Click To Correct The Five Capitalization Errors. Thomas Jefferson, The Third President Of The United (2024)

English High School


Answer 1


"Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, was an important contributor to the Declaration of Independence."


Jefferson: The "J" in Thomas Jefferson should be capitalized because it is the name of a person. Names are proper nouns and should always be capitalized.

president: "President" should only be capitalized when it's at the beginning of the sentence (like it was in this case), when it's used right before a name (e.g. "President Joe Biden") or when you use it to refer directly to a specific person (e.g. "I need to talk to the President"). "President" in and of itself is just a title, like "editor" or "cashier", not a proper noun.

States: In this case, the "States" is part of the "United States", which is the name of a nation, meaning it's considered a proper noun and thus should be capitalized.

contributor: "Contributor" doesn't refer to any specific entity, so it's not a proper noun and therefore should not be capitalized.

Independence: Similar to the "United States", "Independence" is part of the name "Declaration of Independence", which is a proper noun and needs to be capitalized.

As a general rule of thumb, if you can say the word on its own and know specifically who or what is being referred to, it's a proper noun. For example, "writer" would not be a proper noun because it would be impossible to tell who "writer" is if it were alone, without any context. But "J.K. Rowling" would be a proper noun because that refers to one specific, identifiable writer.

Answer 2

The correct answer is: Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, was an important contributor to the Declaration of Independence, as correcting these errors results in the corrected sentence.

What is capitalization?

Capitalization is an important aspect of written communication, and it refers to the use of capital letters to begin proper nouns (names of specific people, places, or things), titles, and the first word of a sentence. In the given sentence, there are five errors in capitalization that can be corrected as follows,"Thomas jefferson" should be capitalized as "Thomas Jefferson" because it is a proper noun (the name of a specific person).

Hence, the correct answer is: Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, was an important contributor to the Declaration of Independence, as correcting these errors results in the corrected sentence.

Learn more about capitalization here.


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B. Through the Bureau of Lands


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d) Nebraska's harsh and physically demanding way of life.


As a memoir, "A Wagner Matinee" is filled with heartbreak, recollections, and remorse. As Aunt Georgiana's reaction is critical to the tale, Clark takes her to an orchestral performance. The strong difference is between the refined lifestyle in Boston and the rough and demanding lifestyle in Nebraska.

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One of the focal contentions of the story is between the hard life on the Nebraska wilderness and the refined universe of Boston. Right away, Clark laments his arrangements to take Aunt Georgiana to the show since he is dubious that, after such countless years, she will partake in the show.

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A. An ending that surprises the reader
O B. An ending the reader could easily predict
O C. An ending that leaves some questions open
O D. An ending with an unexpected twist

I couldn’t find this



c is correct


because an ending the leaves some questions open




Readers usually enjoy the thrills accompanying a surprise, a twist, or a cliffhanger. All three types of endings are popular in mainstream books, movies, and TV shows. By contrast, an ending the reader could easily predict provides little payoff for reading the book.

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The rhetoric used in this excerpt to increase the reader’s awareness of censorship can be described as "an emotional anecdote is related to appeal to the reader’s sympathy."

What is rhetoric?

Rhetoric can be defined as the art of effective speaking that involves persuasion. Rhetoric involves techniques that the writers and the speakers use to persuade, inform, or motivate their audience.

In the given passage, the speaker/author uses the rhetoric to appeal to the emotions of the audience and to gain sympathy regarding the topic.

Therefore the correct option is C.

Learn more about rhetoric here:

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Help thank you!!

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is c critical because yes

C. It is critical writing.
Optimistic writing is when the writer is being positive. Objective writing is based on facts and evidence but would not include the words “I” like the passage above. This is because objective writing is unbiased using the word “I” makes it opinionated. The writer is not furious but serious and concerned.

Tell about a "close call" you had recently. If you have not had a close call, then describe a close call of a family member or friend.

Be certain to include adverbs in your paragraph. Your paragraph should be 4-7 sentences in length.



The paragraph is below -


A close call a family member had was when my cousin was trying to sell their phone. They suddenly realized that the screen was broken, 2 hours before the person who was going to buy it was going to come. Swiftly, they ran downstairs and begged their mom to take them to the phone repair store. Their mom agreed and asked if she could get part of the profits. They agreed and rushed to the phone store that was less than a mile away. It took them an hour to get it fixed, but then they rushed home just in time for the person to buy the phone in perfect condition.

1. I wish I ... (know) the answer to the question, but I don’t.
2. Please, stop sitting at the computer! You ... (play) these computer games since early morning!
3. If I ... (speak) German every day, I would become fluent very quickly.
4. Lily ... (pass) her exams if she starts studying now.
5. The children ... (go) home when it started to rain.
6. Look out! The baby is going ... (drop) your e-book reader in the water!
7. Promise me you ... (not spend) all your money on an expensive tablet PC!
8. If you ... (heat) water to 100°C, it boils.
9. If I don’t see the film, I ... (be) disappointed. I'm really looking forward to it.
10. If the man was innocent, the police ... (release) him.



what I you supposed to do, I think I maybe able to assist ((✿^‿^)



1. knew

2. Have been playing

3. Speak

4. Will pass

5. Went

6. To drop

7. Will not spend

8. Heat

9. Will be

10. Will release

Hope it is correct!!!!

from The Locket
by Kate Chopin

"What's that you got around your neck, Ned?" asked one of the men.
Ned—or Edmond—mechanically fastened another button of his shirt and did not reply. He went on reading his letter.
"Is it your sweetheart's picture?"
"Taint no gal's picture," offered the man at the fire. "That's a charm. Hey, French! Ain't I right?" Edmond looked up absently from his letter.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Ain't that a charm you got round your neck?"
"It must be, Nick," returned Edmond with a smile. "I don't know how I could have gone through this year and a half without it."

Read the excerpt. Which phrases best complete the scenario below?

The phrase ____________ shows that absently means ____________


The phrase "mechanically fastened another button of his shirt and did not reply" shows that "absently" means not paying attention.

The meaning of "absently"

It is common for authors to use context clues when they introduce a word readers may not know. Context clues are pieces of information that help readers figure out the meaning of that word.

In the passage we are analyzing here, it is possible to infer the meaning of "absently" when we read the phrase that says "mechanically fastened another button." When we do something mechanically, we do it automatically, without giving it much thought.

In other words, we do it without paying attention. That is precisely what "absently" mean. Thus, the phrase helps us figure out the meaning of "absently."

Learn more about context clues here:


The phrase “mechanically fastened another button of his shirt and did not reply” shows that absently means not paying attention.


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Employing the following safety measures will keep your documents secure: 1 Passwords and encryption 2 Access control 3 Backup and disaster recovery 4 Redaction 5 Auditing 6 Automated records disposition


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Answer: ok?

Explanation: ok?

Make a title about this short paragraph



Group of planters because it match with little paragraph

Why is self-control important?

In your own words


People with strong self-control have better health, relationships, finances, and careers. They are also less likely to have problems with overeating, overspending, smoking, alcohol or drug abuse, procrastination, and unethical behavior.

please anyone who knows……….



1. As soon as I get in, I will call you.

2. Alfie promises that he will not tell......

3. Will you do the ......

4. The boss will probably send you home......

5. will fly out......

6. I'm afraid we will not be able......

7. Suzy will read this message......

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No. As long as you are caught up with all of your school work from the previous school they should place you in the grade you belong in and you can continue


What does this passage tell us most about Clover?

She is anxious.
She is timid.
She is protective.
She likes ducklings.



C) She is protective


This passage from Animal Farm tells us Clover is protective. Thus, option C is correct.

Who is Clover?

Clover is one of the characters of the story called Animal Farm. Boxer's friend Clover is really a horse. After giving birth to a fourth foal, she was characterized as "a heavy motherly pony close to middle age, yet to have fully got her memory back." She takes care of the ducklings that lost their mothers before Old Major's conference since she's the most parental of the animals.

To prevent a group of motherless ducklings from being crushed, clover built a wall surrounding them. Finally, the ducklings dozed off or something. As this prevention is the one that truly suggests that how Clover is very protective. As is represented to be a protective mother in the story.

This was one way to represent how Clover. A friend was the one who was present to save the ducklings. Therefore, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about Clover, here:


The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Read the passage from chapter 1 of Animal Farm.

The two horses had just lain down when a brood of ducklings that had lost their mother filed into the barn, cheeping feebly and wandering from side to side to find someplace where they would not be trodden on. Clover made a sort of wall around them with her great foreleg, and the ducklings nestled down inside it and promptly fell asleep.

What does this passage tell us most about Clover?

She is anxious.

She is timid.

She is protective.

She likes ducklings.

1 what is the difference between a verb and a noun brainpop


a verb is an action word, like eating, running, dancing.

a noun is a person, place, or thing. like mcdonald’s, sarah, or a book

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Answer: It’s important to make sure the podcast host is capable of hosting each of your shows on a separate RSS feed and you’re able to manage them within one dashboard. Website integrations: Many podcasters choose WordPress to build their podcast website. Make sure the podcast hosting provider has a WordPress plugin that can simplify managing the show.

i don't have explanation but here's my answer to ur quetion

A __________ is a familiar word used to replace an unfamiliar or difficult word or concept. a. keytone c. poem b. rhyme d. none of these please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d



None of these


EDGE 2022!!!




write a statement that is your opinion about the paragraph.

As a result of the limited success of the St. Thomas colony, Denmark decided to expand. In 1717, a group of planters from St. Thomas colonized St. John. Fort Fortsberg, a small fort was built at Coral Bay, St. John, and the estates were laid out. By 1728, St. John had 87 plantations, 123 whites, and 677 enslaved Africans living on the island.



This paragraph is explaining the expansion of Denmark, with the help of St. John, throughout the years 1717 to 1728.

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Answer:peace and quit


becase did on test

Reconciling the memory of a person who seems to have both positive and negative actions during their presidency can be challenging.

What are the different perspectives and interpretations of the person's actions and legacy?

Different individuals and groups may have different perspectives and interpretations of the person's actions and legacy.One approach to reconcile these conflicting memories is to try to understand the context in which the person was operating.

For example, was the individual faced with unique and challenging circ*mstances, such as a crisis or a war? Was the individual working within a system that had limitations and constraints that affected their decision making.

While it is important to acknowledge the negative aspects of a person's legacy, it is also important to recognize and remember the positive aspects.

Therefore, Reconciling the memory of a person who seems to have both positive and negative actions during their presidency can be challenging.

Learn more about legacy on:


The last sentence of "The Moral Logic of Survivor Guilt" states:
“And so, what duties to others need to make room for, even in a soldier’s life of service and sacrifice, are duties to self, of self-forgiveness and self-empathy. These are a part of full moral repair.”
Use the Timed Writing Tips for an argumentative essay (see Conventions section above) to guide you in the following writing task:
Write a 3-paragraph essay of at least 300 words that states your opinion on the quote.
Do you agree? Why or why not?
Make sure and cite from the text to support your ideas.
Be sure to briefly address a possible counterclaim, choosing where to work this in carefully.
When you're ready, click on the 1.8 link above to attach your document.



In the essay piece "Survivor's Guilt: The Moral Logic of Survivor Guilt," published by author Nancy Sherman, she investigates the sentiments of guilt that servicemembers and women face after being exposed to traumatic events. They must survive an incidence in which they are deemed to be responsible for the death or injury of another person or group of people in order to be eligible for parole. Furthermore, they are haunted by feelings of guilt because of their incapacity to save them from themselves.

"Survivor guilt" is a negative emotion that emerges when a person has survived a difficult situation of any type, such as a natural disaster. In the aftermath of a sad occurrence, survivors may have overwhelming emotions of guilt that are difficult to manage. Soldiers' moral recovery is dependent on their capacity to forgive themselves and not be concerned with their own suffering, as described above.

According to the article "The Moral Logic of Survivor Guilt," survivors may experience guilt even though they have done nothing wrong. This is since it happens much too often, and people who have done wrong should feel bad about themselves. When dealing with survivor guilt after a natural disaster or terrorist attack, there is a way to produce a solution that both people can agree on.

As evidence, below are a few notable points. Some examples include the following, all of which should be considered:

The fact that one has survived a natural disaster may make one feel guilty about his or her situation.

It is one way to share some of your bad luck: Sob uncontrollably in sorrow over your sins.

It is only through the mix of self-forgiveness and self-apathy that soldiers' morale may be restored.

Finding the perfect balance between a soldier's work and personal life might be difficult for him or her.


(305 words)

O% plagiarism in my answer. Please change words to make it your own work. :)

Click To Correct The Five Capitalization Errors. Thomas Jefferson, The Third President Of The United (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.