Market Basket: Market Basket Analysis: Smarter Shopping in a Costly World - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. Introduction to Market Basket Analysis

2. The Science Behind Association Rules

3. Leveraging Data for Smarter Shopping

4. Market Basket Analysis in Action

5. Tools and Technologies Powering Market Basket Analysis

6. Overcoming Challenges in Market Basket Analysis

7. Predictive Analytics and Personalization

8. Implementing Market Basket Analysis in Your Business

9. Transforming Shopping Experiences with Data

1. Introduction to Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket

Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis

market Basket analysis (MBA) is a data mining technique used to understand the purchase behavior of customers by uncovering associations between different items that customers place in their shopping baskets. The primary goal is to identify relationships between the items that people buy, which can then be used to increase sales through better store layouts, targeted marketing, and cross-selling strategies. This technique is rooted in the concept that if you buy a certain group of items, you are more (or less) likely to buy another group of items.

For instance, a classic example of market basket analysis is the "diapers and beer" case study, where a retail store discovered through analysis that men who went to the store to buy diapers were also likely to buy beer. By placing these items closer together, the store could potentially increase the sales for both.

Here are some in-depth insights into Market Basket analysis:

1. Association Rules: This is the core of MBA, where rules are created based on the likelihood of items being purchased together. The rules are measured by three key metrics: support, confidence, and lift. Support indicates how frequently the itemset appears in the dataset, confidence shows how often the rule has been found to be true, and lift compares the observed frequency of A and B appearing together with the frequency that would be expected if A and B were independent.

2. Apriori Algorithm: One of the most popular algorithms used in MBA, the Apriori algorithm, helps to identify the itemsets that are most likely to be bought together. It does so by iteratively considering the frequency of itemsets and eliminating those below a certain threshold.

3. Customer Segmentation: MBA can be used to segment customers into different groups based on their buying patterns. This allows for more personalized marketing and can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Product Placement: As seen in the diapers and beer example, MBA can inform strategic product placement within a store to encourage impulse buys or make shopping more convenient.

5. Inventory Management: By understanding which items are often purchased together, retailers can manage their inventory more effectively, ensuring that related items are in stock and appropriately placed.

6. time-Series analysis: MBA can also be extended to include time-series data, which can help retailers understand how buying patterns change over time, such as during holidays or sales events.

7. Challenges and Considerations: While MBA can provide valuable insights, it also comes with challenges such as ensuring customer privacy, dealing with large datasets, and the need for timely data processing.

Market Basket analysis is a powerful tool for retailers looking to optimize their sales strategies. By understanding the hidden patterns in customer purchases, businesses can make data-driven decisions that enhance the shopping experience and boost their bottom line.

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2. The Science Behind Association Rules

Association rules are a cornerstone of market basket analysis, providing valuable insights into the complex patterns of customer behavior. By uncovering the relationships between items purchased together, retailers can optimize their marketing strategies, store layouts, and inventory management. The science behind these rules is rooted in the principles of data mining and statistics, where the goal is to find correlations within large datasets that can translate into actionable business strategies.

From the perspective of a data scientist, association rules are generated through algorithms that identify frequent itemsets—combinations of items that appear together in transactions with notable regularity. The most common algorithm used is the Apriori algorithm, which operates on the principles of support and confidence. Support indicates how frequently an itemset appears in the dataset, while confidence measures how often items in an itemset are purchased together.

For a retail manager, these rules can inform decisions on promotions and product placements. For instance, if bread and butter are frequently bought together, placing them in proximity can increase sales. Similarly, a marketing strategist might use these insights to bundle products or offer discounts on complementary items to boost revenue.

Here's an in-depth look at the science behind association rules:

1. Data Collection: The first step involves gathering transactional data, which is then prepared for analysis. This data is typically vast and requires cleaning to ensure accuracy.

2. Itemset Generation: Using algorithms like Apriori, large itemsets are generated based on predefined minimum support thresholds. This process is iterative, with each round considering itemsets one item larger than the previous round.

3. Rule Generation: From the frequent itemsets, rules are derived. A rule has two parts: an antecedent (if) and a consequent (then). For example, if a customer buys milk (antecedent), then they are likely to buy bread (consequent).

4. Rule Evaluation: Each rule is evaluated based on its support and confidence levels. Only those exceeding certain thresholds are considered strong enough to be useful.

5. Application: The final step is applying these rules to make business decisions. This could involve cross-selling strategies, inventory stocking, or personalized marketing.

To illustrate, consider a supermarket scenario. The data might reveal that customers who purchase diapers often also buy baby wipes. With a high confidence level, the store could place these items together or offer a discount on baby wipes when diapers are purchased, encouraging increased sales.

The science behind association rules is a blend of statistical rigor and practical application. It's a powerful tool that, when used effectively, can significantly enhance the shopping experience and drive business growth in a competitive market. By leveraging these insights, retailers can create a smarter shopping environment that caters to the nuanced needs of their customers.

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The Science Behind Association Rules - Market Basket: Market Basket Analysis: Smarter Shopping in a Costly World

In the realm of retail and consumer purchasing, data has become an invaluable asset that can transform shopping experiences and outcomes. By harnessing the power of data analytics, shoppers and retailers alike can make more informed decisions, ultimately leading to smarter shopping in a world where economic pressures are ever-present. Market Basket Analysis (MBA) is a data mining technique that can reveal associations between products, offering insights into consumer buying patterns. This analysis is not just about understanding what customers buy, but also predicting what they are likely to buy together.

From the perspective of the consumer, leveraging data can mean the difference between a haphazard shopping spree and a strategic approach to purchasing. For instance, data can inform shoppers about the best times to buy certain items, when prices are likely to drop, or when a new, more cost-effective product is entering the market.

On the retailer's side, data can optimize inventory management, enhance customer satisfaction, and increase sales. Retailers can use MBA to identify the 'hot spots' in their stores where certain products should be placed to encourage additional purchases.

Here are some ways data is leveraged for smarter shopping:

1. personalized recommendations: By analyzing past purchase data, retailers can offer personalized product recommendations to customers. For example, if data shows that customers who buy organic pasta also tend to buy premium olive oil, the store can suggest this pairing to shoppers who buy either product.

2. Dynamic Pricing: Retailers can use data to adjust prices in real-time based on demand, competition, and inventory levels. For instance, an online retailer may lower the price of umbrellas on a forecasted sunny week but raise it when a rainy period is expected.

3. Inventory Management: Data can predict which products will be in high demand, allowing stores to stock up accordingly and avoid overstocking on items that are not selling. This was evident when a major retailer used data to stock up on emergency supplies before a hurricane, based on previous buying trends during similar events.

4. Customer Segmentation: Data allows for the segmentation of customers into different groups based on their buying habits, which can lead to more targeted marketing. For example, a store might identify a segment of customers who frequently purchase eco-friendly products and target them with promotions for new sustainable goods.

5. optimizing Store layout: MBA can inform store layout designs by identifying which products are frequently bought together and placing them near each other to encourage additional sales. An example is placing chips next to salsa or placing batteries near electronic gadgets.

6. Efficient Checkout Processes: Data can help streamline the checkout process by predicting busy times and adjusting staffing levels or by implementing self-checkout systems where appropriate.

7. Waste Reduction: By understanding patterns in product sales and shelf life, retailers can reduce waste, which is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly. For instance, a grocery store might use data to offer discounts on bakery items nearing their sell-by date.

leveraging data for smarter shopping is a multifaceted approach that benefits both consumers and retailers. It's about making strategic decisions that lead to cost savings, increased satisfaction, and a better shopping experience overall. As technology advances, the potential for data to revolutionize the shopping landscape only grows, promising a future where every market basket is optimized for value and efficiency.

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4. Market Basket Analysis in Action

Market Basket

Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis (MBA) is a data mining technique used to understand the purchase behavior of customers by uncovering associations between items. It allows retailers to identify relationships between the items that people buy. The classic example of this is the "beer and diapers" story, where a seemingly unrelated product pair was frequently purchased together. This insight can lead to increased sales through cross-selling, better store layout, and targeted marketing.

From the perspective of a store manager, MBA is a tool for boosting sales. By analyzing transaction data, they can spot trends and use this to optimize shelf space and inventory. For instance, if bread and butter are often bought together, placing them in proximity can encourage further sales.

From the customer's viewpoint, MBA can enhance the shopping experience. When stores understand buying patterns, they can offer personalized discounts or bundle deals, making shopping more cost-effective and convenient.

Here are some in-depth insights into how MBA is applied in various scenarios:

1. Supermarket Layout Optimization: A supermarket chain used MBA to redesign their store layout. They placed complementary items like chips and salsa closer together, which led to a 20% increase in sales for those products.

2. Online Retailers: An e-commerce platform implemented MBA to suggest items to add to the cart. This 'frequently bought together' feature accounted for an estimated 35% increase in average order value.

3. Banking Sector: Banks have used MBA for cross-selling financial products. By analyzing transaction data, they could offer personalized credit card or insurance offers, resulting in a higher uptake of additional services.

4. Healthcare: Hospitals have applied MBA to predict patient medication patterns, ensuring better stock management of essential drugs and reducing wait times for patients.

5. Fashion Retail: A fashion retailer analyzed purchase data and found that customers who bought formal shirts also tended to buy silk ties. They launched a promotion bundling these items, which saw tie sales jump by 40%.

These case studies demonstrate the versatility and power of Market Basket analysis. By leveraging transaction data, businesses can make informed decisions that benefit both their bottom line and their customers' satisfaction. The key to successful MBA is not just in the analysis itself, but in how the insights are utilized to drive actionable business strategies.

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Market Basket Analysis in Action - Market Basket: Market Basket Analysis: Smarter Shopping in a Costly World

Market Basket

Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis (MBA) is a data mining technique used to understand the purchase behavior of customers by uncovering associations between different items that customers place in their shopping baskets. The primary goal is to identify what products or services are frequently bought together, which can help retailers and marketers optimize product placement, inventory management, and cross-selling strategies. The power of MBA lies in its ability to provide actionable insights that can lead to more informed decision-making and strategic business moves.

1. association Rule learning Algorithms:

At the heart of MBA are algorithms such as the Apriori, Eclat, and FP-Growth. These algorithms are designed to find frequent itemsets in transaction databases and derive rules that predict the likelihood of an item being purchased with another. For example, the Apriori algorithm might reveal that customers who buy bread and milk together are likely to also buy eggs, leading to the rule {bread, milk} => {eggs}.

2. Data Preprocessing Tools:

Before applying these algorithms, data must be cleaned and prepared. Tools like Talend, KNIME, and RapidMiner offer robust data integration and transformation capabilities that ensure data quality and consistency. For instance, they can transform transaction logs into a suitable format for analysis, such as converting timestamps into date parts or aggregating sales data.

3. statistical Analysis software:

Software like R and Python's SciPy stack, which includes libraries such as NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib, are essential for statistical analysis and visualization. They allow analysts to explore data, perform hypothesis testing, and visualize patterns. A marketer might use a scatter plot to visualize the relationship between the time of day and the number of baskets containing both coffee and breakfast items.

4. Machine Learning Frameworks:

Advanced MBA might employ machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch to predict future basket compositions using neural networks. For example, a recurrent neural network could be trained on past transaction data to forecast what items a customer is likely to buy next.

5. Big Data Platforms:

For retailers with vast amounts of transaction data, big data platforms such as Apache Hadoop and Spark are crucial. They allow for the processing of large datasets in a distributed manner, significantly reducing the time it takes to perform MBA. A retailer might use Spark's MLlib to run the FP-Growth algorithm on millions of transactions across multiple stores.

6. business Intelligence tools:

Tools like Tableau, Power BI, and Qlik Sense turn the insights derived from MBA into interactive dashboards and reports that can be easily understood by non-technical users. A dashboard might show a heat map of item associations, helping store managers decide on product placements.

7. cloud Computing services:

Cloud services like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure provide scalable computing resources and managed services that can handle the storage and computation needs of MBA. They offer services like Amazon Redshift and Google BigQuery, which are optimized for analyzing and querying large datasets.

8. customer Relationship management (CRM) Systems:

Integrating MBA insights with CRM systems like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics can help personalize marketing campaigns and improve customer service. For example, a CRM system could use MBA results to send targeted promotional emails to customers based on their previous purchases.

The tools and technologies powering Market Basket Analysis are diverse and interconnected, each playing a critical role in transforming raw transaction data into valuable business insights. By leveraging these tools, businesses can gain a competitive edge in today's data-driven marketplace.

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6. Overcoming Challenges in Market Basket Analysis

Overcoming Challenges

Market Basket

Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis (MBA) is a powerful data mining tool that can provide invaluable insights into customer purchasing patterns. By analyzing the items that customers buy together, retailers can uncover associations and correlations that are not readily apparent. This analysis can lead to more effective product placement, targeted marketing campaigns, and ultimately, increased sales. However, the path to extracting meaningful insights from market basket data is fraught with challenges. These range from the sheer volume of transactional data to the complexity of pattern recognition in diverse customer behaviors.

One of the primary challenges is the data sparsity. In any given dataset, there may be thousands of products, but a single customer's transaction will only contain a small subset of these. This sparsity makes it difficult to find rules that are both statistically significant and practically useful. Moreover, the presence of 'noise' in the data, such as items that are frequently bought but not necessarily in conjunction with other items, can obscure meaningful relationships.

Another significant hurdle is the scalability of the analysis. As the size of the dataset grows, the computational complexity of finding associations increases exponentially. This is because the number of possible item combinations becomes vast. For instance, a supermarket with 20,000 unique items could theoretically have more than 2^20000 possible item combinations – a number so large it's practically incomprehensible.

Here are some in-depth insights into overcoming these challenges:

1. Utilizing Efficient Algorithms: To address scalability, algorithms such as the Apriori, Eclat, and FP-Growth have been developed. These algorithms are designed to efficiently process large datasets by reducing the number of comparisons needed to find frequent itemsets. For example, the Apriori algorithm uses a 'bottom-up' approach, where frequent subsets are extended one item at a time and groups of candidates are tested against the data.

2. Data Preprocessing: Before applying MBA, it's crucial to preprocess the data to reduce noise and sparsity. This might involve filtering out infrequently purchased items or transactions that are not representative of typical shopping behavior. For instance, a retailer might exclude purchases made during a store-wide sale when customers' buying patterns are likely to be different from their usual habits.

3. Incorporating Time Series Analysis: Customer preferences change over time, and incorporating time series analysis can help in identifying temporal patterns. For example, analyzing purchases around holidays can reveal seasonal associations that would not be apparent from a static dataset.

4. Leveraging Machine Learning: machine learning techniques can be used to predict the likelihood of items being purchased together. For instance, a neural network could be trained on historical data to predict future buying patterns, taking into account factors such as item features, price changes, and promotions.

5. Visual Analytics: Visual tools can help in exploring the data and understanding complex patterns. Heatmaps, for example, can visualize the frequency of item co-occurrences, making it easier to spot trends and anomalies.

6. Customizing the Approach: Different retail sectors may require different approaches to MBA. For example, in fashion retail, where trends are fast-changing, a more dynamic approach that can quickly adapt to new patterns might be necessary.

7. Integrating customer feedback: incorporating customer feedback can refine the analysis. For example, if customers frequently buy items that are not placed together, store layouts can be adjusted accordingly.

To illustrate these points, consider the example of a grocery store that implemented an MBA solution. Initially, they struggled with the vast amount of data and the noise within it. However, after applying an efficient algorithm and preprocessing their data, they were able to identify a strong association between diapers and baby wipes. This insight led to a strategic placement of these items in the store, resulting in increased sales of both products.

overcoming the challenges in market Basket Analysis requires a multifaceted approach that combines advanced algorithms, data preprocessing, and an understanding of customer behavior over time. By doing so, retailers can gain a competitive edge and offer a shopping experience that is both smarter and more attuned to the needs of their customers.

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7. Predictive Analytics and Personalization

Analytics for Personalization

The retail landscape is undergoing a seismic shift as predictive analytics and personalization become increasingly integral to the shopping experience. In an era where consumers are inundated with choices and information, the ability to predict and cater to individual preferences is not just a competitive edge but a necessity. Retailers are leveraging vast amounts of data to anticipate consumer needs, optimize inventory, and deliver personalized marketing that resonates with each shopper. This transformation is not only about enhancing the consumer experience but also about driving efficiency and sustainability in a world where both resources and consumer attention are scarce.

From the perspective of the consumer, predictive analytics can simplify the shopping process, making it more intuitive and less time-consuming. For retailers, it's a tool for demand forecasting, inventory management, and targeted marketing. Here's an in-depth look at how these technologies are shaping the future of shopping:

1. Demand Forecasting: By analyzing past purchasing patterns, social media trends, and even weather forecasts, retailers can predict future product demand with remarkable accuracy. This helps in maintaining optimal stock levels, reducing waste, and ensuring that popular items are always available.

2. Personalized Recommendations: Online shopping platforms use algorithms to analyze a user's browsing history, purchase history, and search queries to suggest products that they are more likely to buy. For example, if a customer frequently purchases organic snacks, the system might recommend a new organic granola bar that has just hit the shelves.

3. Dynamic Pricing: Predictive analytics enable dynamic pricing strategies where prices can change in real-time based on demand, inventory levels, and consumer behavior. This means consumers might get better deals during off-peak times or when the demand for a product is lower.

4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): By understanding customer preferences and behaviors, businesses can tailor their communications and offers, leading to higher engagement rates. For instance, a customer who prefers eco-friendly products might receive information on the store's latest sustainability initiatives.

5. supply Chain optimization: predictive analytics can forecast disruptions and suggest alternative suppliers or routes, minimizing delays and keeping the supply chain running smoothly.

6. Virtual Fitting Rooms: Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies allow customers to try on clothes or see how furniture might look in their home before making a purchase, thus enhancing the online shopping experience.

7. Smart Shelves and IoT: In physical stores, smart shelves equipped with weight sensors and RFID tags can track inventory in real-time and help in restocking efficiently. IoT devices can also offer personalized discounts to shoppers as they pass by products in-store.

8. Social Media Integration: Retailers are using predictive analytics to monitor social media for trends and consumer sentiment, which can inform product development and marketing strategies.

The future of shopping is one where every touchpoint is informed by data, and every interaction is an opportunity for personalization. As these technologies evolve, they promise not only to make shopping more enjoyable for consumers but also more sustainable and profitable for retailers. The key will be balancing the benefits of predictive analytics with concerns over privacy and data security, ensuring that the future of shopping is not only smart but also safe.

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8. Implementing Market Basket Analysis in Your Business

Implementing a Market

Market Basket

Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis

Market Basket Analysis (MBA) is a data mining technique that can provide immense value to businesses by uncovering the relationships between items that customers frequently purchase together. By implementing MBA, businesses can gain insights into customer purchasing patterns, which can inform a variety of strategic decisions such as inventory management, store layout, and cross-promotional marketing. The core of MBA is the discovery of itemsets that occur together more often than you would expect based on random chance. This is often measured by metrics such as support, confidence, and lift.

From the perspective of a retailer, MBA can be a game-changer. For instance, if data reveals that customers who buy diapers also tend to buy baby wipes, the retailer might place these items closer together in the store or offer them as a bundled discount. This not only increases the convenience for shoppers but also boosts sales.

From a marketing strategist's point of view, MBA provides a roadmap for designing targeted campaigns. Understanding that certain items are often bought together can lead to more effective upselling and cross-selling strategies.

Here are some in-depth insights into implementing MBA in your business:

1. Data Collection: The first step is gathering transactional data. This data should be comprehensive and include every item purchased in each transaction.

2. Data Preparation: clean and preprocess the data to ensure accuracy. This may involve dealing with missing values, removing outliers, and converting the data into a suitable format for analysis.

3. Algorithm Selection: Choose an appropriate algorithm for MBA. The Apriori algorithm is popular due to its simplicity and effectiveness, but others like FP-Growth may be more efficient for larger datasets.

4. Analysis and Interpretation: Run the selected algorithm to find frequent itemsets and then calculate the support, confidence, and lift for these itemsets. Interpret these metrics to understand the strength and nature of the relationships between items.

5. Actionable Strategies: Develop strategies based on the analysis. For example, if you find that wine and cheese have a high lift value, consider a marketing campaign that targets customers who buy one with offers for the other.

6. Continuous Improvement: MBA is not a one-time process. Regularly update the analysis with new data to reflect changing customer preferences and market conditions.

Example: A supermarket chain implemented MBA and discovered that on Friday evenings, customers often bought beer and chips together. They capitalized on this insight by placing these items on sale every Friday, which resulted in a 20% increase in sales for both products.

By integrating MBA into your business operations, you can make data-driven decisions that enhance the shopping experience for your customers while also improving your bottom line. It's a powerful tool that, when used effectively, can transform the way you understand and respond to your customers' needs. Remember, the key to successful MBA implementation is not just in the analysis itself, but in how you leverage those insights to create tangible business value.

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Implementing Market Basket Analysis in Your Business - Market Basket: Market Basket Analysis: Smarter Shopping in a Costly World

Shopping Experiences

In the realm of retail, the convergence of data analytics and shopping has revolutionized the way consumers interact with stores and products. The implementation of market basket analysis (MBA) is a testament to this transformation, offering a granular view of purchasing patterns and revealing the intricate web of product associations. This analytical approach not only enhances the shopping experience for the consumer but also equips retailers with the insights needed to make strategic decisions that align with evolving market trends.

From the perspective of the consumer, MBA serves as a silent guide, subtly steering them towards items that complement their current selections. For instance, a shopper purchasing a high-end coffee maker might be prompted to consider premium coffee blends or a set of espresso cups, thanks to the predictive prowess of MBA. This not only simplifies the shopping process but also personalizes it, making each visit to the store a unique journey tailored to individual preferences.

For retailers, the benefits are manifold. MBA provides a clear picture of which products sell well together, enabling them to optimize store layouts and inventory management. By placing complementary items in proximity, retailers can encourage impulse purchases, thereby increasing the average transaction value. Moreover, MBA insights can inform targeted marketing campaigns, ensuring that promotional efforts resonate with the intended audience.

Here are some in-depth insights into how MBA is transforming shopping experiences:

1. Personalization at Scale: By analyzing transaction data, retailers can offer personalized recommendations to customers, akin to an online shopping experience. For example, loyalty card data can be used to send customized coupons for products that a customer is likely to purchase, based on their shopping history.

2. Dynamic Pricing Strategies: Retailers can use MBA to adjust pricing in real-time, based on the combination of products a customer is buying. This could mean offering a discount on a slow-moving product when it's purchased alongside a best-seller.

3. Inventory Optimization: MBA helps retailers understand which products are frequently purchased together, allowing them to manage inventory more effectively. For instance, if bread and milk are commonly bought together, a store might ensure these items are always in stock and placed near each other to facilitate ease of purchase.

4. enhanced Customer experience: By understanding common product pairings, stores can design a more intuitive shopping layout. This might involve creating thematic zones or 'experience centers' where customers can find related products grouped together, such as a 'grilling essentials' section during summer months.

5. Strategic Product Placement: MBA can influence where products are placed within a store. high-margin items might be placed in high-traffic areas, while complementary items are situated next to each other to encourage additional sales.

Through these examples, it's evident that market basket analysis is not just a tool for data scientists but a cornerstone strategy for modern retail operations. It empowers businesses to craft experiences that resonate with consumers, fostering loyalty and driving sales in an increasingly competitive landscape. As data continues to permeate every facet of commerce, the potential for MBA to further refine and redefine the shopping experience is boundless. The future of retail lies in the data-driven personalization of the consumer journey, making each shopping trip not just a transaction, but a tailored event that caters to the unique needs and desires of the individual.

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Market Basket: Market Basket Analysis: Smarter Shopping in a Costly World - FasterCapital (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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