents who would show him love, if they would, and not throw hate at his innocent baby.

He took another day to decide and chose to visit them for a day during his off day from work. It took him hours to arrive at his parent’s home and the sun was almost setting. He started to feel cold in his back and was starting to doubt if he should continue his plans for a visit. But when he looked down and met his son’s yellow eyes, staring at him curiously while raising a tiny arm. He offered his point finger to his son, and the baby grasped it.

“Such a strong boy you are, Zoro” Arashi chuckled, holding the baby much closer to his chest. “Thank you, sorry. Papa acted like a coward just now.” Zoro raised a brow as if he understood. “Now, now. Why don’t we go and hope your grandma and grandpa will be happy to see us again”

As he got closer to the gate, he felt his feet start to walk slower. But he bared himself and continued his steps till he reached the gate. He stood there contemplating whether to knock or to call out for them. Instead, the door had opened, and was greeted by a shocked look from his father.

Arashi started to sweat, holding the bum of the baby carrier while Zoro sucked his thumb. “Hi,” he greeted his father whom he hadn’t seen for almost 3 years.

“Is that Arashi?”

They heard a feminine voice called from the inside of the house. Steps from the inside were getting louder. “Arashi, is that you dear?” They heard her call when she was finally beside her husband. Instantly, she pushed her husband to the side and hugged her baby boy.

“Oh dear, I missed you so much! How are you? Did you eat well?” she patted her son, checking for any injuries and seeing if he was healthy, which he was, thankfully. But a tiny complaint from a being wrapped around her son’s torso made her stop. She met her son’s eyes, who was now grinning, then to the bundle that was settled on his chest. “Is that?” she asked with excitement in her voice. Arashi nodded and carefully took Zoro out of the baby carrier.

“This is my son, Zoro.” He lay him on his arms and tilted his head a little to meet his grandmother.

Furiko squealed with delight, already asking if she could carry him. Arashi obliged and handed Zoro to her carefully. Arashi felt relief when he saw his mother’s reaction. But when he averted his eyes to meet his fathers. His father wasn’t there. He swallowed saliva and had hoped it was a good start, but he guessed that it was only a hope.

“Why don’t you two come in, and have dinner with us? I want to spend more time with my grandchild” Furiko offered, smiling happily while cooing at the baby.

Arashi had wanted to decline, assuming that his father still hadn’t forgiven him. He didn’t want to bother him and cause more hate. But his mother’s insistence had provoked it and instead decided to agree.

They sat there in silence as they ate, Zoro lying on his back beside his father while playing on his feet and finding them amusing.

“Would you look at that? Little Zoro found his feet” Furiko chuckled, giggling as she scooted closer to the baby. She was sitting beside her husband as they ate, but slowly Arashi found her mother inching closer to the baby. “Such a cutie baby. You look just like my younger brother when he was a baby” She grinned, running her fingers on her grandchild’s tummy.

“And your wife?”

It was Pinzoro who spoke, still in the same stern voice that Arashi used to hear before. He frowned and placed his chopsticks on the table. Furiko’s attention was now on him as well. Wondering why he was alone.

“She died” he could hear his mother gasp. “About four months ago, after she gave birth to Zoro” Arashi could feel his throat getting tight as he spoke about his other half. “Had complications and she lost so much blood. She didn’t make it” he explained, grabbing his glass and drinking his water.

“Sorry to hear” Pinzoro spoke, but was met with a glare from his wife because of the way he said it. He cleared his throat. “I mean, I’m sad to hear of her passing”

Arashi nodded, averting his attention back to his son who was now grabbing the tie ribbons of his clothes. “It’s alright. I’m holding tight, Zoro needs me” he reasoned, smiling when Zoro babbled as if to agree. Doubting his father if he felt what he said, but he accepted that and pried his son’s hold to his ribbon

“And it seems like little Zoro agrees. He’s telling his grandparents that his father is working hard” Furiko smiled, watching her boy now all grown up.

“Thanks, Mother,” Arashi smiled.

Their dinner continued with a small conversation about Arashi’s plans, and where they live. Furiko seems to be relieved to hear that his son has a job and has a roof over their heads. Though Arashi admitted it was hard, his kind landlord would sometimes bring them food. He’s also currently working for an old couple who has a farm and a tiny business just beside the farm. They would sometimes offer to watch over Zoro if he needed, claiming that Zoro is so fun to watch.

As their dinner ended, Pinzoro left the dining room as Furiko started feeding Zoro through his milk bottle after she insisted on letting her. As it was getting darker, his parents suggested that they stay, or rather his mother had asked them to stay for the night. Not wanting to walk in the dark with a tiny baby, Arashi agreed.

After being told that they had kept his old room clean, he was surprised to see that some of his stuff was still there. He had thought they had thrown his things away, but it seemed like his mother was right. Remembering what his mother told him, that it was his father who always cleaned his room. Slowly, he placed a now sleeping Zoro in the bed and looked around.

His old used shinai was still in the corner of the room. His old worn clothes, which he for sure wouldn’t fit him anymore, and the katana that his Father made for him were still lying on his stand. He grabbed the scabbard and used his other hand to grasp the hilt and slowly pull out the sword. He stared at his reflection from the sharp edge, noticing how it had remained clean and pristine as it was when the last time he used the sword. He slid the sword back to the scabbard and placed it back on the stand. He sighed and turned around but accidentally bumped his pinky toe on the desk. He fell to the floor, and closed his mouth, to silence his scream, tears gathering on the side of his eyes while clutching on his hands from the pain. Once he felt better, he sat up and looked at his baby to see him sleeping peacefully, unbothered by the loud sound. He sighed, relieved that Zoro didn’t wake up. But then he heard a knock on his door. He carefully stood up and went to slide the door open.

“Yes?” he grinned, sweat dropping on the side.

“Are you okay? I heard a loud noise just now?”

Arashi chuckled awkwardly, claiming he had bumped his toe into a desk. “Sorry, I’ll be careful. I forgot that there was a desk on that side.

Furiko frowned and patted her son’s cheeks. “Come on dear, no need to be so reserved with us. I am still your mother and you shouldn’t act like a stranger to me. Got it?”

Arashi was stunned but nodded his head. Furiko smiled warmly at him and asked if he wanted some tea, which he happily accepted, claiming how he missed drinking her tea. Minutes later, Furiko came back to his room, with a tray in her hand. Arashi opened one of the sliding doors in his room, so they could have tea in the veranda while Zoro slept just a few steps away from them.

They drank their tea in silence for a few minutes, basking themselves in the cold night, just gazing at the moon’s reflection on the pond that wasn’t there a few years ago.

“Your father just told me something amusing today,” she chuckled. Arashi turned his attention to her, waiting for her to continue. “He said that Zoro looks a lot like him than my brother. When he has not met my younger brother yet”

“You know, your father was jumping with joy and very happy when he heard you named your son after him” she chuckled again, leaving Arashi confused. In his childhood, he always remembers his father as a stern man, who rarely smiles. So it was a surprise for him to hear that his father would jump in joy just because his grandson was named after him. Though he did love his father, sometimes he doubted if his father loved him back. Thus he always walks in eggshells when his father is around.

He was surprised when his Mother suddenly held his hand and looked into his eyes seriously. “I know that you think that your Father hates you. But I always told you that your Father loves you the most, even more than me. He just sucks at showing his feelings.” She grinned, tapping his cheeks again. “You and your father like to jump to conclusions a lot. That’s why I always worry about you two.”

“I see” Arashi sipped from his tea, “I guess we both have issues when it comes to listening to the whole story” he chuckled, remembering Tera’s words, when they fought while she was still pregnant with Zoro.

“Tera did scold me about it. She was mad when I assumed that she was cheating on me when I saw our neighbor getting chummy with her. She got really mad and threw me out of the house. When I realized that the man was a woman living with her girlfriend beside us. I had to grovel for days just so she would forgive me, and then I got an earful.”

“Yeah, I can remember your father used to do that to me” Furiko sighed, bittersweet memories. “Anyways, I want you two to talk properly, and this time listen. Okay?” her son nodded, prompting her to smile again. “Good.”

She placed her empty tea cup back on the tray, “Well, I better go to sleep now. I hope we will have more nights like this” She smiled and grabbed the tray when Arashi placed his empty cup on it. “You better go to sleep too. Night dear.”

“Thank you, Mother, good night”

Arashi closed the doors of his room and sat on the bed. His son was still sound asleep, he slowly leaned to the side and laid down beside his sleeping son. “You do like to sleep a lot, don’t you?” he chuckled, patting his son’s tiny stomach.

When Arashi woke up the next day, he was greeted by his son’s blabbing beside him. His tiny legs kicked randomly which was what had woken him up. He sat up and stared at the clock, it was still 18 minutes past 7 in the morning, and he stood up, and grabbed his bag for his son’s milk bottle. He carefully carried Zoro in his arms and placed the nipple of the bottle on his tiny lips. Soon his son started suckling with his tiny hands, slapping his chin.

“Yes yes, I’m sorry. Papa forgot the time.” Arashi yawned and playfully bit his son’s fingers after Zoro got curious and shoved his tiny fingers into his Father’s wide-open mouth. “Such a menace, aren’t you?” he grinned, “feeding your Father with your tiny fingers.”

After winding Zoro to burp, he placed his son back to the bed, still wide awake, and waving his arms around. His hands found each other and he started clapping his hands playfully. Arashi placed the empty bottle inside the bag. “Why don’t we give you a quick clean up before we leave?” he suggested with Zoro mumbling sounds. “I know you hate baths. So we will do wiping only” he chuckled and carried Zoro in his arms. He then grabbed a change of clothes for Zoro and a cloth to wipe his little body clean.

Closing the sliding door slowly he walked past the dining room and saw his father already eating breakfast. Their eyes met and he nodded to him in greeting. It was an awkward silence as Pinzoro nodded back to him, and continued to stay silent while staring at each other.

Arashi averted his gaze from his father then to the floor then met his father's eyes again. He opened and closed his mouth until Pinzoro raised a brow and asked if he needed something. Arashi frowned at the tone, he took a deep breath and sighed. "Just want to let you know that Zoro and I will be leaving later after I cleaned him up. Thought I should tell you before you leave?" He asked no one.

Pinzoro stays silent, but Arashi can see his father's brows raised and eyes a little wider than usual.

He shrugged his shoulders and gave his father a restrained smile. "Well, also. Thanks for letting us stay and for last night’s dinner." He held his son's tiny hand as if to wave. " Say 'bye bye' to Grandpa, Zoro". He awkwardly said, while his son mumbled some sounds. Carrying his son securely in his arms. He turned to his side and failed to notice how his father abruptly stood up and was left there hanging while trying to speak.

In the bathroom, after Arashi had deemed Zoro cleaned enough with new diapers and clean clothes. He left the bathroom and went back to grab his things, only to be stopped by his Mother.

"Good morning Arashi" she greeted. Placing two plates filled with breakfast. He greeted back as he stared at the meals on the table. "Why don't you join me for breakfast?"

Eating in silence, Arashi felt something was odd. He sighed and placed his chopsticks down. "We're good now Mother."

Furiko hummed, pretending not to hear. Her eyes back at her son who was sitting uncomfortably on his chair. She smiled hopefully at her son. "Did your father tell you something?"

Her son raised a brow, tilting his head a little to the side.

"From the looks of it, you and your father haven't talked properly yet."

Arashi pressed his lips and scratched the back of his neck, quite aware that he couldn't hide anything from his mother. "Well, we did kinda talk. It was fine"

"Fine indeed. That I’d think you didn’t let your father speak before you ended the conversation again” she sighed, and continued to speak her mind. “and your father sucks at expressing his thoughts. I know he's a shy man, but seriously he's an old man already" She took a sip from her glass. "Did you have a proper talk?" She asked.

Her son stayed silent, his eyes back at Zoro who was busy sucking on his bib.

Furiko smiled despondently, “Your father suggested that you should stay with us”. Arashi stared at his mother, surprised. “We know that you can do well on your own and I think you will be able to support Zoro without our help. But your Father wants to be in your life again if you’ll allow him. He admitted that he might have said the wrong things last time you two talked a few years ago, but he never had the intention to reject Tera as your wife. He knows that you love her and he wanted to say that he supports your decision.”

Arashi was baffled by what his mother told him, he sat there confused, his meal unfinished. “But he told me that it was Tera’s family that had caused his village’s ruins.”

“Yes. But Tera wasn’t born when the bandits attacked his village thirty years ago.” she smiled, and and patted Zoro’s cheeks. “Kids aren’t to blame for their parent’s faults, and I do think Tera is a kind girl, though kinda rough and headstrong” she giggled, remembering her first encounter with the woman her son brought.

Arashi was just about to leave when they heard loud running steps close to their house. Wooden sandals clucking loudly on the ground. Minutes later, PInzoro arrived with bags in each hand. He then took out a toy from the bag and handed it to Zoro. Then Arashi bags were now filled with food, fruits, and items that Zoro would need. With red ears and blushing cheeks, Pinzoro faked a cough.

“At least bring these with you, you’ll need them. I mean Zoro will need them” Arashi heard his old man say. He smiled and thanked his father for the gifts. He accepted them gratefully and grabbed the bags his father bought for them.

His mother smiled at them, “Well then, Little Zoro, do you think Grandma can carry you for a few minutes before you leave?” she asked the baby who only chuckled at her. “I’ll take that as a ‘ yes’”. She smiled happily and took the baby from her son’s arms.

“Father, about.”

PInzoro only shook his head and placed a hand on his son’s shoulder. “I should be the one who is sorry.” his old man started. “And I am proud that you’re taking care of Zoro properly. If you need anything, come to us anytime”

Arashi nodded, pressing his lips together in a thin smile. “Thank you, Father, and sorry”. Arashi then held the bags in one hand and left the front porch followed by his father. With his mother helping him, he loaded Zoro again in his baby carrier and tied it carefully around Arashi’s torso. With a hand supporting Zoro’s bum, he grabbed the Groceries and said his goodbye to his parents, with a promise to visit them next week.

~ 1st cut ~

“Pa!” a little boy called out, running towards his father who was busy cutting wood.

Three years have passed since Arashi and his father were able to make amends for their misunderstandings. Since then they kept their weekly visits to his parent’s home and would sometimes leave Zoro to complete some work in other villages.

He just finished his project recently and had arrived at his parent’s home to pick up Zoro, only to find his boy had gone with his Grandfather to the sea. Thus he decided to chop some wood for his parents while he waited.

When he heard his son calling for him again, he turned to find his three-year-old walking on his while being followed by his grandfather.

As he approached them, his old man stopped his steps and the baby had smacked his face near his knees.

“You’re here early. Is your work done in Conomi island?”

“Yeah, I thought it would take longer, but it was done a day early” he grinned, picking up his son from the ground. “We’ll have to leave early though, we need to buy groceries before we go home, right Zoro?”

“Arashi? You’re back early” came a surprise call from his mother, standing by the doorway.

“Hello, Mother. Thank you for watching Zoro. But we’ll have to leave now though.”

His father frowned when he mentioned leaving again. Furiko sighed and opened the door wide. “Why don’t you have lunch with us before you leave? Zoro hasn’t had his lunch yet, and I bet you're hungry from the trip.”

Upon mention, he did start to feel hungry. “If you insist” he grinned and got inside. Pinzoro followed behind him, pressing a kiss on his wife’s cheeks.

“Yes, yes” she grinned at her husband.

It was already almost one in the afternoon that Arashi and Zoro decided to leave. Zoro waved goodbye to his grandparents, while his other hand held a stick. They walked for a few minutes at least, before they arrived at the market.

“Zoro, do you want to buy something?”

“Sword” he grinned and continued waving the stick.

Arashi sweat drops, remembering his younger days when he used to train daily at his uncle’s dojo. Watching his son swishing the stick, he was starting to think it would be best for his boy to start practicing. But waving a stick around in a busy area wasn’t ideal. He called Zoro’s attention and placed his arm under his boy’s bum. Slowly carrying him, while grabbing the stick from his tiny hands.

“No,” Zoro pouted. His hold on his stick getting tighter.

“I promise, I’ll give it back after. But for now, we don’t want to hurt anyone, right?”

“No” Zoro frowned, “I hold only” he insisted and put the stick on his side.

“Okay, but no swinging while we shop for food. Promise?”


Minutes passed, and Arashi had gone to several stores, buying vegetables and some meat they would need for the month. Buying milk for his son, and fruits for them to snack on. As they reached the fish sections. Arashi had to put his son down while looking at the fresh fish that just arrived, Zoro stood there, looking at people passing by, only for him to accidentally let go of his stick. He squatted down to pick up the stick and then held on to his father’s pants again.

“Okay, I’ll take that” Arashi smiled at the woman, packing the fish he just bought. He placed it inside the basket and looked down. “Let’s go Zoro, that should be it” his smile faltered when he didn’t see his son.

Frantically, he turned from his left to right, calling for his son's name. The woman who saw him calling for his son asked if he was fine.

“My son, he’s gone” he exclaimed worriedly. “He was just here standing.”

The woman was shocked to hear and asked him to calm down. Her husband soon went out, after hearing the commotion. “He said his son is gone”

“I swear, he was just by my feet. He’s a good boy, so he doesn’t live by my side. Looking around, he still can’t find his son.” He then turned his attention to the store owner. “If you find him, please keep him here, I’ll be back”

The woman nodded her head, asking what his son’s features were.

“He has green hair and yellow eyes,” he said in a hurry and left while leaving some of his stuff by their store.

The man looked at his wife and picked up their customer’s stuff. “I hope he finds him”

Zoro stared at a wall. He remembered standing beside his father, but then they started to walk. But when he looked up, he didn’t see his father’s face but instead a stranger looking down at him confused. Scared, Zoro had let go and ran away.

He walked around, looking for his father. He frowned and bit his lip. Sniffing, he started walking again. He was frowning as he stared at the big stalls, tall people walking passing by, while some accidentally bumped him. His legs were getting tired, and he still didn’t see his father.

He then finds a hallway and squats down. Hoping his father will find him soon.

“Are you alright little boy?” Zoro turned his head and saw a man with glasses. He raised a brow and stayed silent. “Are you perhaps lost?”

“No” he responded, still squatting on the ground. “Papa lost”

“Is that so?” the man chuckled.

As if on cue, Zoro heard his name being called by a familiar voice. His ears perked up and looked around. A wide smile formed on his lips, as he saw his father running towards him. “Papa” he cried and ran to hug his knees.

“Thank god, you’re here” Arashi kneeled, and hugged his son. “I was looking for you. Where did you go?”

Zoro frowned and wrapped his arms around his father’s neck. Slowly his emotions started to get him, his tears started to fall as he wailed on his shoulders. “There, there. I won’t let that happen again. Sorry Zoro”


Arashi looked up and was met with a familiar face. Surprised, he stood up while carrying Zoro in his arms. “Koushirou? It’s been a while.” he greeted. “How are you?”

The long-haired man smiled, “Good, and you?”

“Doing well, this is Zoro. Tera and mine”

Koushirou wasn’t surprised to see that his cousin did end up marrying Tera, as Arashi used to tell him about this person a lot when they were still teenagers. However, he was sad to hear after hearing that she had passed away. “So this is Zoro. Hello there young man. Such a brave boy, I say.”

Arashi asked what he meant.

“I saw him walking back and forth on his own and then hid in the alleyway when people kept bumping into him. I approached him thinking he was lost and was crying. But he never cried until you found him.”

“He is indeed.” Arashi smiled and patted his weeping son’s head.

As it has been a long time since they have seen each other. The cousins decided to rest at an open stall, eating snacks and drinking tea while they enjoyed their time talking about what they were doing. Zoro, who was now done crying, had sat beside his father and was eating a snack.

They spent time reminiscing about their younger years, their days at the dojo, and the times when Arashi told Koushiro about the girl he found in the forest. They also shared thoughts on whether Zoro would ever join the dojo when Arashi shared his son’s obsession with swords. Koushiro was even excited to hear. Hoping that his nephew will join. Times passed and they decided to leave, with Zoro now standing tiredly beside his father.

“Do you want me to carry you, Zoro?”

Zoro shakes his head. “I’m strong,” the boy exclaimed while holding onto his father’s pants.

As they arrived at their home, Arashi was surprised to see a familiar face standing by his front door. He was greeted with a grunt, her arms across her chest. Wondering about her sudden visit. “Mother”

“Don’t call me that,” she spat. “I only came, cuz I want to know where you buried my daughter.” she sighed, a hand on her hips. “I don’t want to waste time, so give me the address now” she demanded. Her eyes travel down to Arashi’s legs, only to see her grandson. Standing and just staring at her. She huffed. “Such a brave young man. Trying to size me up”

Arashi smiled, only to be given another spat from the woman. “I still haven’t forgiven you, so hurry up and give me the address”

He immediately opened the door and got inside his apartment. Offering for Tera’s mother to come in. She scoffed and got in, standing by the kitchen counter, her eyes observing the young boy walking to grab his sword from the floor. Arashi then started looking from a notebook and wrote Tera’s resting place on the paper. Then handing the said paper to his mother-in-law.

She read the paper and folded it. Her eyes looked up to find herself staring again at the little boy now playing with his sword. She couldn’t help but comment how the boy looked nothing like his mother. “He looked more like those despicable people.” She added.

Her eyes then averted to Arashi, “My daughter would still be alive today if she didn’t meet you or even fall in love with you.” She could see the pain in Arashi’s eyes as she said this, but she didn’t care. She hates the man in front of her. But still, “and if she didn’t meet you. I still wouldn’t be able to see her smile.”

She leaned on the kitchen counter, and a hand across her chest. “Tera had a weak body, and I had warned her about her pregnancy when she told me. After I told her to terminate the baby, she never came to visit me again, and I never saw her since.”

Arashi was upset when he heard that. Tera never said anything about her mother wanting to terminate their baby.

“But regardless of what I said to her. She still gave birth to him, and I bet she never regretted what she did.”

“Yes, she never regretted her decisions. She did take care of herself properly, and she listened to doctors properly about what she should do, which was pretty funny to see since she doesn’t like to be told what to do and not to do. To her, Zoro was everything even when he was still inside her.”

“I can see that. Seeing that she’s dead, and he’s lively and well” she said bitterly, watching the boy now swinging the swords around with one hand. “Though I don’t blame him. It was Tera’s choice, It’s just that I hate the idea that he became the reason that she had to die.” she sighed, then averted her eyes to Arashi. “I still don’t like your guts”

Pocketing the paper, she turned around and waved a hand. “You don’t have to worry about me moving my dead daughter’s body. Her boy, at least, has a right to see her whenever he wants” and with that, she left.

A few years later.

“Dad, can Mom still see me?” a six-year-old Zoro asked his father, reading the name of her Mother’s tombstone.

“Yes, your mother is always watching over you” he smiled, clasping his hands together to pray and his son followed suit.

It has been a yearly routine for them to visit Tera’s grave, ever since Arashi felt ready to tell Zoro about Tera. Zoro had started asking about his mother when he was three, but the boy was still too young, and Arashi was scared to tell Zoro. Finding it hard to explain, and not wanting for his son to blame himself. Thus he avoided Zoro’s interest in knowing where his Mother is. But when he shared his concern with his parents. It was then he decided that Zoro should at least know about his mother. When Zoro reached four, Arashi decided that he should carefully explain where his Mother was. So two years ago, after the dreadful talk with Zoro. It was also Zoro’s first visit to his Mother’s grave. Arashi thought that Zoro would cry after telling him his Mother was dead. Instead, Zoro had placed a flower in front of her gravestone and said ‘Hi Mom” while smiling and waving. Somehow, Arashi felt relief and sadness looming inside him, as he listened to his four-year-old talking at his mother’s grave. He knelt beside his son and hugged him.

“Hey Dad, does Mom love me?” his six-year-old asked him, his eyes still fixed on his mother’s name.

Arashi was startled by the sudden question. His attention averted to his son, mouth slightly agape, worried where his son’s thoughts came from. He looked back at his wife’s name and nodded his head. “Of course she does Zoro” he smiled when his son looked up at him. “So much that she was willing to do anything for you”

The boy nodded his head, still couldn’t comprehend why his father thought so. His mouth had remained shut remembering words he had wanted to prove wrong.

Days go by, and Arashi thought he wouldn’t have trouble raising Zoro, as the boy was well-behaved, though quite a menace at times. But he always listens to his father. He had just finished his work and started briskly walking towards his home, remembering how his son was acting all clingy and odd before he left.

As he made a turn toward his Boss’s mini-store to pick up Zoro, he started to hear loud cries. Worried if it was his boy. he started running towards the noise, only to see one of his neighbors crying while pointing a finger at Zoro, who was sitting beside him.

People were gathering as they watched the kids on the ground, not sure what to do.

“He hit me!” the boy cried, laying on the ground, and stomping his feet around. “He hit me!” he repeated.

Arashi is quite aware of the crying boy’s behavior. Unfortunately, he was spoiled rotten by his parents. Sometimes he wants to avoid them if he can. Approaching his child, he grabbed Zoro and picked him up.

“Is that your child?”

He heard someone screeching beside him. “He is. Is something wrong?”

“Something wrong you say?” she yelled. “My son said he just punched him!” she screamed again, not bothering to comfort her child who was throwing a tantrum on the ground.

Arashi pressed his lips together and looked at his son. Zoro was wearing a frown, and he could see his eyes were starting to water after hearing the woman scream at him. “Zoro, is it true?” he asked him softly. Zoro looked at his father’s eyes and shook his head, wrapping his arms around him as he sobbed. Arashi rubbed circles on his son’s back, as he turned his attention back to the woman and then to his son again. “Can you tell Dad what happened?” he asked, only for the woman to scream insults, and start blaming the little boy.

Zoro hiccupped and looked back at his father. “I didn’t hit him. He pushed me because I didn’t want to play with him” he sniffed. “And then he got down and cried”

“LIES!” the woman shouted. “If my boy says you hit him. You hit him!” she screamed at the boy again, which caused Arashi for his veins to thicken. Thankfully his glare towards the shouting mother had made her step back a few steps, but she was still throwing hurtful words towards his son. “That’s because you don’t have a Mother that you’re such a misbehaved child”

Zoro bit his lips as he started to cry, burying his face further on his father’s shoulder. Arashi glared at the woman in front of him. “I would prefer you refrain from calling my son as such, and stop shouting in front of children” He held his boy tightly in his arms, eyes looking at the other boy, who instantly stopped his cries. “Well then, boy, would you mind telling me what happened?” he asked the kid, who was now standing beside his mother.

“Um, excuse me?” a young teen spoke up, approaching them awkwardly. “I saw her boy push the green-haired boy. He was screaming at your son to play with him, sir. But your boy didn’t want to play and was just standing. Then her son pushed your son. He then lay on the ground and started throwing a tantrum.”

Arashi looked at the woman who was now turning red, shouting blasphemy at the teen who tried to accuse her child.

“Is that true kid?” Arashi asked the boy, causing the woman to glare at him.

The boy behind her peeked at the man. He didn’t want to admit it but the man had scared him. “But I wanted to play, and he won’t play with me” he yelled, now crying.

The woman started hurling insults as she comforted her son. “Now look at what you’ve done, what kind of man makes children cry.”

“Well then, what kind of woman would hurt a six-year-old child’s feelings just because he doesn’t want to play with your kid?” She then looked at the boy behind the furious woman. “How old are you kid, eight? You look right to me” She rolled her eyes.

The woman turned to the voice, and saw an older woman, puffing a smoke while holding a bat. “Well?” she asked again. The woman started to feel cold as she recognized that face, she held her son’s wrist and left in a hurry. “Try to make my grandson again, and I’ll make sure you’ll live a living hell” she shouted. She glared at the people watching the show, causing them to disperse.

Arashi turned his attention to the old woman, she clicked her tongue and approached the boy. Zoro was still crying silently while holding on to his father’s shirt. As soon as she placed a hand on his forehead, she gasped. “Oh my god. He has a fever, why is he not resting?” she exclaimed.

Eyes wide, Arashi placed his palm on his crying son, and Indeed Zoro was burning hot. Added that his tears had started to mix with his snot. He grabbed his towel and wiped his son’s snot off. Hurriedly went back to his apartment followed by his in-law.

Hours after with Zoro all cleaned with comfortable clothes. The little one was already sleeping with a damp cloth to cool him down on his forehead. Arashi stared blankly at his sick son. The older woman sighed, grabbing the cloth on Zoro’s forehead soaking it in water, and wringing it before placing it back on his forehead.

“You alright there?”

Arashi was taken aback by the sudden noise, turning his head to her. “Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m fine” he muttered.

“Well, can’t be helped about it. Of course, people will talk” She stretched her legs and stood up. “Days will come where your boy will try to bully your son just because they don’t have complete parents. But I don’t think the little guy cares about it”

Still watching his son, snoring softly. “But he cried. He doesn’t cry like this easily.”

“It’s because he’s sick. Kids his age would cry if they felt sick. They feel uncomfortable with their body, and that situation earlier wasn’t helping him.” She sighed, grabbed a stool, and sat down. “Kids get upset easily when they don’t feel well, and they cling to you til they get better.” She huffed.

Now that explains Zoros’ odd behavior this morning, he thought. “I see, that’s why he doesn’t want to let me go” he sniffed, leaning his head to his knees. “He was trying to tell me that he feels sick”

“Before you go and start blaming yourself. Take this” She threw a notebook towards him, which landed by his feet. “It’s Tera’s notebook. She must have left it at my house before she decided to disappear from me” She leaned her head on the chair and groaned. “It has notes about how to take care of a child. No wonder she pestered me with questions about children”

Arashi looked at the notebook and picked it up. He started flipping the pages and recognized his late wife’s writing.

“Well, that’s the only reason why I’m here.” She stood up and patted her backside. “God, my back is killing me” she groaned and started twisting herself to hear her back cracking. “I suggest you leave work for a few days and take care of your brat. He will be needy when he wakes up, so cook him some porridge before he wakes”

With that, the woman left, after hearing Arashi’s thanks.

When Zoro woke up, the first thing he did was look for his Father. Arashi was just sleeping beside him, snoring with his hand in his tummy. Slowly, the little boy scooted closer to his Dad, wedging himself towards his chest, and started to fall asleep again.

The next time he woke up, he was sleeping alone on his bed. Blearily, he rubbed his eyes and sat while calling for his Dad. But when no one came, he felt something sad loomed inside him. He bit his lips and sniffed. Standing up from his bed, and made tiny steps towards the kitchen. There he saw his father, pouring something on a plate.

“Dad” he called out weakly, arms raised towards the older man. Arashi turned and immediately placed the plate on the table, walking towards his son. He kneeled beside him and checked his temperature.

“Feels like your fever went down a little? But just to be sure. We’ll go visit the doctor” he muttered, carrying Zoro and placing him on his hip. He then sat the toddler on the chair, only for the boy to weepily cry out to him.

“Okay, okay. Dad’s here” Arashi grinned, he then grabbed a chair and sat beside Zoro.

After the doctor’s visit. Zoro started to feel better. He started to become less needy and instead had caused a disaster in their own home. Arashi could only cry in defeat as he started cleaning after Zoro’s mess. However, he prefers his son to be rowdy and healthy than he was a few days ago.

~ 2nd cut ~

Zoro was already eight years old when he lost his Father after his grandfather’s old village was invaded.

Four months ago, he was just helping his father with his work. He had fun working with his father, though he was mostly asked to do simple tasks, which he didn’t mind as long as he could help his old man a little.

After their work that day, they were supposed to visit his grandparents together for his father’s day off. But when they got there, his grandfather had told his father about something that he couldn’t understand, but he could see the worried look in his grandmother’s eyes as she hugged him.

Hours later, his grandfather came alone. The next thing Zoro realized, they had buried his father beside his mother’s grave.

Six months later. Zoro now lives with his grandparents. Without his father around, Zoro doesn’t see much point in life. He wanted to do some work, so he could help with his grandparents, but his grandparents were against the idea of him working at such an early age.

They got him into playing with children his age, but he didn’t like playing with kids. He sometimes finds himself, just sleeping or reading books, other times he swings his father’s old shinai.

As days go by, Zoro starts leaving the house on his own, despite his grandmother’s warnings. Telling him that he gets lost easily. But he never believes it, because his father could always find him every time he gets lost. But when he got lost, his father never came for him.

His heart started to fill with hatred and loneliness. He hated why his father had to die, why he never got to meet his mother, and why he had to be alone. His grandparents were with him, but they were too old and too busy to watch over him.

Thus, he started to live for himself. He would roam around, visit nearby villages, and pick fights. Eating food that was handed out to him. However, a day came when he was unable to return home, Zoro frowned, confused, and did his best to find his way back home. Until an old woman who looked familiar to him had approached him.

“And why are you here alone?” she asked him

Zoro glared, standing up from the ground, where he watched children play. “Huh! who are you old hag?”

The old woman frowned. “Is that what your old man taught you? And you stink!”

Zoro clenched his teeth in anger. “Old man’s dead old hag. I have no other father”

That came as a surprise to her. She hasn’t gone to visit her daughter yet, and never had the time or bother visiting them. “What about your old folks? Still alive?”

The little boy raised a brow. “If you mean, Grandma and Grandpa. They’re alive”

“Then what are you doing here alone, brat?”

“None of ya business” the boy scream, attempting to run. Only to be held by the back of his shirt.

“You’re not leaving. You’re coming with me” She sighed, holding on to her grandson’s shirt.

Hours later, Zoro finds himself in front of his grandparents' house. The boy instantly jumped out from her hold and smiled. “I didn’t know, you know my grandparents' house, old hag” he grinned. “Should have asked you. I couldn’t find my way back” Then he ran inside, leaving the woman baffled.

Seconds later, she could hear cries inside the house. Loud cries and the people inside asking where he has been. She walked closer to the front door and nodded at the couple. “You guys better not lose your eyes on the brat again.”

“Yukie, thank you” Furiko exclaimed. “Where did you find him? We have been looking for him everywhere.”

“A couple of villages over in the west. He said he couldn’t find his way back home.”

“Oh Zoro” Furiko cried out, hugging her grandson.

“Well, I should get going” She grunted and glared at the older man.

That night, Zoro was now clean and comfortable in his father’s old room. Laying on his side, his eyes were wide open, staring at his father’s old shinai. He slowly got out of bed and crawled towards the shinai. He grabbed it and crawled back to his bed. Closing his eyes, while holding onto the last thing he remembers of his father.

Unfortunately for the old Roronoa couple, Zoro had left again on his own. Pinzoro could only scream, as he started running and looking for his Grandson again. While Furiko could only pray, hoping that Zoro would come back safe.

Zoro stood inside a forest, looking lost. He scratched the back of his head, and tilt to the side. He started walking around, trying to find his way back. His steps only stopped when he came into a familiar place that he used to visit with his father. With a grin, he started to run towards the village in a hurry.

As soon as he arrived, he found the houses unfamiliar. He still couldn’t find his home, so he started retracting his steps and made some turns. Unfortunately, he failed to realize that he was already going in circles.

Until he heard shouts from a house nearby. Following the sound, he noticed that it was a dojo and not a house. He knocked open on the door and out came a man with glasses. The man had a look of surprise as he saw his nephew standing on his own.

“Zoro? What are you doing here? Are you alone? Is uncle with you?” he asked.

“Who are you, old man? Why do you know my name?” he asked.

Taken aback from being called ‘old man’ Koushiro sighs. He kneeled, “Zoro are you with your Grandpa?”

“No. I went out for a walk, but then the roads changed. Now I can’t go home” he huffed, crossing his arms across his chest.

His Uncle scratched the back of his head. He then turned to one of his staff. “Can I bother you to handle the class for now? I’ll have to bring him back to his house” The man nodded his head and went back to the dojo.

Curious Zoro peaked to see where the noise was coming from. “What’s there?” he asked.

Koushirou smiled as he asked if he was interested, to which Zoro nodded enthusiastically and immediately started taking off his shoes. As they approached the dojo, he saw kids his age, swinging shinai, and he also some teenagers fighting on one side. He was amazed and curious at what they were doing. He did remember being taught by his father how to fight using swords. But his father always gets busy and his grandfather tends to hurt his back a lot.

“Can I try? I wanna learn how to use swords” he enthusiastically yelled. Excited to see kids having the same interests as him.

“And who is this?” Zoro heard a feminine voice, he turned to his side to find a short-haired girl holding a shinai in her hand.

“Oh, Kuina. This is Zoro, your cousin.” Koushirou then looked at Zoro and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Zoro this is Kuina, my daughter”

Zoro raised a brow at her, looking at her from head to toe. Then his eyes studied at what she was holding. “Fight me!”

Koushiro went silent, eyes observing his daughter and then to his nephew. He smiled widely, “Well then. Why don’t you have a match with him, Kuina?” her daughter met his eyes with a raised brow. She let out a breath and agreed.

“Fine, but only one time. I don’t like fighting little kids.” she rolled her eyes and walked away.

“He’s only a year younger than you though” he chuckled. Patting Zoro’s green hair, “Now then, why don’t we get you your shinai” he walked towards a big basket filled with Bamboo swords, and suggested for Zoro to grab one. The boy looked at the bamboo swords and then at the man with glasses, with a grin. He grabbed two swords and held them with both hands. “I see, you use two swords then?”.

Zoro nodded, “Dad taught me some stuff. But I wanted to use three swords, he said it was impossible, but I’ll make it possible.” He grinned, and got one more shinai out from the basket, after placing the bamboo sword from his right to his mouth. He wasn’t serious when he said this, but thought it would be cool and fun to prove his father wrong.

Sadly, Zoro lost the fight which never happened to him before, and he hated it.

Since then, Zoro has kept visiting the dojo. Sometimes accompanied by his grandfather, as the boy gets lost most of the time. Pinzoro was happy that his grandson had found something to focus on after his father’s death. As he noticed before, Zoro had kept to himself and stayed cooped up in his father’s room, now his room. Otherwise, the boy would leave the house without telling them and would return a few days later which worries Furiko a lot.

As days went by, Zoro trained harder toward his goal of defeating Kuina. Training day in and out, sometimes Furiko had to remind him to sleep. He also started making a few friends, he doesn’t like playing with them, but they cheer on Zoro at his every match and train with him when they aren’t having classes. Zoro won almost all matches he had with the older students, but he found Kuina a lot harder to defeat each day.

It had already been months since then, and Zoro had just been defeated by Kuina again. Frustrated, he went back to his training ground to train more. Carrying a Shinai on his back while holding another with his other hand, he frowned on his way to start his training.

There he found an old man, fishing by the edge. He shrugged at the old man and started walking towards the striking post. He took out the Shinai from his back and started his training. Hitting one post after the other, and running back and forth to hit each one.

An hour after his training, that was the only time he noticed that the old man had been watching him. He glared at the old man, “What?” he huffed, exhausted.

The old man inhaled his smoke and huffed it out. “Just thought you looked familiar. Do you live here?”

“No, I live with Grandpa, and Grandma”

“Hmm- you mean the house near a pond?”

“You know them, old man?” the boy sounded surprised.

“Well, that explains it. You do look like that brat from my old hometown” He mumbled, and went back to fishing, seemingly ignoring Zoro who was now shouting at him, asking questions.

A year gone by, Zoro had gotten stronger. He’s now 9 years old and had just celebrated his birthday with his grandparents yesterday. He sat by his parent’s grave, just staring at their names. Not sure what to say, other than he wanted to see them. His shinai lay beside him, while he wore the Isshin Dojo’s uniform.

“So you’re here”

He heard someone speak behind him. He turned his head to see the old woman he saw a year ago. “Old hag. Why are you here?”

The old woman raised a brow, and sat beside the little boy, “Why? I can’t visit my dead daughter?”

Confused, he leaned to his side. “Daughter?”

“Her” Yukie pointed a finger to his Mother’s name. “She was my daughter”

Realizing what it meant, he looked back to his mother’s name “So you’re my Mom’s mom? Just like how my Grandpa and Grandma, my Dad’s Mom and Dad?”


“So you’re my Grandma too?”

The old woman was surprised, still bitter with that title. But years had passed, and she was aware that Zoro wasn’t to blame for her daughter’s death. She took a deep breath and sighed, “I guess, I am” She agreed. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Today is Mom’s death anniversary. Dad usually brings me here after my birthday”

“Is that so” She responded despondently. They sat in silence, letting the quiet surrounding engulf them. Minutes pass by, and Zoro stood up.

“I have to go. I have training”


The boy nodded, “See you later, old hag” he turned and was about to leave. But the older woman had called his name, wishing him a belated birthday greeting. The boy nodded as thanks and left.

Months went by, and Zoro had gotten used to going to the dojo on his own without supervision. Though some of his friends would come to his house, and fetch him. Other times his grandfather would go with him, with a pretense that he was going the same way.

Today was different though. Kuina stood in front of the Roronoa’s household, staring from left to right, hoping that someone would see her.

“Oh, if it isn’t little Kuina. What are you doing here little girl?” she turned toward the voice, and saw Zoro’s grandfather, with a basket in his hand.

“I heard that Granny’s sick”

“Thank you for visiting. She’ll be delighted to see you” he smiled, opening the door for her to come in. “She’s currently resting in the room. Do you want to see her?”

Kuina nodded and took off her sandals.

“Gramps, did you buy the fish?” Zoro asked, appearing in their view with a white frilly apron on. The boy instantly turned red, and he hated how his rival started to stifle her laugh while pointing at him. “Shut up! What are you doing here Kuina!” he shouted, taking off his apron.

“I’m here to see Granny Furiko. I heard she’s sick. So I’m visiting”

“Kuina? Is that you?” they heard a little weak voice coming from a room. Zoro walked towards his grandparent’s room, while Kuina followed. “It is you” the old woman smiled, after seeing her cousin’s granddaughter. “I see that you’re doing well, Kuina. Are you here to see me?”.

Kuina nodded and walked inside to sit beside the old lady. In which she was instantly being hugged.

“Why don’t you have lunch with us?” Pinzoro offered, sitting beside his wife. “Zoro made some Onigiri, and Zoro and I will start making lunch soon. What do you say?”

Surprised, Kuina looked from Pinzoro to Zoro then to the old man again. “No way, Zoro knows how to cook?” Zoro felt his cheeks turning warm, not liking how he was being treated.

Pinzoro chuckled, “Only the easy dishes. I heard his Father taught him how to make quick easy meals”

Kuina nodded enthusiastically while grinning at Zoro”

Everything was all peaceful. Zoro had focused himself on training more after another defeat from Kuina. Doing lapses, carrying heavy stones, push-ups, and more training. He had already beaten most of his classmates and now had started having matches with the adults.

A few weeks go by, then it becomes months, till a year. Yet Zoro still finds himself unable to defeat Kuina. He was starting to get frustrated, but he drilled his frustrations harder into his training. He gasped for breath after another lapse with one of his friends on his back. Laying on his back after he fell when his friend got off.

“Are you okay, Zoro?” his friend asked, to which the boy just waved a hand, still unable to speak properly.

They stayed there for a couple of minutes, waiting for the others. Giving Zoro the time to gather his breathing and be able to stand. Minutes later, their classmates did appear all panting and gasping for air. While others complimented how Zoro can run fast.

After their lessons, Zoro got dropped off by some of their friends. He found it odd, how they haven’t left yet. He got inside his house and heard footsteps heading his way.

“Happy birthday, Zoro!”

Zoro was surprised to hear, his grandparents were there with cake in their hands. It wasn’t just them though, his Teacher and Kuina were there. He raised a brow and tapped a clap hand onto his other hand. “Oh yeah, today is my birthday”

“See I told you he forgot” Furiko chuckled, hugging her grandson and pressing a kiss on his cheeks. “Happy 10th birthday dear Zoro”

“Thanks, Grandma” he smiled.

A peaceful night Zoro thought, as he sat on the veranda, staring at the pond in front of the house. He had just turned ten today, and he didn’t even notice the days had passed. He hadn’t even thought about his father and forgot to visit them.

He averted his eyes to the people inside, still eating, and drinking. He leaned on his back, and laid down, eyes now back staring at the night.


Zoro let out a yelp when he saw his cousin suddenly coming into his view. “You scared me!” he glared, sitting up as Kuina sat down beside him.

“So you do get scared”

“What do you want” he grumbled.

“I was just curious…”

“Curious about what?” Zoro asked after Kuina went silent.

“Dad told me that your grandpa gave your father a sword, and I’m wondering if I can see it?” she hoped that Zoro would agree. “I’ll just look. I won’t touch it if you don’t want me to” she assured the boy after Zoro observed her actions.

But Zoro never responded and just stared at her. A minute later, Zoro stood up and sighed. “Fine, but only look.” Kuina followed Zoro, as he walked inside his room. He approached the sword, perfectly laying still on its stand. He grabbed for the hilt and slid the sword out from the scabbard.

Kuina was amazed at the sword. Despite not being used, it was still in good condition.

“Grandpa used to clean it regularly before, but he has gotten old and he sometimes has a hard time with his eyes” he mumbled and slid the sheath of the sword back inside the scabbard. He placed the sword back to his stand. “Now it’s just here to rust”

Kuina was shocked to hear that, wondering if Zoro won’t use it. Zoro frowned in response, “Of course, I’ll use it, but I’m still not strong enough to wield it.”

“I see, and I’m sure you’ll get stronger when you grow older.”

“That’s right”

“Even more than me” she added bitterly. Zoro raised a brow and looked at her, asking if she said something else. Kuina smirked at him, “As if you can beat me. You haven’t beaten me in a match yet”

Zoro glared at her, “And I will defeat you. Just you watch” he turned his back to her and stomped his way back to the veranda, puffing in anger as he sat down and ate the snack that was left unattended. Kuina’s smile was gone, as she felt bitter for being born a girl.

Days continued with Zoro’s usual schedule, training, eating, sleeping, and sometimes getting lost and scolded. He had just earned another defeat again, after losing another match with her. Frustrated and annoyed at himself. He went near the sea again, to start his training with the training post that was built there. That place was a perfect place for him since it was less noisy than the dojo, and no one to bother him, as he had hoped.

He saw the old man again, fishing and smoking. “You’re here again, old man”

“And you’re here too” the old man sarcastically responded. “What? Got lost again?”

Zoro frowned, “I’m not lost. I’m here to train” he exclaimed, approaching the posts, and took the shinai from his back. He soon started his training with bamboo swords in each hand, while ignoring the old man.

The old man would sometimes give him some pointers, in which Zoro would listen and try to apply what had been said. It did become easier and he felt lighter when he swung the shinai.

The next day, Zoro won again after defeating one of the adults in a match. He then looked around and found his rival, sitting with a shinai by her side. He thought he could beat her this time, but he still faced defeat after being struck on the forehead thrice, and falling on his butt. He gritted his teeth and stood up. Zoro started to do runs, running around to get his frustrations out.

As soon as he was done, he found himself near the graveyard. Realizing that he hasn't visited his parents yet. He walked inside and started to head towards his parent’s grave. The place was starting to grow with weeds, and it was getting dirty. He kneeled beside their gravestone and started plucking the weeds out.

“Sorry Mom, and Dad, I’ll be sure to come again and clean your place on my next visit,” he thought to himself. After making sure there were no unwanted plants on site. Satisfied, he sat kneeled properly, and started praying for his parents. Minutes later, he stood up and left.

A few weeks later, with real swords in both of his hands, Zoro challenged Kuina again for a match but failed. He started to feel the sides of his face getting wet as he lay there, after another defeat. Crying for being unable to defeat his rival, after training harder. Even though he was stronger than the adults, he felt upset that he still couldn’t defeat his rival. But still, they made a promise to each other and vowed that one of them would become the best swordsman when they got older.

However, a week later. Zoro was seen standing in front of Kuina’s grave while holding onto her precious sword.

~ 3rd cut ~

Two years passed by, and Zoro had already turned 12. He sluggishly jogged, he felt tired and dizzy, prompting him to stop his movements. He was panting, and hungry, and he didn’t know where he was. He was just doing a lap with the other students and with the new students, but somehow, Zoro found himself alone and was running on his own. He tried to look for them, but he only got confused as he looked for them. Tired, he collapsed to the ground. Added that he hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday, since he forgot to eat.

“Are you okay?” he heard someone speak, but he was too tired and hungry. His stomach growled. “Are you hungry? I have some food if you want.”

With the word ‘Food’ Zoro instantly sat up and grabbed the packed lunch that was handed to him. He started munching on it without stopping and only stopped when he finished his meal. He turned to his lifesaver to thank him. But he fell silent when he saw blond hair, which was a rare hair color on their island.

“My name’s Sanji.” the blond-haired boy smiled,

“Zoro” he mumbled, his eyes staring at the blond hair, then to his brows. “Curly” he commented, earning a frown from the other boy.

“Rude. I gave you food and you started being insensitive” The boy called Sanji, grabbed his empty lunch box, “so much for being kind to you” he huffed and started walking away.

Zoro immediately stood up and called for his name, but instead, he called him ‘curly’ which angered the other more.

“My name is Sanji, not Curly. Moss-head” he retorted, turning his back again and continued walking away.

“Moss-head?” Zoro raised a brow, pissed for being called a ‘Moss’. But still, he followed the other boy. “Hey wait” he called out again, but was completely ignored. “Okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. It was wrong. I just need help finding my way back”

Sanji raised a brow, turning his attention back to the other boy. “Huh? You’re lost on your island?”

Embarrassed from being found out, “I’m not lost. This place is unfamiliar, so I don’t know my way back”

“You don’t live here?” Sanji asked.

“I do, but not in this village”

Sanji stared back at him with eyes wide, and soon he started to laugh.

“Why are you laughing”

“Cuz this isn’t a village you dumb idiot.” he laughed again. “We’re on a port, and I can’t see any house aside from that one tiny house over there” and Sanji continued to laugh.

“Little eggplant, what are you doing?” Sanji turned and saw his adopted father approach them. “And who is this?”

“His name is Zoro, and he said he’s lost”

Zoro crossed his arms on his chest, annoyed for being misinterpreted.

“You’re lost, boy? Where do you live?”

“Shimotsuki” he responded, then his stomach started to growl again.

“You’re hungry already? I just gave you my lunch” he exasperatedly said.

“Yeah, and it was delicious. I wanted to say thank you for the meal but you got angry.”

“That’s because you called me ‘Curly’. I don’t have curly hair”

Zeff stared at the boys retorting back at each other and calling names. Zeff sighed, not really in the mood to be the peacemaker for this. “Come on little eggplant, bring your friend along. It’s almost lunch anyway.”

“Okay, and stop calling me that. I am not little” Sanji shouted back to Zeff, pissed that people seems to be calling him rude nicknames a lot. Glaring daggers at the older man with a peg leg. He sighed when his old man only waved at him to hurry. He turned to the other boy “Let’s go. Zeff makes delicious food. Bot not as good as mine” he boasted.

Zoro nodded at Sanji, thinking how Sanji had ignored being called an ‘eggplant’, or maybe he just didn’t care about the pet names. He kept the thought to himself and walked beside Sanji.

After their lunch, Zoro felt like an idiot after knowing that the village was just at least a five-minute walk away. He was turning red, as the chefs laughed after hearing that he had spent at least half a day finding his way back to Shimotsuki.

“Anyway, what are you doing on your own?” one of the chefs asked.

“I was out running with the kids my age, but they suddenly..” his cheeks tinting red “...vanished” he mumbled softly.

“You mean, you got lost and hungry that you can’t recognize your own home” Sanji grinned.

Zoro glared back, annoyed for being made fun of, as the chef started to laugh again.

“Now, now. No more teasing” Zeff intervened before the kids would start having another round of bicker. “Little eggplant, help your new friend back to his home,” Zeff ordered. Sanji scowled and started to complain. But Zeff hushed him, “Also, go buy some stuff for yourself. You haven’t bought new clothes when I told you to buy at least a few”

Sanji stuck his tongue out, “I don’t need them. This Chef’s coat is all I need.”

Zeff stared at the little boy then at Patty and Carne, “See? That’s why I wanted to ask you two to buy him some clothes”

“Why are you asking them to buy me clothes?! I don’t need them”

“That. you do brat” Patty responded. “I saw you wash your clothes the other day, and most of them are tattered. That’s why you always wear that. Not that I mind. But you are a kid and growing”

“That’s right Sanji” Carne agreed. “Just be a kid and buy some new clothes, you can even buy toys if you want”

Sanji glared at the man with sunglasses, “I don’t need toys, I’m an adult”

“Says the adult who still needs a crate so he can stand near the counter to wash dishes” the man teased, amused at Sanji’s reddening face.

“That’s enough. Sanji, bring Zoro back to his village, and buy some ingredients if you don’t want to buy clothes”

“Fine” Sanji rolled his eyes and averted his attention to Zoro, who was now almost done eating the remaining food. “You’re not done yet?”

“Nope, Food here is good.” Zoro complemented and ate the last piece of the fish. “Can’t waste them” he added and drank the orange juice near him.

The chefs felt proud, boasting about their cooking skills. Zoro barely listens to their brag. After he was done, Zoro and Sanji left Baratie. They started walking towards the village with Zoro just behind Sanji. As they arrived, Zoro finally started to recognize the houses. He made a turn, Sanji worriedly following behind him.

“This” he grinned. “This is the dojo”

Soon, students had come out, relieved in their faces to see Zoro well. Some asked where he had been, and some of the adults had started to see if he had gone to another village again.

“Who’s this?” one of the students asked, staring at Sanji with awe. “She looks pretty”

Sanji felt his cheeks warm, but felt pissed for being called ‘pretty’. Zoro looked at him, and absentmindly stared, then asked. “Hey Curly, are you a boy or a girl?”

“Huh?! What makes you think I am a girl? Clearly. I am a boy, plus I’m taller than you”

“Huh?! And what does height have anything to do with gender? Are you an idiot?” Zoro retorted back, annoyed. "Also. For your information. I am taller than you"

“Huh?! I am taller than you. Only moss heads like you are idiots and can't tell the difference” Sanji stuck out a tongue. “And don’t you know what being grateful is? I found you and fed you just now, and you want to start a fight? Are you a moron?”

“Oh, so you’re the one who found him?” they heard someone. Sanji looked at the man, wearing eyeglasses and a warm smile. “Thank you for bringing Zoro back. He tends to get lost a lot, so it worries us every time.”

Sanji sneered at Zoro, who only scowled back at him.

“Uncle was looking for you Zoro, he was really worried when he learned you got lost again”

Zoro then looked at his Teacher, and his expression turned into guilt “Sorry, I’ll go fin-”

“Nope, you won’t. Someone else will go and look for Uncle. You’ll be staying here so once your grandpa is here, you can go home safe. Also, I heard that you haven’t eaten properly yet. So no training for a week. You need a proper rest and meal.” Koushirou scolded.

Zoro’s brows were furrowed, gritting his teeth as he agreed.

“Good” Koushiro's smile is finally back when he faces their visitor. “And may I ask for your name, young man?”

Sanji looked up, hands on his side as he stood properly. “My name is Sanji sir,” he sweats as he averts his eyes from Zoro to the older man. “I happen to see Zoro suddenly collapsing on my way back to the ship. So I gave him some food before I brought him home”

“I see, that explains why it took so long to find him. Since we got used to always finding Zoro around the village, we usually find him 30 minutes at most. So him being gone for almost half a day was starting to worry us.

Sanji laughs awkwardly, not sure if he should apologize for taking Zoro with him. “Sorry sir” he mumbled.

“Oh please no, don’t apologize. Rather we are grateful that you found him, and even gave him food.”

“It’s alright. Glad I could help” Sanji smiled, then to Zoro “I better get going though. I was asked to buy groceries”

“I see, are you staying here for a while then?”

“Yep, I was told we will be here for at least a week at most”

“Is that so, then please do come again. So we can repay you for your help, right Zoro?”

“I will” Sanji then looked at Zoro “See ya later Moss-head” he waved and started running towards the marketplace.

A day went by and indeed, Koushiro was true to his words. He had forbidden Zoro from entering the dojo and doing training. He was starting to get bored, as he walked back towards his home. He looked up, only to find himself by the port again.

He clicked his tongue and started turning back.

“Oh, isn’t that the moss head from yesterday? Are you here for some delicious meals?” Sanji grinned. Hands on his hips. Zoro, bored as he was, turned back to the new voice. “Or perhaps you got lost again?”

“I am not lost Curly. I was just on my way home”

Sanji hummed, “And I was wondering if the moss-head wanted to try this dish that I made”

“You made them?” Zoro asked.

“Well duh, of course I did. I am a cook” he grinned, approaching the smaller boy. “Also the packed lunch you ate yesterday was my masterpiece. Did you like it?”

“Yeah, it was delicious. Didn’t know what it was, but it was very good. That was my first time trying that food.”

Sanji felt his cheeks warming at that, now acting all high and mighty after the compliments “That was my spicy seafood pasta. Though it still lacks spiciness”

“It was still delicious though.” Zoro complimented again, looking at him after Sanji mentioned the meal. “And what did you cook this time?”

Sanji grabbed the packed lunch from his bag and showed Zoro the delicious ham in front of him. “Made some Onigiri. This is the first time I made it though. Not sure how it’ll taste. I was just on my way to eat. Do you want to join?

Zoro nodded and started walking beside Sanji, following Sanji’s steps as they made turns, and ended up standing where Zoro does his training sometimes. He was surprised that Sanji knew this place. Sanji walked closer to the edge and smelled the seawater. “As I have thought, this is a perfect place to eat lunch.”

Zoro stood beside him and stared at the sea. Remembering Kuina’s grandfather who used to fish here. He was also the one who gave him the swords.

“Here, eat,” Sanji offered, sitting by the edge. Zoro obeyed and sat down, he took a piece from the lunch box. Zoro took a bite and ate the Onigiri happily while complementing Sanji. “It’s delicious. It’s better than Grandpa’s”

Sanji smiled shyly and ate his lunch. “Is that so?”

They ate their lunch conversing about random things, Sanji sharing stories about other islands’ foods, and their next plan after they’re done doing maintenance with Baratie. Zoro was starting to get curious about other islands too. Observing Sanji as he detailed the dishes and interesting ingredients that he wanted to try and cook. Explaining how all fishes around the world can only be found in one place.

“So I want to see All Blue when I grow older” he grinned, “What about you? Is there something you want to go to or achieve when you grow up?” the blond-haired boy asked curiously, eyes with excitement looking at Zoro.

“Me?” Zoro averted his eyes to the sea, “I want to become the world’s greatest swordsman. I made a promise to my best friend. So I’ll make it happen.”

“That’s awesome, and I think you can make it”

“But for now. I still need to learn and train more. So when the time comes, I’ll leave Shimotsuki and travel so I can challenge more people and become the world’s first greatest swordsman”

“Then I’ll cheer for you, and when you become one. I’ll cook delicious foods to celebrate it!”

Zoro stared in awe at Sanji, he didn’t know why his heart started to beat. He raised a brow and placed a hand on his chest. When Sanji asked him if something was wrong. His brows furrowed. “I don’t know. Something feels wrong?”

“ZORO!” they heard a scream and saw one of the students from the Dojo coming towards them, He was panting for air, while hands on his knees. He looked at Zoro with worry. “Zoro you need to come with me now! Your grandma is in danger” he said while gasping, while pointing towards the market.

In haste, Sanji gathered his lunch box and followed them behind. Running just behind Zoro as the other student started to run towards the market. But as they got there, his grandmother was already on the ground, with a dead man just beside her. His grandfather was holding her as he cried. Zoro approached them carefully, watching an unknown man bleeding to his death, and some people were being tied

“Grandpa?” he called out. Pinzoro flinched and looked at Zoro with teary eyes. He grabbed Zoro and started to sob. Zoro could only stare at his Grandmother’s body. “What happened? Why is grandma bleeding?” Tears had started to fall from Zoro’s eyes. Trying to listen to what the adults were murmuring.

Sanji who was just behind them, eyes wide. Then, his eyes were covered and pressed to a lap. He peeked towards the owner of the hand and saw Zeff.

It was only a day later that Zoro learned what had happened. His grandmother was at the marketplace to buy some ingredients, when someone had suddenly grabbed a child and used her as a hostage, and the man had started demanding stuff to be handed out.

Furiko was annoyed at the bandits and was worried for the little girls’ safety as the child only wailed and struggled from the older man’s hold. She offered herself instead as a hostage to let the child go free. The man didn’t believe her at first, but since the child kept struggling and crying loudly in his ears. He agreed and had Furiko approach him slowly.

She may be old, but Furiko was taught how to protect herself. The old woman did as ordered, “Well? let the little girl go” she demanded.

Still skeptical, he had one of the men point a knife at her throat. The Boss then allowed the little girl to run, but once the girl was at a safe distance. Furiko fought back and wrestled the man behind her and stole his knife. Once he was unconscious, the villagers started to fight back. Furiko, however, was unaware of the man behind her, she was stabbed in her back. She glared as she started to lose consciousness. But she was still able to attack the Boss and slashed his stomach open.

When his grandfather got there it was already too late, as Furiko was already dead.

A week later, they had buried her with her name written on a gravestone just beside her son’s name. Pinzoro and Zoro were silent, just standing there even after the others had left. Zoro didn’t feel like crying anymore and just stared at his grandmother’s name.

He already lost his mother as a baby, then his father died when he was eight. Two years later, his best friend died, and now his grandma. 'How fragile life can be' Zoro thought.

“It’s just us now, Zoro” Pinzoro bitterly said, trying to hold a smile. “We’ll be fine” he hoped.

Days go by and Zoro decides to focus more on training, eating well, and taking care of himself. He promises himself that he’ll become stronger so that he can protect anyone dear to him.

Zoro had already faced opponents who had tried to challenge him. Besides being 13 years old, it has already become a rumor on their island that Shimotsuki has a protector. It was quite well known that Shimotuski village has people who are trained to become swordsmen. Still, some would dare to challenge the dojo, only to be beaten by Zoro easily as they demanded to bring out their strongest.

He was starting to feel bored, he continued to train. But without an opponent stronger than him, he wouldn’t be able to see his results. Until he heard someone with the name Mihawk, who was said to be the world’s strongest swordsman. He was intrigued as he listened to stories about this man from the villagers.

Zoro is currently standing in front of Kuina’s grave, holding onto her sword, as he tells her about the Mihawk guy he has been hearing a lot. Since he was said to be the strongest swordsman in the world. He decided that he should defeat the man, and take his title. He sometimes tells her about the curly-eyebrows boy that he met a year ago. Even after a year had passed, Zoro still couldn’t forget Sanji. Despite only knowing him for a few days.

It has already been a year after Sanji said his goodbyes after the funeral, and even now he still felt lonely after he saw Baratie leave the port. He was starting to understand that he wouldn’t be seeing Sanji for now, unless he'd leave the village or if Zeff decided to dock on their Island.

He was just silently praying after talking with her. When he suddenly heard the rustle of leaves near him. As soon he felt the person getting close to him, he grabbed Wado and pointed it at the intruder. Only to stop when he saw Sanji smiling widely at him with his hands holding up.

He was surprised to see him, and immediately sheath the sword back to its scabbard. “Curly?” he asked. Sanji was now a bit taller, with a cigarette in his hand.

“Yo Moss-head. Did you miss me?”

“Huh? How?” Zoro was flabbergasted as he stared at Sanji. “When did you get here?”

“Just now. I heard that you might be here, decided to come and surprise you” Sanji explained, approaching Zoro and standing in front of him. “Why? Not happy to see me?” he raised a brow.

“No, I mean. Of course I’m glad you’re here” Zoro admitted a bit embarrassed to admit and was murmuring the rest of his words.

“Didn’t hear that mosshead” Sanji grinned, teasing his friend that he hadn’t seen for a year. “Anyway. You visiting someone?” he asked as he read the name on the grave.

Zoro turned his attention to Kuina’s name and nodded. “Yeah, she was my best friend. She died three years ago.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear. I bet she was a good friend?” Sanji asked, concluding that Zoro’s best friend was a girl after reading her name.

“She was, even stronger than me. I got stronger now though and I bet she would have been”

“And I bet she would have liked these meals that I brought with me” Sanji smiled, pointing towards the picnic basket near them.

Zoro grinned and agreed. “It’s nice to see you again, Curly”

Sanji wasn’t sure what the sudden fast thumping of his heart was after Zoro smiled at him. But he smiled back after responding that he felt the same.

~ 4th cut ~

Sanji just started to realize something. It has already been two years since his last visit to Shimotsuki village. At first, he had thought, rather, he was sure that he thinks of Zoro as a friend. Since Zoro was his first friend, he had thought it was normal to think about them all the time. Nothing is wrong with worrying and caring for a friend, right?

But then, Patty started to tease him about Zoro. Claiming he loves Zoro too much, he kicked the man on his crotch. Still annoyed and mad at Patty for saying such things. Clarifying repeatedly that Zoro was only his friend.

It wasn’t helping that two years ago. Zoro had told him that he would protect him too. Which made him turn red and warm whenever he remembered those words. Also, not like he has seen Zoro after that. It has already been two years, and he didn’t have time to visit Shimotsuki village.

Now, he always felt his cheeks turning warm every time he thinks about Zoro. But still, he refuses to admit it, since he prefers women over men, and Zoro is a guy.

“Sanji stop thinking about your boyfriend and start cooking already. We’re already behind with the orders and you still find time to blush about your long-distance lover?” Patty screams across the kitchen, causing the other chefs to whistle and tease him.

Annoyed Sanji threw a pan towards Patty and went back to work.

Zoro gasped after letting go of the boulder behind his back. Panting, he grabbed a towel and started to wipe his body from the sweat. He had become even more focused, now he can wield three swords more efficiently. However, he still thinks that he needs more training so he can wield them with more power and control.

His eyes averted to the Wado. The sword that had belonged to his best friend. He decided to stop his work though, after he heard his stomach complain. He grabbed his shirt, and wore it again, then secured Wado Ichimonji in his hands as he started heading back to his house.

Once he got there, his grandfather was already inside. Lunch already on the table, the old man turned to him and smiled. “Good timing. I just finished cooking the fish. Shall we eat?”

Zoror nodded and helped the old man prepare the table. He sat in front of him and started eating. After his grandmother died, both had a hard time getting used to living on their own. Zoro observing his grandfather getting weaker, started to lessen his time working out or training. He still does go to eh dojo, but he now leaves early to help Pinzoro with the house.

His father teaching him how to cook some basic meals, had gotten handy. They regularly take turns cooking for their meal. Once he was done with the usual house chores, he would go train and come back to help prepare dinner or lunch.

“How is it?” Pinzoro asked. “I tried remaking your grandmother’s recipe.”

“It’s good,” Zoro responded, grabbing a piece and eating it.

“Are you going to the dojo later?”

“Yeah, I skipped morning practice, and the Teacher said he wanted to hand me something”

“Is that so? Please don’t get lost on your back.” Pinzoro reminded Zoro, earning a pout from his grandson.

“I don’t get lost. It’s the roads fault”

“If you say so.” he chuckled. “Your grandmother used to say the same thing” That came as a surprise for Zoro, as he never heard or witnessed his grandmother getting lost. “Until he used her instinct to find her way around the island. I am still not sure though how she did it”

Zoro listened to his grandfather’s stories. “One time she got lost with your father, who was three at that time, and they ended up in the opposite village. Took me hours to find her, even some of the villagers helped me locate her.”

Pinzoro placed his chopstick on the table. Remembering how he first met her and how he fell in love, the memories he had when she was pregnant, and when Arashi came into their lives. The fights that they had and cuddles as they rested together after a hard day at work. Zoro had always indulged him, listening to his grandfather tell tales about their past. He had always seen how they were so close to each other, and he was happy for them.

“That’s why Zoro, the only time you know it’s love is when you want to spend your whole life with them, you always want to see them happy and make them feel special. Just like how I felt when I saw your grandmother.”

Zoro expressions turned into disinterest a second later. After hearing that line repeatedly for months now. “I don’t mind listening to your romance Grandpa. But I have no time for something like that. I want to become stronger to become the world’s greatest swordsman after I defeat Mihawk.”

“Yes, yes. And I will cheer for you. You’re my grandson after all.” The older man sipped from his glass and placed it back on the table. “I have always been aware that one day you will leave this Island to go pursue your dream”

Zoro did think about leaving when the time came, but he hadn’t told his grandfather about him leaving yet.

“It might not be as good as Wado Ichimonji, since that sword was the first one I made. But your father will be happy if you bring his sword with you.”

His grandson remained still and silent, eyes averting towards his room that used to be his father’s. After a few silence, Zoro agreed.

“Thank you, Zoro”

After they finished their meal, Zoro left the house and started heading to the dojo. As he got there, younger students had already started their training. Standing outside as they swing their shinai. Sitting on the veranda was his Teacher, observing the students.

“Oh, Zoro. you’re finally here. How’s Uncle?” Koushiro asked, patting his side for Zoro to sit. “Were you lost again?”

Zoro blushed frowning at his Teacher, and approached him to sit “He’s fine. He’s staying at home for now”

“Good.” Koushiro smiled. “I just received this. I think this might be for you” he then handed him a letter.

Zoro accepted the letter, letting out a thank you, as he opened it. Inside was a single note that said ‘I perfected my recipe. So better welcome me in the port’. “Who is it from?” he heard his Teacher ask.

“Might be from the cook. I don’t have other friends who live abroad. So my guess is he”

“Cook? You mean that blond kid?” he asked and Zoro nodded.

“I see, and are you going to send a response?”

Zoro raised a brow, confused.

“Well, he did send you a letter. Don’t you want to tell him about your plans? He’s your friend right?”
Not understand why he was getting flustered over a letter. He hastily put it inside his pocket, “should I? Is that how friends work?”

“That’s how a relationship works. For me at least” Koushirou smiled. “Having friends is great Zoro, and it’s always nice to have someone that can make you feel comfortable with. So cherish them”

“Okay, I’ll think about it”

A week later, he sent a response letter.

Sanji had just finished lunch service and had decided to take a break on the deck. Smoking and relaxing, hoping to be in a better mood. A few weeks ago he had sent a letter to Shimotsuki Village, as he wasn’t sure of Zoro’s exact address, he had used Isshin dojo’s address.

He was getting nervous thinking he was getting ahead of himself. He was starting to feel embarrassed for writing the letter that way. Hopeful that he didn’t sound arrogant, or Zoro would just act like Zoro and wouldn’t mind or better yet forget the letter”

As he was busy thinking about his idiotic past self, he didn’t notice a bird had landed near him. He only took notice of him when the bird had pecked him on his head. On its mouth was a letter addressed to him. He then grabbed the letter and checked his surroundings once the bird was gone. He extinguished his smoke and placed the cigarette butt inside his ashtray pocket. He then hastily made his way back to his room to read the contents.

Once he was safely in his room, he opened the letter and chuckled as he read it. For the rest of the day, Sanji was smiling, leaving the chefs and Zeffs confused from his sour mood earlier to a happy one.

Two weeks later, Zoro could see a boat getting closer to port. It was the day Sanji had written back to him after he sent that letter. So he stood there and waited for hours since Sanji didn’t tell me what time he would arrive.

As the boat got closer, Zoro noticed the familiar hair. He grinned when he realized it was who he thought it was. Sanji waved at him, now looking taller in his suit. Looks like he’s alone this time as he docked. Jumping from the boat to the deck, once the boat was secured.

“Took you long, Curly”

“Nice to see you too, Mosshead”

They both grinned at each other, happy that each of them looked well.

“So what did you cook this time?” Zoro asked, which made Sanji smile wider. Unfortunately for Sanji, Zoro seems to be staring at something instead of listening.

“Earth to Zoro, are you still there?” Zoro blinked and had now focused on what Sanji said. “Hello there Mosshead, are you there? Did your soul leave for a minute?” He teased.

Zoro faked out a cough, “Shut up, let’s go already”

Sanji smiled and grabbed for the back of Zoro’s shirt collar. “If I remember correctly, it’s not that way.”

“Huh? Of course, it is. My house is this way”

Sanji blinked his eyes, taken aback after Zoro mentioned his house. “Your house?”

“Yeah, Grandpa wanted to see you, and when I told him you were coming. He asked me to bring you with me. So he can meet you properly”

Sanji ‘oohed’ from the news. He felt shy but followed Zoro behind. Minutes later after a few circles around town with some wrong turns. They finally arrived at the Roronoa house.

“I had initially thought it was exaggerated that you get lost easily. But I didn’t know it was this bad. Your house was just a few minutes away from the port, and yet we arrived here almost an hour”.

“Shut it. Not my fault” he grumbled, walking towards the front porch and getting inside, leaving the door open for Sanji to enter.

“I’m back. Curly’s here” Zoro called out and went straight to the living, where Pinzoro was resting. Sanji followed behind Zoro and bowed at the older man.

“It’s been a while sir”

“Oh, you’re finally here. I hope Zoro didn’t make you walk that long” he smiled, offering for Sanji to sit, while Zoro just clicked his tongue.

“Not really, but he got a little on the way”

Pinzoro laughed after hearing that. “A little you say” he chuckled. “Well, anyway. I’m glad you look well. How’s Zeff?”

“He’s doing fine sir.”

“That’s good to hear” Pinzoro then took a cup and offered a tea to Sanji. The blond-haired boy thanked the older man.

‘I also made food. I cooked it on my way here. I’m not sure if it’ll suit your taste but I hope you’ll like it” Sanji then grabbed his bag and took out the dish he had packed earlier. Carefully sitting them down on the table.

Both grandfather and grandson started with drool. Loving the delicious aroma coming out from the food, it was still warm as well, and Sanji thanked the gods he was able to cook enough for the three of them.

They soon start to eat with the older man tearing up and complementing Sanji. Liking every dish he tasted. He then gave Sanji a thumbs up and said ‘Approve’. Which only made Sanji confused and made him feel on edge about what the old man had meant. He looked at Zoro, but Zoro was busy eating. Not sure what that implies, Sanji took his spoon and started to eat.

“By the way, are you staying longer this time?” Zoro asked curiously.

Sanji swallowed the food in his mouth, “I’m planning to leave tomorrow after I buy the things that I need.”

“Oh, then do you have a place to stay?” It was Pinzoro who asked this time.

“Not yet sir, but I plan to find a place to stay after I leave”

“Nonsense, you can stay here. You’re Zoro’s friend.” the old man grunted. “Also stop calling me sir, you can call me grandpa too” he nodded his head, seemingly agreeing with his thoughts.

Zoro's sweat drops as he observes his grandfather and feels weirded out when Sanji does call him ‘Grandpa’. It’s not that he doesn’t like it when others call him ‘grandpa’. But it was weird for him to hear someone else call him that aside from him and Kuina. His teacher calls him ‘Uncle’ and the kids call him ‘Pinzoro old man’. He rolled his eyes when the two were too invested in their conversation.

After their lunch, they left the house to visit the dojo. Zoro grabbed for his swords and placed them neatly on his Haramaki. Sanji stared at his friend, then at his swords.

“You have two now? I don’t remember seeing that one”

Zoro met Sanji’s eyes and then to his hips. "Yeah, the other one was from my father. Grandpa made it” he grinned.

Sanji hummed and followed behind Zoro, who started walking ahead of him and suddenly made a wrong turn. He instantly grabbed the back of his shirt. "Nope. We don't want to waste time walking for an hour to reach the dojo. You'll follow me, Mosshead".

Zoro clicked his tongue, but still, he walked beside Sanji without complaints.

"Good boy" Sanji grinned.

Zoro turned red and glared back. His heart started to beat and he hated how it made him feel jittery which he didn’t like.

A little over 20 minutes later, they did arrive at the Isshin dojo. Sanji greeting the Koushiro after not seeing a long while. Young students practiced their swings, while some teachers observed them. They didn’t stay long, since Zoro wanted to get used to using his old man’s sword.

Sanji sat on the grass, watching Zoro silently. Almost an hour had passed since Zoro started his concentration. Watching him cut the trees in front of him as he swung th sword, and he was starting to get bored, when he heard rustles coming close to them.

Zoro had already sheath the sword back to its scabbard and turned his attention to the noise. His eyes met his other grandmother whom he hadn’t seen in years. The old man had looked older than she was and much thinner than she used to. But she’s still her old self, raising her brow at him.

“And please tell me what are you doing here?” she asked.

Sanji is not sure who she was remained silent, looking his eyes from Zoro to the older woman.


“Is that so?” she then noticed the blond-haired boy who was sitting by a tree. “And you are?”

He was about to speak, but Zoro cut him off. “He’s a friend. His name’s Curly Brow.” he then turned to Sanji as he introduced the old woman to him.

“Are you an idiot?” he glared at Zoro, he then composed himself and stood up” Nice to meet you Ma’am. My name is Sanji” he then walked closer to Zoro, “You didn’t tell me you have another grandma” he whispered. The old woman just stared at her grandson to his friend.

“You didn’t ask, and she doesn’t leave the mountain much. So no way for you to meet her” Zoro grumbled. “Anyway, where are you going old hag?” Zoro asked after releasing a sigh, which then Sanji kicked his legs with his knee.

“Treat your elders properly” he scolded.

“Going to visit my daughter. Haven’t been there in a while.” she then started to walk, walking past them “I don’t want to intrude on your date any longer. So leave me be” she waved off. Zoro raised a brow, and Sanji felt his blood going to his face.

“What did she mean by that?” Sanji screamed, eyes wide. His hands were on his cheeks. “Me? Dating Zoro? No way!” he huffed.

“Shut up Curly. As if I would date someone like you. I have no time for things like that” Zoro rolled his eyes. “And anyways you have curly brows and a bad temper” he scoffed, looking at Sanji from head to toe.

“Huh? Are you implying something Mosshead?” the blond teen glared, standing in front of Zoro with his gut suddenly in a twist “For your information. I like girls. They’re soft and cute. Unlike you”

“Are you trying to start a fight? Twirly?” Zoro annoyed, got closer to Sanji’s face.

“Says the one who started it” he glared back, inching closer to Zoro’s face as well.

“Fine then, let’s have a match and see which one is stronger”

“As if you can beat me”

“Oh really, we’ll see about that”

Shouts and swords clashing with a foot could be heard in the forest. Zoro not holding back as he tried to swing Wado at Sanji. The same could be said with Sanji, anger in his eyes, as he used his legs to block the attacks, and kicking back at Zoro. Minutes passed with them not stopping and no clear results. Both had started to gasp for air standing and still glaring at each other.

“Just where did you learn to fight like that? You must suck fighting with hands, that you have to use your feet to fight”

“At least I don’t need two swords to prove that I am stronger than you”

Both glared at each other, growling. They turned their heads away from each other and started walking away in each direction. Zoro sat near a tree, while Sanji had his back on him while watching the seas. They remained silent for a while, refusing to talk to each other after their fight.

After a moment of them both just watching the blue seas, Sanji broke that. “This sea sure is pretty” he mumbled. Zoro had stood from his spot and stood beside Sanji.

“I have to tell you something” Zoro mumbled.

Sanji hummed, smiling and still looking at the blue horizon.

“I will be leaving the Island soon to pursue my goal.”

The blond man remained silent, smiling as he turned to Zoro. “That sounds great Zoro. I hope you’ll become one soon”.

“Yeah” Zoro had wanted to invite Sanji to his journey, but before he could ask him. Sanji had talked over him.

“How soon will it be? I’ll make sure to visit then” he grinned. “What do you say?”

Zoro gazed at Sanji seriously, “I don’t know for sure, but soon”

“That doesn’t give me a date” Sanji frowned. “Come on tell me. Is it next week? Next month? A year?” he was getting frustrated and Sanji. Sanji was stomping on his feet, his hands in his pocket were in a fist. He was getting annoyed at how Zoro went silent.

When he was about to speak, Sanji raised a hand.

“Know what. I’ll just ask you to send me a letter then. If the day ever comes, tell me at least a week before you leave, so I can come and see you off”
After a little silence, he decided that he should as Sanji then. But when he did, Sanji refused. Sanji did tell him, that he too would travel to find ‘All Blue’ but Sanji felt like it was still too soon for him. He tried to understand his reasons and nodded quietly with a heavy heart. He bit his lips as he nodded his head after Sanji repeated his question about sending him a letter.

The next morning after Sanji bought what he needed, he said his goodbyes to Zoro watching as the port got smaller in view. Zoro stared blankly at Sanji’s ship slowly getting smaller, wishing next year would come soon, so he could see him again and hopefully have another fight.

However. Two years later, Sanji received a mail from a delivery coo. Instead of receiving Zoro’s letter as they agreed. It was from Koushirou telling him that Zoro had already left the Island, and started his journey for his goal’s sake.

Sanji felt betrayed and angry as he read the letter. He was mad that Zoro didn’t bother to write him a letter or even tell him a few months ago during his last visit six months ago. He thought that they had a mutual understanding that Zoro would send him a letter a week before and that they would meet so he could see him off. He even asked him that day if he had decided on a date of his departure, but Zoro had told him the same response ‘Soon’ he said. He was furious, he wanted to crumple the letter and throw it away.

As a year passed, Sanji would hear news about the endeavors of a certain man. Reading articles about this pirate hunter, who kills pirates for their bounty. He was doubting at first but he now thinks that it might be Zoro.

A week later, he read another article about the said ‘Pirate hunter’, and in the article was a picture of Zoro holding two swords in each hand, and one in his mouth. He was glad that he was doing fine, but what he did still pissed Sanji off.

~ 5th cut ~

At 18 Zoro became stronger after he left the village. At first, he continued to travel within the island. Visiting other villages, and along the way met his maternal grandmother. After a while, he decided to travel to the next island.

As Zoro got stronger, he met and challenged people, hoping that one day his name would reach a certain swordsman he had been after. He wasn’t genuinely aware that people started calling him a ‘Pirate Hunter’.

At first, he wasn’t sure why they kept calling him that, he never cared about how people call him, so he didn’t bother. But when he realized that most people that he had defeated did have a bounty on them, he just let it be. Then he would bring them to the closest marine station to earn his keep after their fight.

He traveled on his own alone and defeated people that would come his way. Zoro’s name did become known that he received an invitation from someone, which he rejected if his conditions weren’t met.

After that, he just traveled on his own, til he almost broke his best friend's sword. He made a stop at a swordsmith for now, hoping he could fix Wado Ichimonji. As he left the old man’s shop, he went looking for a bar house for food. He had become a wanderer for days now and didn’t have enough money for a meal. So he just hoped someone would give him food.

On his way, his mind started to wonder about Sanji. He did leave without much of a notice, but he hoped Sanji received a letter from his Master. His stomach started to complain, and he sighed. If Sanji were with him, he wouldn’t be hungry so much.

After he got his fill, fortunately, it was paid by the two people he met there. He left after leaving the man’s bounty to claim to their hands. He then went back to the shop, hoping the swords were done. Once he got Wado Ichimonji back, he was satisfied with the work. She felt new and sharper, he sheath her back to her scabbard and then placed her beside his hips while grabbing for his father’s sword and one that he got from Kuina’s grandfather.

He thanked the old man and promised to pay him back after he earned by turning a wanted man to the Marines. The swordsmith declined, saying he felt grateful for letting him do maintenance on such an astonishing sword. Zoro was about to leave the village when he noticed a disturbance happening. He was curious as to what it was, then he saw the two men he had seen at the restaurant earlier.

Hours later after they were successful in apprehending the attackers, he learned that the men’s names were Yosaku and Johnny, who decided to join him. He agreed and so they became a group and hunted wanted men for their bounty. They traveled together for over a year until Zoro decided to split with them. They bid their separate ways, and Zoro ended up on another island.

It wasn’t just some Island though, it was a marine Island that might have been too corrupted. He then met a guy who says he ate a ‘Gum-gum fruit’, and he ended up becoming a pirate. It was just then for a couple of days, till they came across a thief. To which his captain was very adamant in making her his navigator.

For a while, they traveled the seas together and bought some rations for their voyage. Then met a liar from an Island.

After earning a better ship for their voyage, the liar joined them on their trip. Then it became four of them. Everything was good, they fought marines who would try to apprehend them. Fought with some pirates who think they have treasures, which isn’t exactly false. Since their Navigator Nami had hidden sacks of money in her room.

His stomach started to churn, hungry, and felt very sluggish. Their captain, Luffy who somehow got his hands on their rations, now their ship doesn’t have enough food to satisfy their hunger. During days like this, he wished that he should have forced Sanji to come with him when he left Shimotsuki.

He did want Sanji to come with him, but he didn’t want to force him for something he might regret. His stomach complained again, and he groaned. “Gah, I wish Sanji was here” he mumbled tiredly and very hungry.

Usopp who was sitting by a railing, hoping to catch a fish heard him. He raised a brow as he asked Zoro, “Sanji? Who’s he?”

Zoro, realizing he mumbled Sanji’s name, shakes his head at himself. “A childhood friend who loves to cook food”

“That’s the first time I heard that name.” It was usopp who said it.

“I didn’t know you have friends Zoro” Nami grinned, sitting on a chair. Reading from a newspaper.

“Rude.” Zoro rolled his eyes “I do have friends. Just a few of them”

“Hey, hey Zoro. is Sanji a food?” Luffy excitedly claimed beside him, already drooling after he heard someone mention ‘food’.

His crews stared at their captain, judging him as he continued to drool. Zoro sighed, crossing his legs. “No Luffy, but he loves to cook, and feed people who are hungry”

“Seriously Luffy, all you think about is food” Usopp groaned, smiling when he successfully caught a fish.

“That’s because we don’t have enough food.” Their captain complained. “Seriously, you guys should learn how to control your hunger.”

Annoyed, Nami threw a chair towards her captain. “Whose do you think that we don’t have food?” she growled in anger, furiously shaking Luffy. Luffy sweat drops, trying to stop Nami from causing damage further.

Hours passed and Zoro decided to get some sleep, it was a peaceful Morning after all, and since they were trying to make their rations last longer till the next island. Zoro has been fasting since yesterday. He thought he could have a relaxing nap on the deck when he suddenly heard the canon being fired. He sat up from the deck and could see Luffy and Usopp playing with it. Seeing that they were not in immediate danger, instead, he was amused.

Four years had passed since Sanji had last seen Zoro, and Sanji now fully understands and accepts that Zoro never did think of him as a friend. He was angry at himself why he believed that they were friends.

He foolishly spent hours just to travel so they could spend time together, he felt like an idiot for thinking that they were close, when in reality Zoro never did feel the same towards him. He was bitter about it, but he prefers not to care about that Neanderthal anymore. Not like they are dating and that he needs special attention. But still, Zoro could have written him a letter.

Recently, he has been feeling moody. He was annoyed and pissed by other chefs’ constant remarks about him. He had ignored it at first, but it only got worse when Zeff started to bother him. He knows what his adopted father’s intentions are, and he hates it.

This morning, after spending hours cooking in the kitchen. Zeff had woken up on the wrong side of the bed and had Sanji unfairly thrown to serve tables. He was annoyed and reluctantly started serving tables.

He had hoped for no trouble when they suddenly heard a loud bang from the roof. Curious, he went to see where it had come from, only to see a portion of the roof gone. He then noticed how that part of the room is where Zeff’s room is located.

Sanji ran towards the kitchen and didn’t see Zeff, he hurriedly ran towards the head chef’s room and saw some chefs fussing over Zeff.

Zeff met his eyes and he sighed. “Nothing wrong here, little eggplant. Go and serve tables” Of course Sanji wouldn’t believe him, seeing how there’s a huge hole in his room, and he was bleeding from his forehead.

“What do you mean nothing?” he furiously shouted.

“It means nothing happened here. Just a few scratches. Now go back to work” he ordered, voice a little louder than what Zeff had wanted.

Angered that Zeff didn’t see how he was just worried, Sanji turned and slammed the door. “Fine”.

He was already annoyed that all the waiters had left yesterday, Zeff’s dismissive behavior towards him, only fueled his bad mood. It only got worse when one of the customers started to act arrogant around him, causing him to cause another havoc inside the restaurant.

Sanji had decided it was a sh*tty day after he entered the dining to serve some arrogant marine who wants to act cool in front of his date. Annoyed, he corrected his mistake and smiled at him, then roughly handed him a spoon. He thought no more issues with the man by then, as Sanji thought he had already been embarrassed enough.

But seems like today was just really wasn’t Sanji’s day. Not help when one of the marines came into the restaurant shouting news about their escaped prisoner. Sanji rolled his eyes at that, he wanted a smoke.

“Are you sure you’ve been here before Zoro?” Nami asked, looking around the restaurant's front deck.

“Yeah, once or twice whenever Sanji and his old man visit my village” he tied Merry securely on a dock cleat. Usopp standing beside them once he secured the other side.

“So your friend Sanji’s here?”

“Should be” he muttered walking before them, as they followed behind.

Luffy was perplexed when he watched Sanji throw the dishes that the pirate had used in the sea. They were about to head back and go back to work after Zeff had called them in. With a grin, he approached Sanji very closely, not minding personal space.

“Zoro’s right. You’re a kind person. You have to become my cook”

Upon hearing Zoro’s name from his mouth, he stepped back. “You know Zoro?”

“Yup, he’s one of my crew”

Sanji had his curiosity piqued, wanting to know how Zoro had ended up becoming a pirate and if he still wanted to become the strongest swordsman. He had a lot of questions in mind, but he held himself and dragged Luffy inside. “Is that so”

“Aren’t you going to ask about him?” the black-haired boy innocently asked.

Sanji was silent, he thought his mood had gotten better. But it had gotten worse instead. Sitting at one of the tables, was a familiar face to him that goes by the name ‘Zoro’. He decided to ignore them as they had already been served.

Minutes later, however, he could hear loud noises in their area. He was serving one of the tables and saw the errand boy talking with them. It wasn’t long before he received complaints about the loud disturbance. Annoyed, he approached their table reluctantly.

The group was already looking at him, he loudly sighed as he asked them to lessen the noise. When Zoro was about to greet him, he turned his eyes at him. “So you’re alive”.

“Of course, I am” Zoro frowned. “Why would you think I died?”

Sanji felt displeased, eyes glaring at Zoro as the man got closer to him. “Well, to me, you are. So I’m very shocked to see you standing here acting as if we’re friends”

Zoro was taken aback by Sanji’s response. He felt cold being poured on his back.

“Well, it’s not so nice to see you here. So if you’d leave after you eat your meal that would be nice. Your meal will be comp by me” Sanji then turned to others and smiled at Zoro’s friends. He then turned back to Zoro “I see you have met new friends. I just wish you wouldn’t just leave them hanging”. With that Sanji left while dragging Luffy by the back of his shirt. “And you, errand boy will be helping me here”

Nami and Ussop stared in shock, eyes averting from Sanji to Zoro.

As days pass Luffy tries to pay off his debt, hoping the owner will allow him to leave soon. Zoro never went to the restaurant again. He had realized his mistake and felt guilty for what he had done. But it was already in the past, and nothing could change his decisions then. He tried to talk with Sanji the day after they dined, but Sanji ignored his attempt to talk. Not wanting to hurt or cause Sanji to hate him further, he decided to stay in Merry.

He could see in their eyes that they wanted to know what happened between them, but Zoro never said anything, aside from admitting that he did make a mistake.

Sanji stood by a window sill, watching the boat that Luffy said was theirs. He bit on his cigarette, wishing for them to leave. But with Luffy still far from his debts, would be impossible for the pirates to just leave without their captain. ‘Such a small world’ he thought, grabbing for his lighter as he left, wanting to smoke his thoughts away if he could.

Sanji hated Zoro for now, he didn’t want to see him and never wanted to see him again. However, those thoughts disappeared from his mind, when he saw Zoro receiving a large cut on his chest. Sanji’s face looked as if he had seen a ghost, as the man fell on the water.

It was the same old same day at the restaurant that day. A little foggy, but then a large battalion ship arrived and things only got worse. It looked to him that it wasn’t just them who were having trouble, but with Luffy’s crew as well.

His eyes were wide as he watched Zoro being hauled towards another boat, he felt relieved when he saw him raise a hand. He knew that this was coming the moment he heard Zeff refers to the man on a tiny boat as the world’s strongest swordsman. That had been Zoro’s dream, and seeing how the man had damaged a large ship all on his own. He knew that Zoro would die. Thankfully he’s still alive, albeit with a large wound on his chest.

He wanted to go after and see if he could help, but Luffy had given them the order to leave in pursuit of their other crew who seemed to have left them. Since he can’t leave Baratie with impending danger coming from their assailants. There was no way he would leave the ship.

Hours later after their fight and successfully defeating Don Krieg, he finds himself saying his goodbyes to his adopted father. He knew the old man had won. He bitterly smiled, as he waved towards them. Hoping to see them again.

Zoro sat on a wooden chair, relaxing with his torso wrapped in bandages. Nami had just helped him escape earlier, but he had no idea where to go and he still had orders from Luffy to bring her back. Bored with nothing to do, he decided to wait for Luffy the rest as he napped. At least he can rest his tired body and mind. Not only did he lose his fight with Dracule Mihawk. He also lost his father’s swords.

His thoughts started to run towards Sanji, remembering Luffy’s words that he wanted the cook to join them. He let out a bitter sigh, wondering how they should act towards each other if Sanji decides to join them, and if Sanji does join them, he promised himself that he’ll help Sanji in finding his dream. He only hoped that Sanji would be willing to talk with him.

Minutes later, unfortunately for Zoro his plan to nap didn’t go as he wanted. Instead, he finds himself now in front of Luffy with Sanji and Yusako. As he had thought, Sanji did decide to join them. After a while, they heard the news about Usopps demise, which happens to be not true after they saw him running towards them.

They then learned the story about Nami’s past, and she had to leave them. Luffy who was just silent as he listened, decided to wait for Nami’s decision. It wasn’t too long for them to attack the park again after Luffy saw Nami’s tears and her begging for help. Anger had engulfed Luffy as he went to Arlong Park.

Once Arlong Park had fallen to the ground, Sanji had dragged Zoro to a local doctor. The green-haired man wanted to refuse, but Sanji was adamant about having his wounds checked. Almost an hour after being sewed back properly, Zoro felt his body drain. He closed his eyes to rest, hoping he’d get better once he woke.

Minutes later, he heard a shuffle close to him. He opened his eyes to see Sanji placing a sword near Wado Ichimonji. He sat up surprised and gasped in pain when the stitches started to hurt. In seconds, Sanji was beside him, pushing him back to bed.

“Are you an Idiot? Go back to bed” Sanji scolded.

Zoro obeyed and opened his eyes. Staring at Sanji, but it was too dark to see his expression. His eyes then averted to the swords beside him, then at Sanji.

“One of the idiots from Baratie found it”

Zoro nodded and thanked him. Sanji then sat beside him, he could see his eyes observing the bandages on his chest.

“You are an Idiot aren’t you?” Zoro frowned, he was about to speak, but Sanji had cut him off. “I know, you don’t want to have any attachments with your life. If you die, that just means that you're weak. Are you an idiot?”

“Stop calling me Idiot, idiot curly. I am the only one allowed to call myself that”

“Shut it. If you’re an idiot in my eyes then you are. An idiot who doesn’t know how to keep promises”

Zoro’s eyes widen a little, he closes his mouth shut and stays silent.

“I was expecting your letter.” Sanji started. “I don’t care about it anymore though.” he leaned on the backrest of the chair. “But I felt hurt when you didn’t send one. I was starting to think that you don’t think of me at least as a friend.”

Zoro sat up and leaned on the bedpost with Sanji’s help. They stayed silent, listening to people preparing for the festival later.

“I still remember my promise to you” Zoro explained.

Sanji clicked his tongue. “I see. So you deliberately didn’t bother to write me a letter just means you don’t care about me as a friend then?” he scoffed. “Glad to know” he was about to stand, but Zoro grabbed his hand.

“Sit down sh*tty cook. I’m not done talking” Begrudgingly, Sanji sat down on Zoro’s bed. His cheeks and arm where Zoro was holding him were starting to heat. “Not sending you a letter was indeed my fault, and I’m sorry. But my promise to protect you, I still remember it”

The blond-haired man glared. “I don’t need your protection, Marimo. I can protect myself now”

Zoro smiled and nodded. “That you do. You got stronger. But I’m still stronger than you”

Annoyed, Sanji felt his veins starting to burst. “Oh is that so? Mr heavily injured Mosshead who can’t even sit up on his own”

“Really, Mr. Curly erotic eyebrow. I saw how you were acting while at Baratie. Who would have thought you would become a pervert?”

Sanji gasped, his hands moving. “You were stalking me, Mosshead? I didn’t know Marimo’s have eyes!” he sarcastically teased, grinning from ear to ear.

“You bastard. I haven’t forgotten how you blatantly ignored me when I tried to talk to you” Zoro adjusted his hold on Sanji’s wrist.

“That’s your fault. You suck Marimo”

“Perverted Curly”

“Muscle head”

“Curly Brow” Zoro grinned, holding onto Sanji’s hand tightly.

“Moss head”

“Excuse me, not wanting to interrupt your intimate time. But can we go now?” Johny and Yusako awkwardly asked, sitting up on their bed.

Zoro and Sanji just remained stunned as they nodded their heads. To which the two greatly nodded and left in a hurry. The two left inside looked at each other and felt their faces warming.

“Oh, so you two made up! That’s good” Luffy grinned leaning on a window sill, holding a meat in his hand, grinning at his friends.

The two looked at their clasped hands, embarrassed. Zoro grabbed the blanket and covered himself. Sanji went to the other bed and did the same.

~ End cut ~

Onigiri - Banshee27 - One Piece (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.