East Tennessee News from Greeneville, Tennessee (2024)

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East Tennessee Newsi

Greeneville, Tennessee

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-6 1 1 4 V'' SEND US ONE DOLLAR a HILL Health is Very pod and Pimples fat kl 4 Mt iaS mm4 to a ekk $1M We IU sm4 jn Okie II lirttima PARUHi IMK OMtaA by M(bi A fe sal lemalM-tiM eiomlae olyeer memr4 IWlrht 4vei md If It etertiy wpmMiled mimm ka klk MuriWed stbem at wn Re Nlsbi Ld 4 hr kfUwlkM eiyii by yey CM OUR PRICE 15Q Im tbe Ryu wkt ewwvw THE PARLOR CEM ir wmamrariji AkllRllTkfiT full! RwwimIi wri4i Frotb iUetrUuo hoBkickiijmvd dirwt frAhotoifTpk yowou for ilssciunwtwss 1 Makes the food more delicious end wholesome HMM Idea ttobeautiful ipiwaram Kede fbeaieeiM gterteff Mrvd ak dvarrnd pwwe4 wli Ml ywwl t4y bMwtikl muuwrtry wle m4 wm? Mkwr kewkw ewtlMe 4 wwaMrts BikhT Ibe IIHf UTIHT RTf HUPAMLOK isi(w4 Inubi ImchM wtdemwd wrltih oeiMk Cbalaidsbertovee II il4M(ollewi NiWist KsbeOe Cekak iweiiil VirbUlkeyH aeai Of I Nm OrM OrM kwrll Hwbwlr 1 Tm I rtp iMMy fewk 1 tl Pm iswt ki Rewv Md II kiW ll-k 1 mt tl Pm i i I a UMILIKG SIGH THAT NATURE IS APPEALING FOR HELP help it the must be gotten rid of warn mg that can LaBt omitaki ak I aoa a Im i ima aLiMi i rw only towd I llte RtetR Mt rrwf iMtrumwtiU uwlsttk lieewl Ulwv mm4 yM tleo bed lkoltf Mtk kMben dk brtlo of tk kMtnibtwrckdh bHIw etiwk nd THS FAftLOK CEM artloa mMUrf tli hkMl ImM hk-k IT isatfeArlafAlTSA THE PARLOR CEM UUmUkvd with Hsxti berrivd dt kreutb drrur nickel Dinted (nnwt and awry nodern Improveiwmi kwiiib Ih biief ioe oob did of the beat HTa Umm bed pnMfaked GUARANTEED 25 YEARS WIKfinyNItM hi mu wo Iww rrlUr imncnnU by repair ho ef damn Try tl oo Rionth kd will refnnd yw oeney If yoi art ttot psncrtlj leliiflri NR ond eoodltloaa of which nny pnrrlTMit of tkeoorginswill to 1 $39EO OKIHtft AT0MF BOVTIHLAV OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED LLJg dfitwith uennk youmetefbbor wln-ni no writ Uk robitaher of' Uit Dpr or McirojwdiU NnUoonl Bonk or Cunbtk Bouk of C'hMro A uoe oi nan a mi or (JrnnAB kxchnmr Bank New York or Any imllruod ok axprM omnpatny I'hMwffO NnindulW wr Wt occupy enttr on of Ih ktnr borlnoM block I hlemro nd mpkiy orir on Mople tn or ei bnlMlnf W1 UUXNIUUKK tMtinin M14i XM MW Ml When Nature Is overtaxed she has her own way of giving notice that aaaiat-ance is needed She does not ask for until it impossible to get along without Boils and pimples are an indication that system ia accumulating impuritiee which they are an urgent appeal for aamntanoe not safely be ignored To neglect to purify the blood at thia time meiMp more than the annoyance of painful boils and unsightly pimple If these impurities are allowed to remain the svstein suooumba to any ordinary illneas and ia unable to the many ailments which are ao prevalent during spring and summer Mrs Gentile 2004 Second Avenue Seattle Wash i A says I waa afflicted for a long time with pimples which were very annoying as they disfigured my face fearfully After uaing many other remedies in vain 8 8 8 promptly and thoroughly cleansed my b'ood and now I rejoice in a good com ion which I never haid Capt Dunlap of the A T1 Chattanooga Tenn writes: "Several boils ana carbuncles broks out upon me causing great pain and annoyance My blood seemed to be in a riotous condition and nothing I took seemed to do any good Six bottles of 8 cured me completely and my blood has been perfectly pure ever since4 rum illkNndni lo vrythln attialcwl tmdwmrola kl lowt wtiolMito prtc WHtfrir frpnrlM rum pinno OAd mttaWwl UutniMal aktnloiru AddiWM (lien Miihdih hO if Ik sro rwhekN Idler SCARS ROEBUCK A CO (lac) Falloa DnsUiiw aaS W)a It CHICAGO ILL Did you know we have opened our new store at 512 Gay Street with the most complete line of JO 0 8 Sliilioiicry and la the best blood remedy because it is purely vegetable ly one that 'is abeolutely free from potash and mercury It urines ths blood and thoroughly cleanses the system builds on! ies ths blood and cures Scrofula Eczema Cancer Rheuina- and is promptly the general tlsm Totter Boils Bores etc by going the general health and strength It To be found anywhere and whst we want is a share of your business We will give you the very best prices' at th Bame time give you quality ar well as quantity We are agents for the in dec Knoxville Tenn ONE DOLLAR nulvid wnd i and lt Wffri Mil MP imlIW MalkUk eW Rwsniir leal Dm Cm Mmi UMiy ndilrtM AitYwkrrt rod ol ih Kmky Mountain hj hvwks UUKkMhat WMawlaailM xi ransi-aniinc your freight dcp4 and if ru(ul "M'ily Mllsrw Uty amt Ike iwmd kar yen cvwrkw hcaril nf fay ikr OUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE $35Q I -a tlx $1 Hauil wiihmdci 12 aa rrvArkA hariMfrvu'hl avrirvwahuut4i (Mturevory kiaimiivwii THIS STOVE IS SIZE No 8 I a il liuliea TopIsUtll inch made fmm Wd pb Im catnt larpw lliicn heavy Miem cut rente rw heavy Itnlnipi nd ifratca nk In-led oven aiuminiim liikwl oven dur handmmt nickel plaU ornament and Irtimtilng ctlr low dry rrvlaka Uwr rawcrvalr handiiic lanra hcaw orwaoH'nUvl hane IlST COAl lURNCa MAOI and wr furm-h mix an i Lra raU niikinrf It a perfect m4 hwrarc IHMIR a kUbHhd IHlRAbTll witbstsn uvand fuhrattte aal delivery tn rmir nean-Mt rallnwd station hfcrlal blew as adld fw a fllaXlM Ad dr raw ASS ROEBUCK A CO Hoc CHICACO ILL jftK SOUTHERN RAILWAY yiK Condensed Schedule In eftect Jun ii Wmthatuntl No I lv So I 7bfkiiii ITmiii fun IOhiii 10 Muui I0iiu Kiuiu'likdOtin IdMpui II tdaai IJ-Mlam hib'inn lhpm 1 UHum Jofm-oo l'y JoiiCalHirO tile Hinrt'rnt tile Jt Virrriafowu HoKsy nei 47j)fi ft fiftpnk 9 -VHni 10 lum IJpm I 1111 TGi'n i itprn 1 MU 1 jJam want 3 initn 4 hirfutn 6 2lpnt ft Mun 7 J'ptn 7 4opm ft input Knoxrllle mr lliantini Knoxv'le ly lyouri' Swfwt water hurlestou rieVE'lund hut fd-tr Mirophm nr Atlanta ar Man ari Urunewlclt ar JackNunt Ult ar Hinnliijihaiu WT(lian New trlean5 jarkaon Vlckahurif Shreveport 7 Uhaiit 7 Liu in 7 iv4itll ft ium ft 4Jpui ftIHtm I prnj 6 ttumi IML'pm ft Lum 6pm LlKiam! 9 3pia ft I um 4 pipin' hffipnk ft 4Uam ftRipinj ft witm tUawrn ft iDpail 7 turn UStym 7 -hum 7 1U II Warn 1 hum 7 4Htm ft I Gam I in a)im IF urn ft 4-Ham 11 Hrum 7 fnpm ft tiktm dutta No S3 IMillman Slnrnlnf cam to Chav tsrtMr an- New Urlud4 end from hnlluniMwa to ShrtTcport aNo cltmnt men Slccpltur ar and Day otu hc UhlUtuoo fh to Jacksonville without chanftc Na 8 rttrriM Pullman Sloopimr car Urlatol to Knoxville Knoxville to McmphU and CbatUb-nootra to Adini i Na II TuUnmn Klccpfnf car MorrlMowa to ChaUanootfa and Atlanta Fort East Tennessee ftT" Write us f-r Catalogue We will sill you a Smith Premier Typt writer the very bnt on very liberal terms In buying the Smith Premier you iuy the bs In writing us please mention this paper Fodder takingis here Bill Cox and Lee Miller of your town spent one night withA Rider last week Mr Cox ha csltlqlp pasture atMrrR Mrs Then Cobble and son Minnie of near Warrensburg spent Baturday tight and Sunday with 0 Cobble and wife Thanks to for the compli ment passed on us There must be something very stirs Clive about Bs" Mrs A Rader and little daughter Gaynell is speud'ng a lew days with Joseph Harmon and family this wall of Midway and A Cobble visited Jefferson county people last week A Rader last 8unday morning killed a dog that came there and waa taking fit and supposed to be mad John Solomon it improving slowly Wild Bill Best Cemeut at Park 4 Hendrix Wm Whits preached Rev tbs Methodist church a sines Your scribe made a trip (hisi-uess) to Slats Mount Millburnton and Jockey August 16 Wears under obligations to Messrs John Powell Williams end John Pickering for courtieiee extended John Hickson who has been in the South in the employ of returned a short time since in ill health but we are glad to know is improving George Milburn who has been in Iowa for several years has returned to visit relatives Earl Dobson and brother spnt several days in the city visiting relatives Mr and Mrs Thomas Brown of Romeo was visiting Mrs parents Mr and Mrs John Gray from the 18 to the 20lh of August RevTGso leaker who has been in I we for about twenty is visiting relattyes and ffiends over the county Mrs McKeehan tfpeut from the 23d to the 25ih ult with friends at Slate Monnt and Haecue McAdams spent from Friday until Tuesday visiting relatives at LocuBt Mount and attending camp meeting at Sulphur Springs We noticed tne following from this place at camp meeting viz John and Gray Prof Piper Alex Moody James Baxter Clyde and Will Fisher -Mr Hester English and little daughter and Miss Eva Good of Tusculum visited relatives here from Baturday to Wednesday of last week Swiney after spending about two months at Del Rio came home a few days since with flux We are to Bee him nearly straight again Bom to Mr and Mrs PWil son a son the first inst It lived about two days dying the 3d McKeehan after spending some mouths in eastern cities came home Thursday night to spend a short time with homefolks Mrs Rolles burned her hand very badly and has been suffering greatly for some time Miss Eula McAdams hoe also a very sore thumb something fixe catarrh of the hand Rolles started to school at Tusculum last Monday Wilson sad Charlie White from Embre ville spent Sunday with home folks here Key Doggett preached at the Presbyterian church Sunday and Sunday night Mrs Bitner and children of Greensville Miss Mamie King of Johnson City and KC Prather and Bister Mies Lola of Chuckey city spent Sunday at this place the guests of Mr and Mrs McKeehan Rev Harr took dinner with McAdams Thursday McAdams will begin ths 4 ih inst to travel In the interest of -Thomas 4 Co of this place selliog drills and other sea sonable machinery Cutshaii came home Fri dey from Del Rio Mot School Crayon Park 4 Hendrix Yolcanlo SriBlloM Are grand but Skin rob life of joy BuckWs Arnica Sfllyecurps them also OJd Running a nd Fever leer tJB ollC Felons Corns Warts Cuts Barns Scalds Chapped Hands Chilblains Best Pile cure on earth Drives out Pains and acbee Only 253te a box Cure gauranteed Sold by Park 4 Hendrix Druggist CIDAS LAVS This place is being visited by all sorts of drummers Mrs Bailey and babe of Romeo spent several days last week vuittng her parents Mr and Mrs White Profs eQr7ord and A Dayis oblompafiiiSu by Hays made a trip to town Friday lost in search of books for their pupils We learn of Piper and Joe Armitege passing our village enroute to the Henry farm at Fall Branch where they were looking after some business Swanay and family of Knoxvllls formerly of this oouty ov nw how ROUND ABOUT US The New's of the County Furnished by Our 1 CorresDondents imaa A revival conducted by Rev II Hodge is in progress at Mt PleasaLt We hope that much good may he achieved Jere Boles of Little Cbuckey was here Sunday the guest of his item to Mr and Mrs Hundley 8watsel the 22J inst a son 0 Mysinger is remodeling his Brick residence Jno Myers and Henard were selling fertiliser to cur farmers last week hn the lumber on the grounds preparatory to building a residence who we reported a few weeks ago as ill with pneumonia was on the road to recovery when he charged his stomach too largely and is now low with relapse Tom is good fellow and we should he pleased to hear of his restoration The Johnson boys were here last week buying cattle these boys han die a large amount of stock eaoh year and II Myers went to Morristown Thursday and report an excellent reunion EUenburg who was in Knoxville a few weeks in the lumber employment has leturned thinking the farm is not euch a bad place after all Bruce Swatsell was in Hawkins county a few days last week Mis 1' 0 Hartman has about regained former health The clover seed is being jtiulled and a light crop indeed A large per cent of the fodder will be pulled this week The schools of this district open this morning Bible the efficient director of the lower end has been doing some much needed work on school house WiLb Robe Day Books at Park 4 Hendrix U03SZXX Rev Taylor of Elgin is here conducting a series ot meeting there has been quite a number of confessions ws trust that much and lasting good has been done Quite a humber of students have arrived and others are comiog in hourly everything looks promis ing for a good school thia'year we have one of the best faculties Tenn can afford and one of the most healthful locations and every one for these reasons if no other should patronize this school Miss Julia Cloyd left for Fall Branch last Tuesday where she will teach this year Miss Irene Humphreys who is teaching at Hickory Grove is home on a visit having suspended school for a week in order that the school may get the new books Collett has his new store house up to the second story Cloyd is building a new residence where the Henard property was burned- Mr and Mrs J- Brooks spent a lew days last week with friends here Misses Mamie Gammon and Diesis Ncas of Caney Branch Bpent Saturday and Sunday in the village Miss Bessie Woods of Cedar Creek is visiting her sister- Mrs Myers at the Artesian Well We were pained to hear on yesterday that Mr 8 It Miles died of lever at her home in Atlanta The corpse will arrive here this on the vestibule Interment at 4 in the Methodist fery Mr Miles was reared jnear -here all who "knew her ksceaiha she was a lady and a Christian The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of their -many friends Park 4 Ilendrlx tell Pure Drugs MISWAT Wm Knippand Bible jr have purcha ed new buggies A jolly Crowd attended the reunion at Morr stown A yood audience greeted pastor Smith last Sunday Mrs' Haws and Miss Anna Lee are away on a visit Orville Haws was up Sunday Clark Rader and lady spent 8un-- day with Mrs parents Bob Cobble and are visitibg iff lower counties Uncle Lewis Dillon has fine water-melons Four years ago the writer bought of Thos A Kasey exclusive con trol of his soap patent in Greene and co*cke Counties snd paid Mr Kasey $125 for the same Agents have canvassed much of the terri- on wtw voml "tory without success for the reason that the recipe only directs to impregnate eoap with free ammonia and washer-women find they can put annjioda in wash wa4er with This statement may save money to some one IUmblkb Writing Tablets-Park 4 Hendrix Mrs if ers continues to be in very poor health Molliq child is also still very low Ktasling with his family Sundayed at Mrs Wm Bible returned from the south Bide of the river Sunday eve here he hai beeu putting up talk ing machines Pea number of our citizens anticipate going to Greene ville to day Vbnm and David Bible went to Knoxv last week Venus mide the trip on bike Mrs Hester Bible is on the sick list Our school continues this wtek with the old books New Wall Papsr Park 4 Hendrix BAiuriToy Miss Carrie Bailey and brother will leave for Uarriman in a day or two They graduated here last year Bailey of Romeo was up to see home folks and to hear Dr Linebaugh preach Sunday Jim Rush went eaBt last week with a car load of hogs Dave Rush is'quite unwell have the new books but we are looking for them every The sale of the personal effects of A McCorry last Sit urday was very largely attended Farming implements wagons blacksmith tools 4o sold high enough Live stock was not very high New students continue to arrive almost daily' -Wonder who will be the County Supt elect in October Have not heard yet who passed the examination Know the names of only two who were before the board Self of Pilot Knob came up Saturday on business Rev Byerly went down to or near Parrotts ville where he preaoh ed Sunday and united in the holy bonds of matrimony a couple in high life We suj pose the wedding came off Rev Hodge has been holding a series of meetings in Hawkins county for several days Smith Eq is complaining ot rheumatism ia his knee Rev Ketron will preaoh the fu neral of Smith who died here last winter on the 3d Sunday in this month which will be the 17th day Harvey Woods and family of near here will leave io a short time for Kansas Dolpfius Blanton of Mosheim was up- Saturday His brother Dr A Blanton returned with him Sunday Misses Lula Maloney of Mo-eheim and Martha Jana Maloney of Albany passed through Bailey-ton Friday enroute to Lost Moan tain Delta Fresh Drugs at Park 4 Hendrix The life of the businrsa woman ir not easy Usually it ia a monotonous routine of work often aggravated by the ill temper or stupidity of others And when the physical condition of the worn an keepaher in constant Buffering it makoi her lot a hard one So" many women found entire relief from the ilia feminine by the nse of Dr Favorite Prescription -that it aeems almost criminal to neglect the efr aieonw let smm Qffspvsk euiC by the um of this You are invited to commit Dr Pierce of Huffnlo either personally or by letter free of charge If your cane ia severe or others have failed to reach it do not hesitate to write to or go Your letter wilt be and see Ih- Pierce read in private Its contents treated as a sacred oonfulenee and an answer promptly returned it) a plain envelope bearing no printing npott it- Write without fear and without fee I had been a prrmt uffreer from female weafc nee fry about two write Mr Emma RkhardMMi of Co Wayne Co Kt not do my work part of the time I took four Ik tie of Hr fierce a Favorite PrrarripUon ami frit aa well a I ever did I have alo owed Doctor Goblm Medical Dt trrrrty for ulceration of the throat with on4 rrmlu ttid half of one hott le cured jit throat when I olilu rcely wallow Tfie permanent benefit to health from the timely nse of Ir Pellets is testified to by thou in in Is of Women They regulate tne siomacn liver a Sold by meiHclne dealers regulate the stomach liver and bowels FOR THE BLOOD direct to the cause of the trouble and Specific Cor Atlanta Ga his best girl at Sl'mia Sunday Greoolee moved into tht-Baughard prpperty last week is preparing to build a dwelling near bis place of bu-iness on the Knoxville mad The now occupy the home vacated by Rose" the Ldies pride your vicinity inquired of me Saturday who Robs" wes? Fabmkb Boy ONLY S275 SEND NO MONKY(uh Ail out nd aeiai Ui vs (tale your Mfkl tiro mint of iitchm around My at wd will tend this iiAvca exprrM rumfmtloa eu sumlM and try It on tr aeared riprrvw of-Acvind If ttmiwi gadwily iMtl r- tlte ww ew ar iwsrd par tha riprraa ftjrwnt our aandal ffrr prM 7 4 ragaat Wsrfiw Kaprrea fharvei will avarair to centa for ea I duo mliaa THIS CAP! IS LA TEST 8TYLC FOR FALLand WINTER fmn an ira Wavyall nd kloHarklar greelef Karilea Haw wwrHwtk ft Inrbea kmg rrry fuU awowp ivim apper rapa extra fail I rer raps ad lent alara aaNar beautifully trim mod with blast Kellie aral Net upper cap trimmed with thru rnwa and collar with two row of a whale fcraMt doth hotto ornaments Hale tape la HaWUruada Howkael and equal to cape that aellar (ban tlmihl the price WHw fw free fkwb atalwia chicaco SCARS ROEBUCK A CO A C- an twmV BROYLES Horse Creek Tenn Just Receiving Ilis Immense Stock of Fall it Largest stock of Dry Goods and Notions Ever Brought to Horse Creek LOVKfTI (AT UIDDLKTON LOVETTE MIDDLETOS LAWYERS Office Opposite the (Jo art House A WILSON 8KARLK8 WILSO EARLES Attorneys at Lair Genkbal Practice ajkd Collections Office la Greene Goantjr Bank Building KEFERENCK Greene Conntv Bank First National Bank Prompt and careful attention to all business HALICOTE RUSSELL Proprietors CITYlARBER-'SSu? pr None but first-class white employed PIPER Attorney At Law Office Opposite Grand' Central Hotel Dana Harmon HARMON i SWINGLE LAWTEES Jab ewiNoi Will practice in all the the Court Office orr First National Bank Gbeeheville Tihb WALKER -LAWYER eaiBKivnxa tbkh STECIAL attention given to the collection of Claima Greene County Bank forcing out all ini purs blood )k Books free to any address bythe Swift ore vieitiog ths family of John Brown their home folks A Virginia cattle dealer bought several head of cattle from neighboring farmers last week at handsome prices Ben Hall had a fine cow to die very unexpectedly last week cause unknown RevrWrA: Horton has contracted hiB farm and will move to Ott-wjy We regret to loose Bro Hor- tOD A sacramental meeting will be held at this place on 31 Buqdayat which tiin'e a sermon will be preached Bro Copp in reference to the death rf Mrs Margaret Srollh and also Robert Smith who proceeded her to a world of spirits a -The schools of the 17th District will meet tbday Monday for organization 4c and will adj iurn until the 18th on account oi books The ice cream Bupper at this place was well attended and honored with the presence of some of our oldest citizens The successful cake walkers were A Davis of this place and Minnie Duggar of Locust Springs $32 50 was re-slizedfforikhieh we extend thanks to all who gave attention and money for the advancement of our school Much credit is due our worthy teachers Little Spy Tooth Dentifrice-Park 4 Hendrix VALLST Jos Elans ot MoBheim spent Sunday night with your scribe Kelton is recovering from bruises sustained by a fall Miss Sophia Myer- and Mrs 8 Bible spect Saturday eight in the 7 th Distri School ivill begin in the 8th today Mnndvy A Bmelser of Greenville was down on his wheel Sunday A good congregation at ended preacljigg at Mt Pieasant Sunday Soms of our people are attending the Sanctification meeting at Mosheim Several of our citizens were business visitors to your town Saturday John Green oi Mosheim com' nleted the beauti'ul dwelling of Hon Newton Myers last week A protracted meeting is in at Mt Pleasant Bible visited we suppose Wheeler Wilson Sewing Machine Rotary Motion and Bair Bearings Agent or dealer wanted for territory or vicinity For particulars address Wheeler Wilson Co 80 4 82 Wa 4 bash Ave Cbicsgo Ills 512 Gay Street (Imh ftMhMh A 1hcf kly rNtaMMir trouble lo Answer -is- -T-EHflS TAKE CUR LljJE AT TEXARKANA SHREVEPORT -NEW-ORLEANS Write for New Book on Texas I 8 THORNE TURNER Pres Jt Gen gr A DALLAS TEXAS See CHEAP FOR NECKTIES For and up-to-date styles Miller Lea Bro Proprietor of the WHITE UFI'Iim SlLOOl Diatillora of Pure Hawkina Co Corn Whiekey and Apple Brand 4 BUGGY WHEELS $690 MHiNvitM iiRinii rmit m4 awd heltrht ft 4 I ft In uc 4 fw (ynikM II It 1 1 la for any nthwr Mlswnaad f'trnataloirti Cnt thl ad wrt and rnd tn with 441 IWUul atat eaw whwed wasted tad wf will arnd thne by frwiirht flASltS TNM jtmr frwiirht hpn and Dim ywy Nhbl nl Wmm $4 and freight ebirge 61 a ft 4 10 an IU 51 11 ift tt-df if a 1 1 I'JhO 14 6 IU ft no ft On ft-fft ft 7 45 7 ft 45 II 50 40 i lift 8 bS 4U0 ft II ft 81 1 44 I 44 Sift Itf 17 4 07 4 J5 15 7 40 toj bi II No 12 Pullman Drawln Room Huffet Sleeping eor ChaltnnooKa lo New York via AnbevlUo Now84 Pullman SI(cpiuK car to New York Via UrULol Cafe Obervatio ballarm ya to KteDord a Na 4 Pudman nlep(r Knoxville to New York No 84 rarrtru Pullmart Mwplotf eur Chatta nooifa to and SaiKOury to New York Kn tHo lv ft ftiMun ft I'am! 7 Vpnt Union fUrrimta jllico IOUlkVUIn Inrtnnntl looturn 844puii ft loam Jctll Saut lOiopmi 1 1 1 Sum 10 pn TSpm' 7 ftftam I ft-5mm r' 7 wpiu1 7 4am' 1 7 joao No 17 carrtca Pullman Sleplmr ear Knox No rr ruorA i 1( 7T Lou Ik ville via Jellic-o and A South hound llarrlmaa 'Jet JHHcn Cllnum Knoxville Na if) -No Ift i No 12 ft loam! ft tbfpni No 4 ft nrmm ftftftamj ft 9mm1 ftt'im 7 4raui 7 ipm 7 Cni1 No Pullman Sl'-pr rim innuii to Jock nonvtll via Karri man Junction Knoad ville and AhcvlUA Na 14 i'ullman leplnr ear Loulavllla to Knoxville via LAN ami Jellica Tfo 5 'Ti 4 nopm Lr Kn'ivH'e ft 4pm Lv 1 11 xvH'e 1 Il Middieahoro HouthlKMind ISn X' No II 12 IOwiii Lv VorlT Ar(l! 4pm II Ihnm in t-pdi Wuhlrtbftofi ftl'pm Lv Norfolk A lluij ft llati S4ani North hound NaM ft4iam ft 2i)um ft Tipm 1 inpm II 4am ft fckmv ft ufijtm 4 (limn MalUhury Ahvillo Iitstrliura Morrlahiwn liithxvUe 7 4itti II apni ft ft i ar Nihville Iv ft Xftpm Noo tl and 12 carry Pullman Sleeping between Nr i ork and Nahv Ule via evllia alko atwrtv irnboro and Not folk autf SaliMlmrv ai-w 1 No Jk'i ml currv IMlllirmn ftleepera 74U tww-B 4 httttnnooi'a and "-allaburv and NW York and KulKimry All train run daily UASNnN XI a A Wa-ihinirtonDQL PlP Iraf Mrr 45 ahliivo-n ii A 1 IMK A Waehlnyion CA KKNHnjT'KUAb PLI hat' anon Theft MLLK Ai KdkuivUlv 6 fWaml rnmt 4 0-pui ft fkipmt 7 4ojim 3573 Ii dam iuuwux 1 I him jo (wtptn 8.

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East Tennessee News from Greeneville, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 5550

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.