McLane, Graf v. Rechberger, 280 F.3d 26, 1st Cir. (2002) - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 7/26/2019 McLane, Graf v. Rechberger, 280 F.3d 26, 1st Cir.(2002)


    280 F.3d 26


    Plaintiff, Appellee/Cross-Appellant,


    Alfred RECHBERGER; ARC Partners, Ltd., Defendants,Third-PartyPlaintiffs, Appellants/Cross-Appellees,


    Edward L. Hahn; Jon Meyer, Third-Party Defendants,


    No. 00-1756.

    No. 00-1757.

    No. 00-1758.

    United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit.

    Submitted September 13, 2001.

    Decided February 15, 2002.


    OMITTED Valeriano Diviacchi on brief for appellant AlfredRechberger.

    Douglas L. Ingersoll and Ingersoll & Sullivan, P.A. on brieffor appellant

    ARC Partners, Ltd.

    Peter G. Beeson and Devine, Milliment & Branch, P.A. onbrief forappellee Jon Meyer.

    James C. Wheat, Jennifer L. Murphy, Todd J. Hathaway, andWadleigh,

    Starr & Peters, P.L.L.C. on brief for appellees McLane,Graf, Raulerson,

    & Middleton and Edward A. Hahn.

    Before SELYA and LIPEZ, Circuit Judges, and DOUMAR,*Senior

    District Judge.

    LIPEZ, Circuit Judge.

  • 7/26/2019 McLane, Graf v. Rechberger, 280 F.3d 26, 1st Cir.(2002)


    1 These appeals arise from protracted litigation over attorney'sfees allegedly

    owed by Alfred Rechberger ("Rechberger") and ARC Partners, Ltd.("ARC") to

    the New Hampshire law firm McLane, Graf, Raulerson, &Middleton, P.A.

    ("McLane"). Rechberger focuses on three rulings against him.First, he

    challenges the district court's partial summary judgment awardof $135,157.77

    to McLane on its contract claim because he believes that anattorney's allegedly

    erroneous initial valuation of the damages exposure from thecase for which theattorney was retained should relieve him fromliability for all fees generated by

    the matter. Second, he challenges the jury award to McLane of$39,567.50 in

    fees, claiming that he lost because the district court construedthe surviving

    count of his third-party complaint and counterclaim toonarrowly. Finally, he

    challenges the district court's summary judgment ruling againsthim on his

    third-party complaint against an attorney, Jon Meyer ("Meyer"),who handled

    the litigation at issue before McLane did. In its appeal, ARCchallenges the

    district court's refusal to amend, alter, vacate or clarify thejudgment enteredjointly against it and Rechberger for attorney'sfees.

    2 In a cross-appeal, McLane seeks reversal of the districtcourt's decision not to

    sanction Rechberger with an additional award of attorney's feesand expenses

    for allegedly frivolous and vexatious litigation. McLane alsochallenges the

    district court's decision to grant ARC judgment as a matter oflaw with respect

    to the $39,527.03 of fees still in dispute at the time oftrial.

    3 On this last point raised in the McLane cross-appeal, we mustvacate the

    judgment for ARC. In all other respects, we affirm.

    I. Background

    4 McLane sued Rechberger and ARC for unpaid attorney's fees inthe New

    Hampshire Superior Court on July 7, 1997.1On July 11, 1997, aSuperior Court

    justice granted McLane's petition for an attachment of $300,000held by

    Rechberger and ARC.2Rechberger removed the case from state tofederal court

    on August 13, 1997, and filed an answer on September 2, 1997.Rechberger

    also countersued McLane and filed a third-party complaintagainst attorneys

    Jon Meyer and Edward L. Hahn for 1) malpractice, 2) inflictionof emotional

    distress, and 3) breach of an implied covenant to charge fairand reasonable

    fees. In order to understand this bitter dispute over attorney'sfees, we must

    regrettably review the litigation which generated the fees andthe tortuous

    course of this case to its present state.

    A. The Underlying Litigation

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    5 In late 1994, Marion Jacobi, the daughter of AlfredRechberger, filed suit

    against her father, alleging that he had sexually assaulted heron several

    occasions from 1979 to 1985. See Jacobi v. Rechberger, etal.,No. 94-C-82

    (N.H.Super.Ct. filed 1994) ("Jacobi"). Jacobi sued both herfather and ARC,

    which she alleged was merely the alter ego of Rechberger. Shealso sued Bio-

    San Laboratories, Inc. ("Bio-San"), a company at which she hadworked when

    it was owned by Rechberger, alleging that he sexually assaultedher there, andthat the company was liable for assaults on itspremises. Although Rechberger

    sold the company in 1990, he was still receiving payments fromit pursuant to a

    stock purchase agreement.

    6 Rechberger retained attorney Edward L. Hahn in March 1995 tohandle the

    defense of the Jacobi lawsuit. Hahn allegedly advised Rechbergerthat his

    daughter's suit was a "$50,000 case" and that litigation costsfor his defense

    would be "around $200,000." Attorney Hahn worked on the matter,first aloneas a member of Hahn & Associates, later with JonMeyer when he joined

    Meyer's law firm, Backus, Meyer, Solomon, Rood & Branch,P.A. ("Backus"),

    in June 1995, and finally with attorneys at McLane, which hejoined in March,


    7 TheJacobilitigation spawned another legal dispute. In June,1995, Hahn filed

    suit on behalf of Rechberger and ARC against Bio-San.Rechbergeret al. v.

    Bio-San Laboratories, Inc.,No. 96-44-JD (D.N.H. filed 1996).Rechberger hadowned several vitamin pill businesses purchased byBio-San in 1990. The

    stock-purchase agreement provided for Bio-San to pay Rechbergercertain

    moneys, but Bio-San stopped these payments in 1995. Bio-San gaveseveral

    reasons for stopping the payments, including Marion Jacobi'ssuit against Bio-

    San. Bio-San averred that Rechberger's failure to disclose thealleged abuse in

    connection with the sale of the business amounted to a violationof the stock

    purchase agreement, which required the seller to disclose allsignificant

    liabilities of the purchased entity.

    8 Hahn worked on theBio-SanandJacobilitigation, and more generalcorporate

    matters for Rechberger at his own firm, at Backus, and atMcLane. Both

    Backus and McLane assigned other attorneys to work with Hahn.Rechberger

    paid nearly all of the fees billed by Hahn, Backus, and McLanebefore January


    9 Jacobi's suit against Rechberger settled in May 1997 when heagreed to pay her

    $1.35 million. Rechberger's suit against Bio-San was settled inarbitration in

    July 1997 when Bio-San agreed to pay Rechberger $1.85 million.At the

    conclusion of this litigation, Rechberger had incurredapproximately $849,000

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    in legal fees, and had paid approximately $625,000. About$191,000 of

    McLane's unpaid bills stemmed from theJacobilitigation (whichHahn, Wilbur

    Glahn, and other McLane attorneys had worked on), and about$28,000

    stemmed from general corporate work which Hahn did forRechberger. The

    Backus firm claimed $4,000 from theJacobilitigation.

    B. The McLane-Rechberger Litigation

    10 When Rechberger stopped paying fees to McLane in January1997, McLane

    attorneys repeatedly requested payment. Rechberger initiallygave no reason

    for not paying. At the subsequent trial, one partner testifiedthat Rechberger

    first claimed that he was not paying simply because of a "cashflow problem."

    Losing all patience, McLane filed suit against Rechberger in thesummer of

    1997 in the New Hampshire Superior Court. After removing thecase to the

    United States District Court for the District of New Hampshireon the basis ofdiversity of citizenship, Rechberger filed an answerto McLane's suit, a

    counterclaim, and a third-party complaint against attorneysMeyer and Hahn. In

    his counterclaim and third-party complaint, he allegedmalpractice, infliction of

    emotional distress, and breach of an implied covenant to chargefair and

    reasonable fees. Subsequently, the district court granted themotions of

    McLane, Meyer, and Hahn for summary judgment on the malpracticeand

    emotional distress counts when Rechberger failed to oppose thesemotions.

    11 In the surviving count of his counterclaim, Rechbergerasserted that McLane

    charged unfair and unreasonable fees for the services itprovided. McLane filed

    a motion for partial summary judgment on this remaining countand on its own

    claim for fees, noting that Rechberger admitted in his answerthat McLane did

    legal work for him and ARC and that he agreed to pay reasonablefees for those

    services. McLane averred that Rechberger provided no factualbasis for

    disputing the validity of a number of his debts to the firm.McLane also argued

    that Rechberger's own expert witness (Finis Williams) did notfind the feescharged by McLane attorney Wilbur Glahn unreasonable,and did not evaluate

    the fees of McLane associate Mark Whitney. Williams's reportalso did not

    challenge expenses incurred by the McLane firm.

    12 In response, Rechberger claimed that there was no written feeagreement. He

    asserted that Hahn's allegedly erroneous valuation of hisexposure in theJacobi

    case made Rechberger immune from liability for all subsequentfees and

    expenses. Finding this and other arguments unconvincing, thedistrict court

    granted McLane partial summary judgment on its contract claimand

    Rechberger's counterclaim, thereby awarding McLane nearly allthe fees and

    expenses it requested on partial summary judgment. These feesand expenses

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    1.Bio-Sanfees: $316.97

    2. Corporate expenses: $1,254.21

    3. Corporate fees: $27,303.00

    4.Jacobiexpenses: $27,185.09

    13 5.Jacobifees generated by Wilbur Glahn and Mark Whitney:$79,050.084

    14 At this point in the case (late April of 1999), a substantialportion of the fees

    and expenses claimed by McLane had been adjudged proper and dueto

    McLane. McLane asked the district court to sanction Rechberger'scounsel,

    Valeriano Diviacchi, for disputing these fees despite hisalleged awareness that

    he had no grounds for doing so. Crediting a brief submitted byDiviacchi which

    explained his litigation tactics, the district court declined toimpose any


    15 As the trial approached on the remaining $83,755.03 of feesin dispute, the

    parties sought to clarify the types of evidence which Rechbergercould present

    on his third-party complaint against Hahn and his counterclaimagainst

    McLane. Seeking to prove that Hahn and McLane had breached animplied

    covenant to charge fair and reasonable fees, Rechbergerdisclosed his plan to

    introduce evidence of Hahn's negligence in handlingtheJacobicase. After the

    district court expressed some doubts about the propriety of thisstrategy,

    Rechberger asked the district court to construe the survivingcount of his

    counterclaim against McLane and his third-party complaintagainst Hahn,

    which challenged the fairness and reasonableness of their fees,to include a

    claim that the attorneys had failed to provide representationwith the skill and

    knowledge of an average attorney.

    16 The district court denied this request. In its view, such aninterpretation of the

    surviving count would be tantamount to a reinstatement of thefirst count of

    Rechberger's original complaint alleging legal malpractice.Moreover, such

    reinstatement would severely prejudice "the third-partydefendants in light of

    the history of this case and Rechberger's previous acquiescencein the dismissal

    of his attorney malpractice claim." Therefore, the court did notallow

    Rechberger to allege at trial "claims for negligent performanceof legal services

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    ... [or] challenges to the fees based on the lawyers' allegedfailure to properly

    assess theJacobicase, to settle at an earlier time, or to keepRechberger

    informed about the case." Rather, the district court onlyallowed Rechberger to

    challenge "the nature (but not the quality) of the workperformed;" for example,

    to challenge "an hourly rate as unreasonably high based on thelevel of skill of

    the lawyer who did the work or the nature (but not the quality)of the work


    17 In another pre-trial development, Rechberger dismissed hisprevious expert,

    Finis Williams, and retained a new expert, Richard Foley, toassess the

    reasonableness of the attorney's fees still at issue. Foleysubmitted a report to

    the district court and was deposed by McLane. McLane then askedthe court to

    exclude Foley's testimony on the grounds that it did not meetthe standards for

    expert testimony prescribed by the Supreme Court inDaubert v.Merrell Dow

    Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,509 U.S. 579, 113 S.Ct. 2786, 125 L.Ed.2d469 (1993).After conducting a hearing, the district court permittedFoley to testify.

    However, the court did grant McLane's motion in limine toexclude evidence

    regarding certain fees left uncontested by Foley. In thismotion, McLane

    showed that Foley only challenged the reasonableness of$39,527.00 in fees

    incurred for the time of Attorney Hahn and $23,562.00 in feesincurred by

    McLane between February 7 and February 28, 1997. Subtractingthe

    $63,089.00 in fees disputed by Foley from the $83,755.00 stillin dispute,

    McLane demonstrated that $20,666.00 in fees were leftundisputed. The districtcourt's final pre-trial order directed"counsel [for Rechberger] to file a

    stipulation with respect to" those fees. Rechbergercomplied.

    18 The trial began on February 2, 2000 and lasted two days. Atthe completion of

    the presentation of evidence, the district court granted McLanejudgment as a

    matter of law with respect to $23,562.00 of fees incurred fromFebruary 2 to

    February 28, 1997. Although Foley's report had challenged thesefees, that

    aspect of his report was discredited at trial. Foley had opinedthat sinceRechberger had instructed Glahn, a McLane attorney, tosettle theJacobicase

    in early February 1997, fees incurred in that month wereunreasonable. At trial,

    however, Foley admitted that he had never discussed thissettlement issue with

    Rechberger. Rechberger himself failed to appear at trial, andGlahn testified

    that Rechberger did not instruct him to settle the case in earlyFebruary.

    19 Finding that Rechberger and ARC had offered no evidence todispute that

    $23,562.00 in fees, the court entered a judgment for this amountin favor ofMcLane against both Rechberger and ARC. Finding thatMcLane had offered

    no evidence to demonstrate the liability of ARC for theremaining $39,527.03

    in dispute, the court also entered judgment as a matter of lawfor ARC with

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    respect to this claim. The court did permit the jury todetermine whether

    Rechberger owed that money to McLane. The jury ruled that hedid, thus

    deciding in favor of McLane on the balance of its contract claimand in favor of

    Hahn on Rechberger's third-party complaint.

    20 After trial, McLane attempted to recover the legal fees itspent suing

    Rechberger and defending against his counterclaim by filing a"Claim for aJudgment with Respect to Count III of its Writ for BadFaith." At the outset of

    the litigation, McLane had sued Rechberger not only for thedebts he owed

    (Counts I and II), but also for "bad faith refusal to pay avalid debt" (Count III).

    McLane alleged that Rechberger and his counsel acted in badfaith throughout

    the litigation. Its pre-trial motion for attorney's fees andexpenses incurred

    preparing its summary judgment motion had been based on afederal statute (28

    U.S.C. 1927); its post-trial motion was predicated on NewHampshire law

    and the district court's inherent powers to sanction litigants.Although thedistrict court found the conduct of Rechberger's casetroubling, it did not

    sanction Rechberger or his counsel.

    C.Rechberger's Litigation with Jon Meyer

    21 Rechberger hired Hahn in April 1995, and continued to use himwhen he

    moved to the Backus firm, where he was supervised by Meyer.Suing Meyer

    for breach of an implied covenant to charge fair and reasonablefees,

    Rechberger alleged that Meyer was personally responsible forBackus's alleged

    overbilling from June 1995 to March 1996 because Meyer, thesupervising

    attorney, had Hahn do work which a less senior (and thus lesswell-paid)

    attorney could have done. In response to Rechberger'sthird-party complaint

    against him, Meyer filed a motion for summary judgment, arguingthat

    Rechberger should be suing Meyer's firm (Backus), not Meyerhimself. The

    district court agreed, granting summary judgment for Meyer onRechberger's

    third-party complaint.5Perhaps anticipating this result,Rechberger had soughtleave of the court to amend his third-partycomplaint to support his allegations

    of Meyer's vicarious liability. The district court denied thismotion on the

    ground of timeliness.

    D. The Issues on Appeal and Cross-Appeal

    22 As a result of these proceedings and the subsequent appealsand cross-appeals,we must address the following: Rechberger'sappeal of the partial summary

    judgment entered for McLane prior to the trial (Part II);Rechberger's appeal of

    the judgment as a matter of law awarded to McLane at trial andthe jury verdict

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    for McLane at trial (Part III); Rechberger's appeal of thesummary judgment

    granted to Jon Meyer (Part IV); ARC's appeal relating to theliability of ARC

    for the judgments entered against it and Rechberger, andMcLane's cross-

    appeal of the district court's entry of judgment as a matter oflaw for ARC with

    respect to the fees awarded by the jury to McLane (Part V); andMcLane's

    cross-appeal from the denial of its claims for attorney's feesas a sanction (Part

    VI). We turn to these tasks.

    II. The Partial Summary Judgment for McLane

    23 Focusing on what it termed the "undisputed fees," McLanemoved for partial

    summary judgment on two counts of its complaint againstRechberger: breach

    of contract and quantum meruit.In order to rule for McLane onits contract

    claim (a ruling that would make the quantum meruitclaimsuperfluous), the

    district court first had to find, beyond any genuine issue ofmaterial fact, thatthere was a contract between McLane andRechberger, and that McLane had

    performed according to its terms. The district court did so.Although there was

    no written fee agreement, "[a]n agreement that is not reduced towriting may be

    based on the parties' oral agreement or on theirconduct."McLane, Graf,

    Raulerson & Middleton, P.A. v. Rechberger,No. CIV.97-398-JD, 1999 WL

    813952, at *6 (D.N.H. Apr.29, 1999) (citing Goodwin R.R., Inc.v. New

    Hampshire,128 N.H. 595, 517 A.2d 823, 829-830 (N.H.1986)).6Giventhat

    Rechberger had paid McLane's bills through December of 1996, thedistrictcourt ruled that "an unwritten agreement existed throughwhich [Rechberger]

    received legal services from the McLane firm and agreed to payfor those

    services, to the extent the fees were reasonable."Id.It thenentered partial

    summary judgment for McLane in the amount of $135,157.77,having

    concluded that Rechberger presented no evidence challengingthe

    reasonableness of these fees.

    24 On appeal, Rechberger contends that the district courtignored his mainargument: that Hahn's initial representation of thecost of the case, which

    Rechberger characterized as a misrepresentation, should cap hisliability for

    fees. Rechberger claimed that in May, 1995, Hahn said to himthat "`theJacobi

    litigation was a $50,000 case, there are no witnesses,allegations are ten years

    old, no attorney in his right mind would touch this case with aten foot pole,

    litigation costs including trial will probably be around$200,000.'" In his

    affidavit, Rechberger stated that if Hahn had not made thatstatement, he "never

    would have authorized the years of litigation and legal workthat was done inthat case ... and would have authorized settlingthe case for $1.8 million in

    December of 1995 instead of letting the case proceed to a pointjust before trial

    where my attorneys after spending over $600,000 in legal feestell me that I am

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    . . . . .

    . . . . .

    . . . . .

    looking at a possibility of a four to ten million dollarverdict." Rechberger

    claims further that Hahn's initial representation onRechberger's exposure to

    legal fees applied to any work performed for him ontheJacobilitigation by the

    two firms that Hahn subsequently joined, Backus and McLane.

    25 Contrary to Rechberger's assertion, the district courtaddressed this argument in

    its carefully reasoned summary judgment ruling. The districtcourt noted that,before Rechberger even hired McLane, he hadalready been billed by the

    Backus firm for $167,507.76 for its work ontheJacobicase.McLane,1999

    WL 813952, at *6. Since "Rechberger received monthly statementsfrom the

    McLane firm and apparently paid bills without protest thatamounted to nearly

    $200,000 more in fees and expenses for representation intheJacobicase," he

    can scarcely claim that he only accepted legal services oncondition that they

    cost no more than $200,000.Id.(finding that "the applicablefacts contradict

    [Rechberger's proffered] interpretations" of Hahn's statement).In other words,Rechberger's conduct refuted his contention that theunwritten agreement with

    the McLane firm for the provision of legal services was limitedby a cap on the

    Jacobifees that derived from an earlier representation by Hahn.Moreover, any

    such alleged cap relating to the Jacobi litigation obviouslywould not have

    applied to work performed by the McLane firm for Rechberger onother

    matters. We find no error in the rulings of the district courtin favor of McLane

    on its motion for partial summary judgment.7

    26 III. The Construction of Count Three of Rechberger'sCounterclaim and Third-

    Party Complaint

    27 Rechberger's counterclaim and third-party complaint set forththree counts:

    Count I: Attorney Malpractice


    29 13. The above acts by the Third-Party Defendants [EdwardHahn, Jon Meyer,

    and the McLane firm] constitute attorney malpractice that hasdirectly and

    proximately caused the Plaintiff damages.


    Count II: Infliction of Emotional Distress


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    . . . . .

    32 15. The above intentional or negligent acts by theDefendants-in-Counterclaim

    constitute extreme and outrageous conduct that has caused thePlaintiff severe

    emotional distress and resulting physical harm.

    33 Count III: Breach of the Implied Contract to chargereasonable and fair

    attorney's fees


    17. Defendants-in-Counterclaim

    35 [Hahn, McLane, and Meyer]8in providing legal services to aclient have a legal

    duty to do work and charge for work that is fair and reasonable.Defendants-in-

    Counterclaim's actions are a breach of the this [sic] impliedcovenant to charge

    reasonable and fair attorneys fees.

    36 After McLane, Hahn, and Meyer prevailed on their motions forpartial

    summary judgment on Counts I and II of Rechberger's counterclaimand third-

    party complaint, only Count III of Rechberger's counterclaim andthird-party

    complaint remained to be adjudicated.

    37 As the trial approached, all parties sought to clarify thetype of evidenceRechberger could present. Rechberger hoped todemonstrate at trial that Hahn

    and McLane had handled his case negligently. He submitted amemorandum of

    law arguing that the court should construe Count III broadly topermit the jury

    to consider evidence of negligence when it assessed thereasonableness of

    McLane's fees.

    38 McLane responded that Count III could not be construed sobroadly. McLane

    also argued that Rechberger mischaracterized his request to thecourt: instead oftrying to construe Count III in a certain way, hewas trying to amend his

    complaint by reinstating Count I. McLane argued that it would beseverely

    prejudiced by this amendment, having prepared its case on theassumption that

    the question of negligence had already been decided in itsfavor.

    39 The district court responded to these contentions byconstruing Count III to

    "state a claim for breach of an implied covenant to chargereasonable and fair

    fees and not to include a negligence claim." The courtelaborated as follows:

    40 Count three states a claim for breach of the third-partydefendants' implied

    covenant to charge reasonable and fair fees for appropriateservices. Count

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    three will allow Rechberger to challenge the rates charged forwork and the

    fees charged for any duplicative or unnecessary work done on hiscase.... For

    example, Rechberger will be able to challenge an hourly rate asunreasonably

    high based on the level of skill of the lawyer who did the workor the nature

    (but not the quality) of the work performed. Rechberger may alsochallenge

    fees charged for an excessive number of lawyers working on asingle project,

    such as attendance at a deposition. Count three, however, doesnot includeclaims for negligent performance of legal services, andtherefore, challenges to

    the fees based on the lawyers' alleged failure to properlyassess theJacobicase,

    to settle at an earlier time, or to keep Rechberger informedabout the case are

    not pled in count three and will not be allowed. In summary,count three

    challenges the reasonableness of the fees charged for theservices provided, but

    does not include claims for substandard representation.

    41 In addition, and importantly, the court considered thehistory of the litigationand the possibility of prejudice:

    42 To the extent Rechberger seeks to amend count three byimplication, his

    request is denied. Any amendment at this point in time toinclude the

    negligence claim Rechberger proposes would be highly prejudicialto the third-

    party defendants in light of the history of this case andRechberger's previous

    acquiescence in the dismissal of his attorney malpractice claim.See, e.g.,

    Acosta-Mestre v. Hilton Int'l,156 F.3d 49, 51 (1st Cir.1998)(undue delay andundue prejudice to opposing party are grounds todeny amendment).

    43 In the abstract, evidence of "substandard representation"might be an

    appropriate part of the inquiry into the reasonableness ofattorney's fees. Here,

    however, the specifics of the case must guide our analysis ofRechberger's

    challenge to the court's ruling. Rechberger's complaintchallenged the quality of

    the legal representation in Count I and the reasonableness ofthe fees charged

    for that representation in Count III. Facing a motion forsummary judgment onthe negligence count, he did nothing to opposeit, and the court granted partial

    summary judgment. Under these circ*mstances, the district courtacted well

    within its discretion in refusing to permit Rechberger toadvance anew the

    negligence claims he failed to support at the summary judgmentstage in the

    guise of the reasonableness challenge that remained fortrial.

    IV. The Summary Judgment Ruling for Meyer

    44 Just as he sued McLane and Hahn, Rechberger also sued JonMeyer for breach

    of an implied covenant to charge reasonable fees. Meyerresponded with a

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    motion for summary judgment. In his motion, Meyer emphasizedthat an expert

    witness hired by Rechberger (attorney Finis Williams) had foundMeyer's bills

    for Meyer's own work "reasonable." Rechberger responded thatWilliams's

    report also found that Meyer's firm (Backus) billed in amountsthat were

    excessive "by one-quarter to one-third of the amount billed"because of

    overbilling by Hahn. Although Rechberger conceded that Backuswas Hahn's

    employer at the relevant time, not Meyer himself, Rechbergerasserted thatMeyer was responsible for the overbilling because hesupervised Hahn's work

    at Backus. Unimpressed by this improvised respondeatsuperiorclaim, the

    district court granted summary judgment for Meyer on threegrounds: (1)

    Rechberger did not allege vicarious liability in his complaint;(2) Rechberger

    provided no facts or argument that Meyer, rather than the firm,was Hahn's

    employer; and (3) Rechberger presented no facts or legalarguments supporting

    any other agency relationship between Meyer and Hahn.

    45 On appeal, Rechberger lamely invokes liberal interpretationsof Rule 8

    pleading requirements, ignoring our holding that "[a]lthough theliberal

    pleading policy embodied in Rule 8 does not require a party tospecify its legal

    theory of recovery, the pleadings must at least implicate therelevant legal

    issues." Schott Motorcycle Supply, Inc. v. Am. Honda Motor Co.,976 F.2d 58,

    62 (1st Cir.1992) (citing 5 Charles Alan Wright & Arthur R.Miller,Federal

    Practice and Procedure, 1286, at 558 (2d ed.1990) ("the liberalconstruction

    accorded a pleading under Rule 8(f) does not require the courtsto fabricate aclaim that a plaintiff has not spelled out in hispleadings")). Rechberger did not

    implicate the relevant legal issues in his complaint. Moreover,the court's

    dispositive ruling on the claims against Meyer came at summaryjudgment,

    when the nonmoving party must muster some facts in the summaryjudgment

    record to preserve a claim. We agree with the district courtthat Rechberger

    provided no facts to preserve a respondeat superiorclaim againstMeyer.

    V. ARC's Liability

    46 ARC is a limited partnership, with Rechberger as its generalpartner and ARC

    Trust as its limited partner. The district court granted McLanepartial summary

    judgment against both Rechberger and ARC for $135,157.77, andgranted

    judgment as a matter of law at trial against both Rechberger andARC for

    $23,562.00. Rechberger and ARC jointly stipulated to pay$20,666.00 to

    McLane. However, the district court also granted judgment as amatter of law

    for ARC at the trial, holding only Rechberger liable for the$39,527.03awarded to McLane by the jury.

    47 Both ARC and McLane appeal these liability determinations. Inits cross-

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    appeal, McLane avers that ARC should be liable for all of thejudgments

    awarded to McLane. In its appeal, ARC claims that the districtcourt erred in

    holding it liable to pay amounts in excess of the $29,266.21which McLane

    attorney Wilbur Glahn claimed was due directly from ARC in theaffidavit he

    submitted in support of McLane's motion for partial summaryjudgment.

    48 A. The Judgment as a Matter of Law for ARC (McLane'sCross-Appeal)

    49 McLane's complaint against Rechberger and ARC alleged threecounts, all of

    which began by asserting that "defendant Rechberger,individually and as agent

    for defendant, ARC, requested the plaintiff to perform legalservices...." The

    joint answer of ARC and Rechberger admitted that the defendantsRechberger

    and ARC retained McLane "in the matters listed" in thecomplaint, which

    included theJacobicase, theBio-Sancase, and general corporateservices.

    50 Both before summary judgment and before trial, ARC did notattempt to

    distinguish its own liability from that of Rechberger. These twodefendants

    filed a joint answer, a joint counterclaim, and joint objectionsto partial

    summary judgment. They also filed a joint "Pre-Trial Statement"on December

    22, 1999. ARC did not raise the issue of separateness in anypleading, and (with

    Rechberger) stipulated to judgments dismissing third-partydefendant Jon

    Meyer (on January 6, 2000) and ordering payment of $20,666.00 infees to

    McLane (on February 2, 2000).

    51 Nevertheless, at the close of evidence in the trial onFebruary 3, 2000, ARC

    moved for judgment as a matter of law with respect to theremaining fees in

    dispute ($39,527.00 of Hahn's time as a McLane attorney). Thedistrict court

    granted the motion, explaining its reasons in a colloquy withthe attorneys:

    52 There's nothing about ARC. Now, [plaintiff's counsel]mentioned earlier thatARC and Mr. Rechberger are one and the same,but no certified copy of any

    court order making that finding has been filed in this case, andARC appears to

    be a party floating around here without a place.... [M]yrecollection of the

    evidence [is that] Mr. Hahn was advising Rechberger onARC-related matters

    but ARC had its own attorneys, and that the attorney-clientrelationship here

    was not ARC and Mr. Hahn or ARC and McLane, it was Rechbergerand the

    firm and the individual.... I don't see any evidence from whicha jury could find

    that there's an attorney-client relationship between ARC andthese individuals.

    53 In light of this ruling, the jury only had to considerwhether Rechberger was

    liable for the remaining $39,527.03 of fees in dispute.

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    54 We review the grant of a motion for judgment as a matter oflaw de novo. St.

    Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Ellis & Ellis,262 F.3d53, 61 (1st Cir.2001);

    Brennan v. GTE Gov't Sys. Corp.,150 F.3d 21, 25 (1st Cir.1998).In so doing,

    we must take the facts in the light most favorable toMcLane.Brennan,150

    F.3d at 25. We can only allow the judgment as a matter of law tostand if "the

    evidence does not permit a finding in favor of [McLane]."Id.

    55 On appeal, McLane challenges the judgment as a matter of lawon two grounds.

    First, McLane contends that since ARC had never asserted beforetrial that its

    responsibility for attorney's fees had to be establishedseparately from

    Rechberger's responsibility, the district court should not haveallowed ARC to

    submit this defense for the first time at the close of evidenceat trial. McLane

    argues that ARC "must be held to the position [it] freelyadopted prior to

    trial.... The spirit of flexibility behind the Rules is notintended to permit one of

    the parties to be booby-trapped."Reyes v. Marine Enters.,Inc.,494 F.2d 866,868 (1st Cir.1974). Although there is force inthis argument, we cannot

    consider it on appeal because McLane did not present it to thecourt in opposing

    ARC's motion for judgment as a matter of law. See United Statesv. Taylor,54

    F.3d 967, 972 (1st Cir.1995) ("[A] litigant who deems himselfa*ggrieved by

    what he considers to be an improper occurrence in the course oftrial or an

    erroneous ruling by the trial judge ordinarily must object thenand there, or

    forfeit any right to complain at a later time.").

    56 However, we do credit the argument that McLane made to thecourt: namely,

    that there was enough evidence of ARC's liability presented attrial to require

    the submission of McLane's claim against ARC to the jury. Hahn,a McLane

    lawyer, testified that he represented both ARC and Rechberger intheJacobi

    andBio-Sanlitigation. When asked about his role in thelitigation while

    working at Backus, Hahn testified that he "had primaryresponsibility for ...

    [e]verything that had to do with ARC and everything that had todo with Bio-

    San." He said that his role "remained pretty much the same" whenhe worked atMcLane. He also testified to working on a matterbenefitting both Rechberger

    and ARC: arranging payment of theJacobisettlement to MarionJacobi from

    the ARC Trust (the limited partner of ARC) while he was atMcLane.

    Rechberger and ARC were both defendants in theJacobilitigation.Wilbur

    Glahn offered similar testimony about the ARC Trust's payment ofthe $1.35

    million settlement ofJacobi.

    57 Although there was testimony at trial suggesting that ARC hadbeenrepresented by a firm other than McLane, as noted by the court,that testimony

    did not preclude a finding by the jury that McLane also didlegal work for

    ARC. A verdict may be directed only if the evidence, consideredin the light

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    most favorable to the non-movant, "`would not permit areasonable jury to find

    in favor of the plaintiff[ ] on any permissible claim ortheory.'"Andrade v.

    Jamestown Hous. Auth.,82 F.3d 1179, 1186 (1st Cir.1996)(quotingMurray v.

    Ross-Dove Co.,5 F.3d 573, 576 (1st Cir.1993)). The court's entryof judgment

    as a matter of law for ARC was not consistent with thisstandard.

    58 Of course, if the jury had been permitted to considerMcLane's claim againstARC, found for McLane, and the district courtthen entered a judgment

    notwithstanding the verdict, we would have the option ofreinstating the jury's

    verdict. It would have been preferable, therefore, for thedistrict court to have

    59 reserve[d] decision on [the motion for judgment as a matterof law], passing on

    the legal question only after submitting the case to thejury.... [R]efraining from

    granting a judgment as a matter of law until the jury has had achance to deal

    with the merits is frequently a "wise and time-savingprecaution."

    60 Gibson v. City of Cranston,37 F.3d 731, 735 n. 4 (1stCir.1994) (quoting

    Talbot-Windsor Corp. v. Miller,309 F.2d 68, 69 (1st Cir.1962)).Under the

    present circ*mstances, we must vacate the court's judgment as amatter of law

    for ARC at trial, and remand for a possible retrial of ARC'sliability for legal

    fees still in dispute when the court ruled. Given the course andduration of this

    litigation, we do not relish that prospect. We hope the partiesfeel the same


    B. ARC's Post-Trial Motions

    61 After the trial ended, ARC tried to distinguish its ownliability from that of

    Rechberger in two motions. ARC first moved to vacate anattachment of funds

    that McLane had obtained at the outset of the case.10After thismotion was

    denied, ARC moved to "alter, amend, vacate or clarify" thejudgment pursuantto Rule 52(b) of the Federal Rules of CivilProcedure (which allows a trial court

    to "amend its findingsor make additional findings and [to] amendthe

    judgment accordingly"), Rule 59(e) (which permits motions toalter or amend a

    judgment), and Rule 60(b) (which permits motions for relief froma judgment).

    The district court denied that motion as well.

    62 In essence, with these two motions, ARC wanted the districtcourt to limit its

    liability to the $29,266.21 which Wilbur Glahn's affidavit,presented in supportof McLane's partial summary judgment motion,directly attributed to work

    performed for ARC. These fees were due for general corporatework and an

    escrow matter. According to ARC, it hired McLane solely forthese purposes;

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    all of the other fees were incurred by Rechberger.

    63 Whatever the merits of this argument, the district courtnever reached it on

    grounds of timeliness. It ruled that "ARC cannot now challengeits liability for

    the fees and expenses arising from Rechberger's representationwhen that

    defense was not raised until ARC moved for judgment in its favorat trial as to

    the claims then remaining against it." As the district courtpatiently observed,ARC had never before attempted to distinguish*tself from Rechberger:

    64 ARC and Rechberger answered the complaint jointly without

    distinguishing between themselves.

    65 ARC and Rechberger objected jointly to McLane's motion forpartial

    summary judgment, again without distinguishing between them, andthe courtreferred to them jointly in the order of April 29, 1999,granting partial summary

    judgment in favor of McLane [for the bulk of the contestedfees].

    66 [When further amounts were awarded in November, 1999,] ARCdid

    not contest its liability on the theory that it was a separateentity....

    67 Counsel, on behalf of ARC and Rechberger jointly, stipulatedbefore

    trial to certain amounts that were not disputed.

    68 The court granted McLane's motion in limine against both ARCand

    Rechberger as to other amounts [on February 3, 2000]. ARC stilldid not raise

    its new theory.

    69 These timeliness considerations are dispositive. The districtcourt did not abuse

    its discretion in denying ARC's post-trial motions to vacate theattachment and

    to grant ARC relief from the judgment.

    70 VI. The Denial of Attorney's Fees and Expenses Sought byMcLane as a


    71 McLane twice asked the district court to award it additionalattorney's fees as a

    sanction for the allegedly egregious conduct of Rechberger andhis counsel

    during the litigation over attorney's fees. The district courttwice refused to doso. McLane appeals. In considering that appeal,"[w]e tread very carefully....

    for the district court is entitled not only to the ordinarydeference due the trial

    judge, and additional deference in the entire area of sanctions,but extraordinary

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    deference in denying sanctions."Anderson v. Boston Sch.Comm.,105 F.3d

    762, 768 (1st Cir.1997).

    A. The Post-Trial Decision on Sanctions

    72 The district court only considered its inherent authority asa federal court in

    denying McLane's post-trial motion for sanctions. McLane arguesthat New

    Hampshire state law grants litigants a "substantive equity-basedright" to

    attorney's fees, and that the district court erred by refusingto apply this state


    73 The U.S. Supreme Court has observed that "`[i]n an ordinarydiversity case

    where the state law does not run counter to a valid federalstatute or rule of

    court.... state law denying the right to attorney's fees orgiving a right thereto,which reflects a substantial policy of thestate, should be followed.'"Alyeska

    Pipeline Serv. Co. vs. Wilderness Soc'y,421 U.S. 240, 260 n. 31,95 S.Ct. 1612,

    44 L.Ed.2d 141 (1975) (internal quotation marks omitted).Therefore, a state's

    judicially created rule for an award of attorney's fees, otherthan as a sanction

    for the conduct of litigation, may provide a basis for a feeaward. See id.

    (noting that "a state statute requiring an award of attorney'sfees should be

    applied in a case removed from the state courts to the federalcourts," and that "

    [t]he same would clearly hold for a juridically created rule")(citingPeople of

    Sioux County v. Nat'l Surety Co.,276 U.S. 238, 243, 48 S.Ct.239, 72 L.Ed. 547


    74 The district court found that New Hampshire law "permittingan award of

    attorney's fees under state law" concerns "sanction[s] derivedfrom the state

    court's inherent powers." This is not entirely accurate. NewHampshire permits

    "[a]n award of attorney's fees to the prevailing party where theaction conferred

    a substantial benefit on not only the plaintiffs who initiatedthe action, but on

    the public as well." Claremont Sch. Dist. v. Governor,144 N.H.590, 761 A.2d

    389, 392-93 (N.H.1999) (citing Silva v. Botsch,121 N.H. 1041,437 A.2d 313,

    314 (N.H.1981);Irwin Marine, Inc. v. Blizzard, Inc.,126 N.H.271, 490 A.2d

    786, 791 (N.H.1985)). The New Hampshire courts have reservedsuch awards

    for litigation affecting the fundamental rights and interests ofgroups or the

    public at large. See 392-94, 490 A.2d 786 (awarding feesto towns that

    sought to assure equitable school funding);Irwin Marine,490 A.2dat 790-91

    (awarding fees to litigant whose case led to greater fairness ina city's public

    bidding procedures). Given the absence of any cognizable publicbenefit from

    this litigation, this substantive equity-based right toattorney's fees has no

    application to this case.

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    75 Apart from this public benefit exception, New Hampshirecourts seem to treat

    the award of attorney's fees for the conduct of litigation as asanction premised

    on their inherent authority. See Nash Family Inv. Props. v.Hudson,139 N.H.

    595, 660 A.2d 1102, 1109 (N.H.1995). As the district courtcorrectly observed,

    it "does not have inherent powers under state law." It has themunder federal

    law. Under the federal standard, a district court may "awardattorney's fees to a

    prevailing party pursuant to its inherent powers when the losingparty has`acted in bad faith, vexatiously, wantonly, or foroppressive reasons.'"Dubois v.

    United States Dep't of Agric.,270 F.3d 77, 80 (1st Cir.2001)(quoting

    Chambers v. NASCO, Inc.,501 U.S. 32, 45-46, 111 S.Ct. 2123, 115L.Ed.2d 27

    (1991)). McLane challenges the district court's application ofthis standard. We

    review a district court's imposition or denial of sanctionsunder its inherent

    power for an abuse of discretion. Chambers,501 U.S. at 55, 111S.Ct. 2123.

    76 In its post-trial motion for sanctions, McLane argued thatRechberger litigatedin bad faith, particularly when he failed toappear at trial. Although expressing

    some disapproval of the conduct of Rechberger's case, thedistrict court ruled

    that McLane did not provide "sufficient factual support from therecord" to

    demonstrate that sanctions should be imposed. Specifically, thedistrict court

    found that:

    77 [D]espite his lack of success, Rechberger's counterclaimsand

    defenses were not so patently unreasonable or meritless to bedeemed frivolous.

    78 [Given] that he did not have time to take action againstMcLane

    before suit was brought, [Rechberger's] counterclaimschallenging [McLane's]

    fees cannot be found to have been indisputably retaliatory.

    79 [Rechberger may not have testified at trial because] hebelieved ...

    criminal proceedings [could be] brought against him (arisingfrom hisdaughter's allegations) if he came to New Hampshire.

    80 Searching for an error of law in the court's rulings, McLaneargues that the

    district court erroneously focused on Rechberger's conduct andignored its

    grievances against his counsel. To support this claim, McLanepoints to the

    district court's statement that "the record presented here doesnot show that

    Rechberger, rather than his counsel, was the strategist who wasresponsible for

    the pleadings, decisions, and method of prosecuting thiscase."

    81 McLane assumes correctly that if an attorney, rather than aclient, is responsible

    for sanctionable litigation tactics, the court may sanction theattorney. See

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    M.E.N. Co. v. Control Fluidics, Inc.,834 F.2d 869, 873 (10thCir.1987)

    ("Where sanctions are concerned ... we have cautioned that `[i]fthe fault lies

    with the attorneys, that is where the impact of the sanctionshould be lodged.'")

    (quotingIn re Sanction of Baker,744 F.2d 1438, 1442 (10thCir.1984)). In

    other words, if the court here concluded that counsel was thestrategist

    responsible for pleadings and litigation decisions that meriteda sanction, the

    court could not deny sanctions because the party represented bycounsel wasotherwise blameless.

    82 In our view, however, the district court considered bothRechberger's and

    attorney Diviacchi's conduct in applying the federal standardsfor awarding fees

    as a sanction. Its reference to Rechberger not being "thestrategist" was only one

    factor in its decision not to sanction him. Indeed, the courtspecifically stated

    that "[i]n addition, despite his lack of success, Rechberger'scounterclaims and

    defenses were not so patently unreasonable or meritless as to bedeemedfrivolous." We view this finding as a comment both on thesubstance of

    Rechberger's story and Diviacchi's advocacy. Moreover, as thediscussion

    below indicates, the court had already addressed much ofDiviacchi's conduct

    in a post-summary judgment ruling denying McLane's motion forsanctions

    against him. Since the district court's analysis addressednearly all of the

    wrongs alleged by McLane against both Rechberger and Diviacchi,we find no

    error of law or abuse of discretion in its post-trial decisionnot to award

    attorney's fees as a sanction.

    83 B. McLane's Claim for Fees Under 28 U.S.C. 1927

    84 Aside from its post-trial motion based on state law andfederal inherent powers,

    McLane also advanced a narrower claim for fees pre-trial basedon a federal

    statute permitting the sanctioning of attorneys for abuse of thejudicial process.

    This filing followed its successful motion for partial summaryjudgment, when

    McLane moved the court to order sanctions against Rechberger'sattorney,Valeriano Diviacchi, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1927. Section1927 provides:

    "Any attorney... who so multiplies the proceedings in any caseunreasonably

    and vexatiously may be required by the court to satisfypersonally the excess

    costs, expenses, and attorney's fees reasonably incurred becauseof such


    85 McLane alleged that Rechberger refused to pay his bills inbad faith, and that

    Diviacchi knew that this refusal was in bad faith. Moreover,McLane alleged

    that Diviacchi deployed dilatory and deceptive litigationtactics in order to

    frustrate its efforts to recover a valid debt. McLane focused onDiviacchi's

    repeated refusal to admit that any of the fees and expensessought were

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    undisputed, when he only had evidence to challenge a portion ofthem. McLane

    alleged that Diviacchi's aggressive litigation posture wasadopted only for the

    purpose of "`burdening [McLane] with unnecessary expenditures oftime and

    effort'" and thus warranted sanctions. Odbert v. UnitedStates,576 F.Supp. 825,

    829 (E.D.Cal.1983) (quotingLipsig v. Nat'l Student MarketingCorp.,663 F.2d

    178, 181 (D.C.Cir.1980)).

    86 In an order entered on April 29, 1999 in response to McLane'smotion, the

    district court noted the applicable standard of conduct:

    87 The First Circuit does not require a showing of an attorney'ssubjective bad faith

    to meet the section 1927 standard. Instead, sanctions may beappropriate under

    section 1927 if an attorney's conduct is "unreasonable andharassing or

    annoying" judged from an objective standard, whether or not theattorney

    intends to harass or annoy. To be vexatious under section 1927,however, theattorney's conduct must "be more severe than merenegligence, inadvertence, or


    88 McLane,1999 WL 813952, at *8 (quoting Cruz v. Savage,896 F.2d626, 632

    (1st Cir.1990)). The district court then reviewed McLane'sgrounds for alleging

    that sanctions should be imposed:

    89 Counsel for the McLane firm ... communicated withRechberger's counsel

    before filing the motion for partial summary judgment attemptingto resolve

    payment of the undisputed fees based in part on the opinion ofRechberger's

    expert witness. Rechberger's counsel's response was unhelpful,first claiming

    that he did not understand the letter, and then debating whetherpartial

    judgment can be entered on an undisputed amount.

    90 Id.The district court found that "[c]ounsel's conduct seemsto have beensufficiently unreasonable and vexatious to justify theimposition of sanctions,"

    but permitted Diviacchi to show cause why sanctions should notbe imposed.

    Id.In response, Diviacchi submitted a brief explaining thelitigation tactics

    challenged by McLane in its motion for sanctions. On February 7,2000, the

    district court decided against imposing sanctions withoutexplanation, other

    than noting its reliance on "the standards set forth in section1927." McLane

    challenges that ruling on appeal.

    91 As noted, we accord "`extraordinary deference'" to a districtcourt's decision to

    deny sanctions.Dubois v. United States Dep't of Agric.,270 F.3dat 80 (1st

    Cir.2001) (quotingLichtenstein v. Consolidated Servs. Group,Inc.,173 F.3d

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    17, 22 (1st Cir.1999)). "[T]he responsibility for imposingsanctions properly

    rests with the judicial actor closest to the litigation thedistrict court judge

    who is in the best position to evaluate the circ*mstancessurrounding an alleged

    violation and render an informed judgment." Cruz,896 F.2d at632.

    92 McLane argues that the district court's Order of February 7,2000, to deny the

    motion for sanctions pursuant to 1927 does not deserve deferencebecause itwas not explained. However, the district court carefullyanalyzed McLane's

    claims and set forth the standards for the imposition ofsanctions pursuant to 28

    U.S.C. 1927 in its April 29, 1999 Order requiring Diviacchi toexplain his

    conduct. See McLane,1999 WL 813952, at *8. Furthermore, while wehave

    encouraged district courts to give reasons for denyingsanctions, we have not

    required them to do so: "although the rationale for a denial ofa motion for fees

    or sanctions under Rule 11, 1927, or 1988 should beunambiguously

    communicated, the lack of explicit findings is not fatal wherethe record itself,evidence or colloquy, clearly indicates one ormore sufficient supporting

    reasons."Anderson,105 F.3d at 769.

    93 In response to the district court's order to show cause whyit should not impose

    sanctions, Diviacchi filed a memorandum outlining his rationalefor defending

    Rechberger's refusal to concede the validity of any of his debtsto McLane.

    Diviacchi explained that he believed that the fees requested inMcLane's

    motions "would be more than cancelled out" by Rechberger'scounterclaim.The district court apparently credited thisexplanation, finding later in its ruling

    on the post-trial motion for sanctions that "Rechberger'scounter-claims and

    defenses were not so patently unreasonable or meritless to bedeemed

    frivolous." There was no abuse of discretion in the court'sdenial of 1927


    VII. Conclusion

    94 Although we must vacate the judgment as a matter of law forARC, we

    commend the district court for handling an exceptionally complexand

    frustrating case with great skill and patience. The judge issuedat least six

    lengthy memoranda of decision in support of his orders, all ofwhich were most

    helpful in reviewing the plethora of issues before us. Inaddition, the court

    incorporated the numerous orders it entered during the course ofthis litigation

    in a useful final judgment it entered on May 12, 2000(summarized in part in the

    appendix attached hereto). We affirm all aspects of that finaljudgment except

    for the judgment as a matter of law for ARC.

    5 So Ordered. Each art hall bear h or t own co t .

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    Appendix: Monetary Judgments in the Litigation


    . .


    97 The following monetary judgments were entered during thelitigation:

    98 1. Order dated April 29, 1999 granting Motion for PartialSummary Judgmenton Count I of McLane's complaint in favor of McLanefor the following:

    99 a.Bio-Sanfees: $316.97

    100 b. Corporate expenses: $1,254.21

    101 c. Corporate fees: $27,303.00

    102 d.Jacobiexpenses: $27,185.09

    103 2. Order dated November 9, 1999 finding $79,098.50 as theamount owed by

    Rechberger and ARC for the services of Glahn and Whitney ontheJacobi

    case, pursuant to the partial summary judgment granted on April29, 1999.

    104 3. Order dated May 27, 1999, granting Motion for PartialSummary Judgmentin favor of Jon Meyer on the counterclaim againstARC and Rechberger in the

    amount of $3,396.40.

    105 4. Pre-trial Order dated February 3, 2000, orderingRechberger's counsel to

    stipulate to paying $20,666 in fees left undisputed byRechberger's expert at

    trial, Richard Foley.

    106 5. Oral Order granting McLane's motion for judgment as amatter of law for23,562.00 in fees (McLane's fees from February 7to February 28, 2000.)

    107 6. Oral Order granting ARC's motion for judgment as a matterof law with

    respect to the fees remaining in dispute ($39,527.03 of feesbilled by Hahn).

    108 7. Jury verdict inMcLane v. Rechberger,for McLane in theamount of

    $39,527.03 (the remaining fees in dispute).

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    Of the Eastern District of Virginia, sitting by designation

    ARC is a limited partnership; its general partner is AlfredRechberger, and its

    limited partner is ARC Trust. Beneficiaries of the trust includeMr.

    Rechberger's children. Despite the voluminous record generatedby this

    litigation, it contains little information on the exact statusand nature of ARC.

    At trial, an attorney at McLane (Wilbur Glahn) described ARC asa "Coloradolimited partnership with a general partner formed on theIsle of Man off the

    coast of England ... [designed to] bulletproof Mr. Rechberger'sassets." In an

    attachment proceeding, a New Hampshire Superior Court justicedeclared

    Rechberger and ARC indistinguishable for purposes of thelitigation underlying

    this fee dispute. To simplify the discussion, we refer to bothRechberger and

    ARC as "Rechberger" below, unless otherwise noted. ARC adopts byreference

    many of the arguments made by Rechberger on appeal

    Rechberger, ARC, and McLane dispute the ownership of the$300,000, which

    was placed in an escrow account by a company (Bio-San) sued byRechberger

    and ARC during the pendency of that litigation. The $300,000became

    available as a result of a settlement of the Bio-San lawsuit oneof the legal

    disputes in which McLane represented Rechberger. Rechberger andARC now

    say the money belongs to ARC; McLane asserts it is the jointpossession of

    Rechberger and ARC. Neither party briefed this question onappeal and we do

    not address it

    For a complete list of all the monetary judgments entered in thecase, see the

    appendix to this opinion

    The district court directed the parties to agree on the amountdue for thisJacobi

    work because the court could not make that determination on thebasis of the

    documents before it. McLane submitted a statement assessingGlahn's and

    Whitney's outstanding fees at $79,098.50, and Rechberger did notfile any

    response with the court. The district court adopted McLane'sestimate.

    After Rechberger sued him, Meyer filed a third-partycounterclaim against

    Rechberger for $5,000 in unpaid bills and for legal feesgenerated in order to

    defend against Rechberger's allegedly frivolous breach ofcontract claim. A

    May 27, 1999 order granted a motion for partial summary judgmentin favor of

    Meyer on the counterclaim against ARC and Rechberger in theamount of

    $3,396.40. On January 6, 2000, all parties stipulated to ceaselitigating the

    "remaining disputed portion of Third Party Defendant Meyer'scounterclaim."

    The district court did not consider the statute of frauds issuesraised by the

    unwritten contract, reasoning as follows: "Although thedefendants (Rechberger

    and ARC) raised the statute of frauds as an affirmative defensein their answer,








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    they have not pursued a statute of frauds defense in oppositionto McLane's

    motion for summary judgment. For that reason, the court will notconsider, sua

    sponte, whether the statute of frauds ... would apply in thecirc*mstances of this

    case."McLane,1999 WL 813952, at *6, n. 3 (citation omitted).Rechberger

    does not challenge this conclusion on appeal.

    The district court found that McLane proved the reasonablenessof the feesawarded on partial summary judgment. That ruling alsodisposed of

    Rechberger's counterclaim with respect to those fees since thecounterclaim

    alleged that McLane charged unreasonable fees

    Strictly speaking, only Hahn and Meyer are "third-partydefendants," and only

    McLane is a "defendant-in-counterclaim." Since both Rechbergerand the

    district court used the terms interchangeably on some occasions,we will

    construe each to include Hahn, Meyer, and McLane

    The court's error in entering judgment as a matter of law forARC might have

    been harmless if the district court had, like the state court intheJacobi

    litigation, declared that ARC and Rechberger wereindistinguishable. However,

    the district court concluded that the parties had provided itwith an insufficient

    factual and legal basis "to permit any definitive resolution ofthe relationship

    between ARC and Rechberger."

    See footnote 2 above





McLane, Graf v. Rechberger, 280 F.3d 26, 1st Cir. (2002) - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.